new LMG's?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedArmy, May 27, 2015.

  1. RedArmy

    BBurness @BBurnessPS2

    Oh ya lmg changes incoming to test as well, more on that later

    yea, id sure love a 125dmg LMG on TR, 75rd clip with .75ads
  2. Ballto21

    theyre nerfing lmgs
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    Hopefully its removing 0.75 ADS off the 4 that have it.
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  4. RedArmy

    that would be nice, i only play engi n use carbines anyway - but it would be nice to see some actual stats included on whats upcomming
  5. Taemien

    So.. what are you all going to do when the Orion still performs as well as it does IF the ADS bonus was removed? That's what I see happening.. is not much of a change (if it were to be changed like that).
  6. Scr1nRusher

    Let me ask you a few questions:

    1) How many 0.75 ADS LMG's are there in PS2?

    2) What empires/factions does each of them belong to?

    3) Who has the majority of the 0.75 ADS LMG's?
  7. Ballto21



    My prediction.
  8. Taemien

    You have the Orion.
    The un-ammo Directive Orion.
    The Alpha Squad not-so-much Orion.
    And some LMG no one's ever heard of.

    WTF else is the VS going to use? You think taking away the ADS is magically going to make those other crappy LMGs more enticing?

    No they are still going to use the Orion, Betelgeuse, and SV88. And they are going to get the same results. Sure some VS players will whine about it. But they aren't going to be affected by it.

    It'd be like if they took the Gauss SAW and made it a 167 EM6 clone. It'd piss me off, but it wouldn't make me any less effective.
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  9. Scr1nRusher

    You didn't really answer my questions.

    Answer them again & keep emotions out of it.
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  10. RedArmy

    id just be happy if they made it fair n gave all other factions atleast ONE .75ads lmg, thats all i ask - TR a 125dmg 850+ rate of fire w 75rnd mag, and NC maby a 167dmg 600 rate of fire maby also 75 round mag
  11. Scr1nRusher

    No LMG should even have the 0.75 ADS trait.

    It goes against how LMG's are used & also it causes problems in relation to the HA shield.
  12. RedArmy

    adding fairness sure beats pissing off an entire faction who is known for their in person complaints. like i said, they picketed in front of the building once....
  13. EViLMinD

    "changes". Hope they don't muck with the current lmgs too much. I think they're pretty good atm.

    New guns are always welcome with me. I have nothing left to unlock, and new guns are exciting. Especially, if they're ES.

    I'd like to see an lmg that could use under-barrel attachments. That could be done.

    For an NC lmg, perhaps, something that uses rail-tech. Be cool if holding down the trigger weakened the velocity of the bullets, but releasing the trigger quickly (not instantly) recharged the power of the rail propulsion. Might be interesting. Something different. Whatever. I'd like to see more than just the railjack anyway. The super fast bullets and delay make it stand out in my arsenal. Worth the learning curve. Don't think the delay could work on an lmg. Have to be some other quirk.
  14. Grumblefern

    If they remove .75 ADS(I support this) they'd better make the other VS LMGs worth a damn.

    Also I'ma laugh if they chose to nerf LMGs in general instead of the heavy shield.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    Each faction has multiple LMG's that need some buffing.

    Also Consider how LMG's are not about strafing and more about ADS positioning.
  16. Grumblefern

    The only LMGs that most people like on VS are those with .75 ADS though, it definitely hits VS harder.

    The only weak NC LMG I can think of on NC is the EM1. All the others are great, although they may have too many 167dmg/577-600 RoF options. EM6, Anchor, GD-22S, SAW-S - one could probably change into something with higher RoF and lower bullet damage.
  17. Scr1nRusher

    High damage is the NC trait.

    Accuracy is VS's trait.

    Fire rate is TR's trait.

    Also..... whos to say that VS LMG's can't get buffs?
  18. Gemenai

    Well i don't know about other fellow players, but for me i can say this x0.75 ads speed is nice to have, but really noticed or missed it i never have. If i use the Orion i do so, because of the faster fire rate and because of a given cqc situation. Most of the time i use Polaris, because it has versatility with its attachements and the 100 ammo pool lets me shoot volleys forever.
    On other classes it's the same. Of course i used NS11A on my medic but also like my Terminus and my Equinox Burst alot. Both of them also have the normal x0.5 ads speed and i don't feel hindered in any way ( also buff burst weapons pls, because i like them and reasons :p )

    So my prediction would be, that some may cry if x0.75 were removed but in the end bad players will still die alot, elitist will still make d*ick measuring contests and VS will still be called OP in every regard after more and more nerfs by bads and conspiricy theorists.
  19. DorianOmega

    *Hoping for an EM1 Buff*
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  20. Grumblefern

    Problem being that this is nonsense anymore, and a bad idea in the first place.

    NC has generally more accurate options than VS due to the 167-200dmg guns have better range and precision. And they have high RoF options too.

    Regardless, fire rate ended up being too good for your average PS2 engagement range and high RoF guns got nerfed while NC got more/better high RoF options.

    Accuracy / Mobility have both been claimed as VS traits but that's vague at best. VS doesn't really have a trait unless it's ease of handling - we have lots of mild vertical and horizontal recoil guns with lackluster damage and precision.

    - - -

    In general each damage tier is tied to many other traits of the weapon that make them inherently weaker. 167 tier's weakness is bloom being a bit worse and just in general not being as good for longer periods of firing, and of course they're less forgiving in CQC.

    They're generally superior at range over 143 tier though, due to better starting CoF, lower horizontal recoil, and extended damage drop-off range.

    200 tier goes a bit further with that, and they're weaker for hip-fire. But they've got strong TTK and are great for headshots.

    So right now all these traits do is limit a faction's options in boring ways because they just mean your close or long range are lackluster if they're of the wrong damage tier. NS weapons also obsolete most of the lower RoF 143 guns due to superior attachments and .75 ADS.

    Also, NC has the Cyclone, GD-7F, Carnage, and Jackhammer picking up any slack at close ranges. They lack only a ~750 RoF carbine and LMG right now.

    Essentially, faction traits are dead and it's just a mess right now.