New mines in test server

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Fredders, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Fredders

    Has anyone else seen what they have done to the AP mines in the test server? When I heard about it I was hoping someone was just trolling but sadly not... NC and VS bouncing betties and proximity mines now have flashing lights on top of them to make sure nobody steps on them. I guess enough of the skilless zerg complained about stepping on completely obvious mines that they felt the need to stick blinking lights on top of them. Anyone else completely appalled by this? I know I am and I might be switching my infiltrator over to med kits instead...
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  2. Get2dachoppa

    Any videos or screenshots?
  3. Guadoc

    Surely this can't be true??
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  4. Rohxer

    Mines with blinking lights? What is this, Loony Tunes?
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  5. m44v

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  6. Fredders

    I took one short video of it and I will post it as soon as I can figure out how... is there any way to upload the video straight from my computer? its only about 5-7 seconds long.
  7. xluryan

    You do realize TR has had lights on our claymores since launch, right? AND, our mines protrude above the surface to mid-shin height. Even without the lights, you'd be blind if you didn't see them.

    The easy fix for this is to take all lights off of all mines, and just make them all flat. How can you even justify giving VS and NC completely flat mines, and then TR gets a gigantic box with lasers coming out of it????????????
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  8. m44v

    the thread I posted has a video right there, but *shrugs*
  9. Get2dachoppa

    Like you said, I always thought buffing TR claymores (make them less obvious, possibly expand or just remove the directional blast) made more sense than nerfing VR and NC mines but this is SOE...

    Though I have noticed on occasion that sometimes claymores are hardly visible, like they are sunken into the floor and only a small portion is still protruding. Anyone else seen this?
  10. pnkdth

    You do realise those green lights are visible only to friendlies, right? There have been reports about them bugging out and showing to enemies but, believe me, those instances were extremely rare. Not to mention the times where your claymores sink into the ground making them almost impossible to detect.

    The directional nature of your claymores means you can do some seriously diabolical setups. VS/NC AP mines are out in the open, and with this patch are going to be so incredibly easy to spot. That said, most TR players will just put 'em down wherever(and often is so obvious places you cannot help but to spot them).

    Just be happy you're not going to use the new lighthouse design on your AP mines, lol.
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  11. Fredders

    I never said anything about TR mines... yes I realize you have laser rangefinders sine launch and stick up off the floor a good deal. I've always thought that was unfair. the solution to this is NOT to stick lights on the other mines though, simply give TR a proximity mine that is flat like NC and VS would be an easy fix to the problem.
  12. Fredders

    really the green lights don't appear to enemies? every single claymore I've seen has had the green lights coming out of it as well as every claymore I see in youtube videos of random gameplay has green lights coming out of them even when the player is NC or VS so I don't think this is rare. Bug maybe but not rare.
  13. Radec594

    Those lasers will be visible to all inside a 100m or so radius at the moment of the Claymore being deployed, both allies and enemies.
    This has been tested extensively.
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  14. pnkdth

    If that is the case I'm blind to the colour green or TR players simply do not deploy claymores with me around.
  15. m44v

    If by extremely rare you mean quite often then yeah. Whenever the lasers show or not depends if they are recently placed mines or not, I see them with lasers more often than without, and even without, they're more easy to see unless their directional nature is exploited, point I agree with you.

    When claymores sink they are harder to see, but when Betty or Prox sink, they are invisible.
  16. Vaphell

    i don't recall ever seing the green lazorz on claymores (medium then low then medium again). That said, why would anybody use a visible light as a trigger on a mine that is not supposed to be seen? Make it infrared visible only in IR scopes or something (not to mention the light ray is only visible when there are particles reflecting photons in the air)

    Imho this whole mine tweaking business goes the wrong way. We are going from a somewhat realistic simulation of combined arms warfare where mines are supposed to be well masked tools of terror to an arcade shooter where only a blind man could trigger them.
    I suggest changing game aestetics to the cartoonish one like TF2 has, it will be easy to justify having bright-colored devices that additionally put comics-styled BEEP! text on your screen, just in case you didn't notice the colors and blinkenlights.
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  17. iller

    This is hilarious considering I NEVER die to any other INF's mines on my Inf anyway. And not b/c I'm super cautious and know all the planting locations. Nah it's b/c level2 Flak armor is the only thing I ever wear b/c I was sick of getting instadead all the time from skilless lolpodding scout ESF's while trying to cliff snipe.

    Mines were ALREADY useless as anything but an early warning system with all the Nano-maxxers out there and yes even ppl like me who only had to spend like 40 certs on armor to live through just about everything in the game that only one-shots total newbies (what kind of message does this send to new players by the way?).... If they're seriously going to do this then they need to TRIPLE our carrying capacity and drastically lower the infantry resource price on them.

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  18. Hoki

    FLASHING lights?
    Wow that is much worse than a claymore. The most noticeable thing to our eyes is MOVEMENT.
    Flashing lights = movement.

    Wow, thats literally the only thing they could have done to make me feel blessed I get claymores cause they serve their purpose very well around corners.
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  19. metrotw

    Welcome to the TR's world of ****** mines.

    Enjoy your stay.
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  20. Fredders

    exactly... TR mines need to be buffed not have the other mines nerfed.
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