New patch?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Noobv8, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Noobv8

    Hey guys I just started the launcher and I got a patch of 19,503,019 bytes. Anyone knows what they updated/fixed?

    I cant seem to find it anywhere. If I overlooked something im sorry^^

    Btw VS and NC cant we just talk about it next time I see you ingame?
  2. Gamertech

    Haven't noticed any fixes as yet but the graphics have heavy stutter now that they didn't before and the visual of the login screen is partly broken.
  3. Village

    Yeah i had a ninja 19MB patch too
  4. Noobv8

    Would be nice if soe can post some patch notes in the future when they release a patch.
  5. Trignite

    Yeah i seriously hope they release patch notes in the future for all the patches even minor back-end changes and stuff.
  6. Noobv8

    It seems one of the bug fixes is that you no longer gain resources in the warpgate.
  7. Noobv8

    Fix2: Players can now longer afk before being disconnected
  8. Gunnisson

    Guess no one here was in beta. This should come as no surprise if you were. The regularly released patches with no update log, biggest was a gig or so. I don't mind it so much during release because im not too bothered about testing what they changed but it made testing quite difficult during beta.
  9. Noobv8

    I was in the beta and every now and than there were patch notes.

    Anyhow, I think we should get patch notes for every single patch we download. So we actually know what changed in the game we all love to play.
  10. Gunnisson

    You only had 8 days so I guess you didn't see too many patches. We were crying out for regular update notes but they said it was too much work doing one for every little patch. I'm not aware of development processes and the how the various departments work together do I'm not going to be too critical of the devs for not letting me know every small change. Half the stuff they fixed weren't really noticeable by most people anyway, usually small bugs or tweaks to very specific parts of the game.
  11. Noobv8

    Well I played longer than that, besides that I just like to know what is being fixed even its minor. Seriously how can it be hard and "a lot of work" to write patch notes. When the devs work on a patch they document it (I hope) so why not copy paste it on to the community so they know whats going on..
  12. shadowkhat

    those little patches are server side only.... although this one did break the log in screen a bit :D
  13. Noobv8

    And it you no longer gain resources in the warpgate. Id like to know stuff like that:)
  14. shadowkhat

    that sounds more like a bug than anything by design.
  15. Noobv8

    Not to me tbh, no more switching to other continents simply to gain some resources to head back right after.
  16. hostilechild

    Stealth patching almost always means they changed something they didn't want people to start whining about. If they release patch notes its because they fixed something a lot of people whined about and want you to cheer :rolleyes:
  17. Raka Maru

    That is a bandaid to the problem of people not having resources, so they jump continent, although they have tons of resources elsewhere. Same results.

    Never occurred to me to hang in WG of another continent until resources are saved up, I just go play and go back. It's still broken.

    Basically, I have resources ( on another continent) so I should be able to earn them everywhere. And fight on the continent that is WG locked if I want to.