New Patch - Dev's hate TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Strikejk, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. iller

    Is this thread for real?

    .... Not asking this as an NC player either because the real problem screwing us over ("flinching") wasn't even touched.
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  2. NevilClavain

    Erm, NOOOOOOO - do NOT switch lol we need you on TR, now more than ever. Come on man. Stick with it, TR is where it's at, it's more fun to play as the underdog anyways! Keep fighting the good fight, they can nerf and quadruple nerf us all they want (totally agree that they did btw) but we'll keep at it, its what we do ;)
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  3. NevilClavain

  4. ChipMHazard

    And here I thought that the developers didn't listen to forum whine.
    Also I must have missed the easy part seeing as Miller has been mostly dominated by the VS and NC, unless something changed recently as I haven't been on for a few days.
  5. NevilClavain

    Battle rifles need a serious boost to be sure; see the thread made about that, and put in an in game ticket.
  6. Plagus the Wise

    Your post is full of lies and misinformation. All ranges but Long leaves Very Long, Medium, and Short. NC are factually better at close range than any other race. If you disagree then just go look at these "cold hard statistics" you referred to, here's a hint, they are called Time to Kill spreadsheets and Google searching will give you this information. Then do yourself a favor, and try out ANY Vanu weapon to see that there is no reason to use any class equivalent TR weapon.
  7. Endlos

    Well, it's 100% clear that you've never tried pretty much any VS weapon, especially the Orion.

    I understand that NC could think TR are overpowered, NC default weapons kind of blow compared to TR default weapons. I won't deny that. But to pretend that any faction but the noskill norecoil VS are the "easymode" is just a joke, or trolling. Roll up a VS on another server, go HA, and cackle like a madman at how you can rip through people with your stock, non-upgraded weapon that requires next to no recoil compensation, and then just try to insinuate that TR weapons are better.

    That's actually how I blow off steam. NC on Math doing bad? TR on Waterson doing even worse? I hop on my VS on Jaeger and tear everything apart with my Orion until the novelty of cheating wears off then I log out and play a different game.
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  8. ErrantPilot34

    I really could care less, I still run people down with my Prowler...
  9. NietCheese

    There are lies, damned lies and statistics. As it stands encounters where the TR can go full auto, NC have to burst fire to reset their weapons. You think our slower firing, higher recoil guns beat TR weapons that shoot faster, have a faster TTK, have larger clips and better accuracy from the hip? get real fool.

    You have been in easy mode and can't accept it. Go roll an NC character, find a base fight against TR and see how you go.
  10. Klagmire

    I got a 3.4 x scope on my trac 5 AND its crazy how many infiltrators i can shoot burst firing. Heavy assualt not so much they can take it more. With all the hack messages lately itts been a funner game and alot less one shots kill.
  11. Plagus the Wise

    I'm not sure why you keep bringing up NC weapons at medium range, or even at all. How many times do i have to say NC is just shorter ranged TR before you get it into your thick skull? NC does more damage if you can control the recoil, which is easier at Close range...which is why it is balanced. Vanu at medium range will outshoot TR because they have no recoil, less cone of fire, the SAME damage, and a quicker reload time. Vanu also kill TR at Long/Very Long for the same reasons...that means that NC wins Close, Vanu win Medium/Long/Very Long...which brings me right back to my point that all Vanu weapons are just straight upgrades to TR weapons. You still have not made any points.
  12. Shypa

    Guys. You playing TR , ok. Maybe some ( or alot ) of you spend some StationCash to get some TR equip. Great. But SOE need much more money ! YES ! Since you all payed your hard earned money ( maybe ) you are now forced to switch the fraction and spend money again.

    In my thoughts thats the politics behind this patch. Noone listen to forum whiners. Its all about money.
  13. Plagus the Wise

    Yes. My medics gun caught nerfs to its accuracy, and they add the TAR (which is the same as my gun was before the patch). Now i have to spend another 700 SC + certs on ammo/grip/scope just to get the SAME weapon. They want to cheat people out of money, otherwise they would have left the current gun alone and added the TAR as a sidegrade.
  14. Xae

    Do we even have numbers yet on the nerf?

    Can we at least wait until changes are quantified before the crying/gloating starts?
  15. Badname3073

  16. Cerbreus

    in my prospective it seems the energy weapons do enough the same damage as the other two empires. (in-game wise)
    Spreadsheet says otherwise... But u can formulate everything in the world still have a different outcome.

    AF-19 Merc. NC Carbine 167@10m then 125@75m

    LC3 Jag, TR Carbine 143@10m then 112@65m

    VS MY
    Lasher VS Heavy Special 75 aoe 150damg no range mod


    VS those two carbines with my lasher I get dropped every time doesn't make since to me

  17. Plagus the Wise

    How about because there were no changes to damage, just accuracy/travel time. That means that you can use the current spreadsheets, but with the assumption that your TTK will be higher because more of your bullets wont hit the target. Some of us use logic before we post.
  18. nubery

    boo hoo TR

    It's probably balanced now. Maybe I can hold the button down and spray 'n pray like every TR or VS. Maybe I don't need to think anymore and no longer have to control my recoil?

    Either all factions should be similarly accurate or inaccurate with their weapons. If one has to control burst, all should, or none should.
  19. Xae

    But how much has changed?

    We know a change has happened but we can't quantify it.

    How many more/less bullets will miss now? 1%? 10%? 50%?

    Until the change is properly quantified any judgement of the change is baseless.
  20. DSxDeVz

    instead of Planetside we will call it NERFside hey sony how long are you gonna kick a dead horse? you have already ruined the TR why make them worse?