New Pistols are Coming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. vanu123

    Frankly it should just be like a 10-15% speed increase without taking any extra damage.
  2. vanu123

    How did you get this? I didnt know these were on the test server or something.
  3. Ash87

    It's Vanu Labs. That guy (Group?) posts on reddit. I think I heard it's one of the weapon developers
    • Up x 1
  4. SenEvason

    Yes, because as everyone knows, CoD was the first game ever to have dual-wielding.
  5. Van Dax

    I feel like I'm the only guy who liked the halo 2 pistol, beat the game on heroic with just the human pistol and the plasma pistol.
  6. treeHamster

    Wrong, check Unreal Tournament you numb skull.

    Edit: Oops, missed the sarcasm.
  7. Rayden78

    I can already see groups of vanu infiltrators surpressing a single enemy behind the lines. I guess its not UP just a team weapon.
  8. Eclipson

    Shotgun pistol is a bad idea. They took shotguns away from infiltrators for a reason, and now they plan on giving them back, and to one faction only? Yea, that sound balanced.
  9. Messaiga

    I can see the NC's Shotgun Pistol being a balanced pistol with stats similar to these: semi auto with a ROF of 200 RPM (lower than regular semi auto shotguns), 130 damage maximum damage per pellet @ 8 meters, 30 maximum damage per pellet @ 20 meters, 6 pellets per shot, a spread of 3.5, 4 shots per mag, and an ammo pool of 4/32 (36 rounds in total). Attachments for the rail could be extended mags (Extends rounds per clip from 4 to 6), laser sight, and flashlight, attachments for the barrel could be a suppressor. Projectile Velocity is 300 meters per second, the lowest of any pistol in the game. Reload speed is 1.9 seconds short (at least 1 round left in mag), 2.6 seconds long (completely emptied clip).

    Note this is all just theory-crafting, but something similar to these type of stats would be pretty balanced as it is limited in range, has a decent amount of rounds per mag, is powerful up close (within 8 meters), and has a lower ROF (Thus lower DPS) than all infantry shotguns. In turn, it is considered a pistol (and not a primary) and therefore can be carried with a regular weapon meaning you are not crippled at range like you would with a regular shotgun, it is a 2HKO (If most pellets land), it is the only shotgun type weapon able to equip a suppressor (perfect for infiltrators and light assaults), and it would reload quicker and you could switch to it quicker than infantry shotguns.
  10. Messaiga

    That was before about 2-3 shotgun nerfs, and a shotgun pistol will probably be a gimped version of regular infantry shotguns anyway. Also, the devs determined that NC = Shotgun.
  11. SenEvason

    No problem, I do that at times as well.
  12. treeHamster

    And they decided that VS were about mobility but every time we get a "mobility" trait, the rest of the community whine and it gets reduced to the point where it's almost non-existent.


    Scythe -> Beta had a Scythe that could out turn and out maneuver the other two ESF's just by flying (no fancy v-thrust tricks), it got nerf to where it's "mobility" trait means 2% yaw increase...WHOOPA DEE DOO

    Magrider -> Magburn + strafing was called OP and got nerfed to where Magburn is hopelessly pointless (this is when the Magrider is suppose to be the tank that can go places the others can't...)

    ZOE -> Tears of whine from soooo many babies that refused to aim their guns, play in groups, or outsmart the ZOE''s not even worth having anymore.

    So our faction trait keeps getting nerfed every time we get it. I don't think any shotgun should be in this game because they're incredibly unbalanced.
  13. Messaiga

    How exactly are shotguns incredibly unbalanced? OP or UP? Shotguns right now, they are pretty balanced. They do what they do best, CQC (within 10 meters), and just about everything else they are mediocre or completely ineffective (unless using slugs, you have at least a small amount of versatility there). Only shotguns that are not balanced are NC Max shotguns (to some extent), Enforcer C85, and the Airhammer. VS's traits got nerfed, NC's traits got nerfed, so don't think you are the only one affected by the GU's.

    Besides, ZOE was clearly unbalanced, it still is somewhat (but not because ZOE is OP, but because Aegis Shield and Lock-Down are somewhat UP). As for the Scythe, I was not in beta, I would not know. For the Magrider, Magburn could be made omnidirectional and made to last longer and that would give the Magrider's major trait of mobility back. It wasn't about getting to places other can't, it was about dodging rockets with your superior mobility to make up for less firepower than the Prowler and less armor than the Vanguard. The reason it was nerfed was because people were flying Magriders up cliffs and the strafe was too fast for infantry to deal with (not many people had Lock-Ons back then, now everybody has Lock-Ons and then some).
  14. llPendragon

    I blame this on the inherent issues of MMO gaming. There's simply a limit to how fast any two players can interact with each other. Increased mobility (change in direction), and increased ROF to a similar extent, will always be worth more when accuracy is affected by lag, connection speed, processing speed, etc.
  15. Talurok

    Vanu lasher pistol? Great. Phear me ! I shall vanquish you with tiny blue balls !
    • Up x 1
  16. Van Dax

    Well the problem with the mag nerfs is that they did remove the entirety of its hill climbing and then buffed it up to the same as the other mbts, they also did the nerf buff combo that is a major no no in any balance patch. They could reinstate the old mag abilities and it would most likely be fairly balanced as well the game isn't suffering from "thousands of people who still couldn't afford a single weapon with certs" that was prevalent in early game. I personally never had a problem with pre-nerf scat maxes, I adapted and learned how to beat them-but it still felt like utter cheapness when they got me.
  17. Messaiga

    I can agree that Pre-GU06 ScatMax's were way over the top, but at this point they are only good for camping doors, which isn't really any fun. As for the Magrider, I suppose they could reinstate the old mag's strafing capabilities, but dat Magburner was ridiculous, the only afterburner ability that should have that much power for a ground based vehicle is the flash, and only cause the flash is so easy to kill. The Magrider could use a top speed increase too, not sure by how much, but the Magrider should at least be going as fast as the Vanguard at top speed without a racer frame and somewhere in between the Prowler (with Racer 3) and the Vanguard (with Racer 3) with racer frame 3.
  18. Van Dax

    Thats the thing the strafing is basically the same as it was back then only with nerfed hover height and W+strafe no longer adds velocity(dumb move IMO if you have two different engine groups they should add the vectors) and worse hill climbing. I'm not sure why people thought the hill climbing was unbalanced, all it did was help you ambush and help mitigate the tennis ball speed projectiles the mag fires. Mag could use a little bump in speed, and maybe a magburner speed increase-its hardly noticeable.

    The scat-maxes were super OP against mediocre and less than mediocre players which netted them a lot of kills, the way I play I've basically noticed no difference in how many times I'm killed by them:its usually just me screwing up.
  19. Messaiga

    Maybe they should increase the hover height, increase top speed, and buff the Magburner into something that is meaningful when in a battle of armor. Also, more Hover Height is actually not just good for hill climbing, many a time my Phoenix rocket has flown under a Magrider and come out slamming into something else. In relation to Max's in general, I dream of a day where they are used as assault mech suits and not just to Lockdown a room and score easy kills, although TR's ability and NC's short range somewhat attributes to that usage. ZOE is actually truely useful for getting into a room, Locking it down, and moving to the next.

    Edit: We are getting off topic, lets not do this much more so the thread stays open for further, topic-related replies.
  20. bodmans

    No, its becausenin CoD you could dual wield a spray to win gun. From what i remember, you could win at Any range sane for long