New instant action is nice, but it's come with a new set of problems.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thpthpthp, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Thpthpthp

    The new randomized instant action feature is (IMO) a nice improvement over the old one, the ability to hop from battle to battle every 5 min and fact that it sends more people to continents other than Indar is great.

    That said, there are some problems with the new system, problems that previously a player could avoid by looking at the map.

    1. Dropping players in zones after the fight has concluded, many times I get dropped into a base shortly after a fight is over and everyone is just moving out or redeploying.
    2. Throwing players in zones with only a couple enemies, it's no longer acceptable for zones with only "enemies detected" to be an instant action target, as enemies detected often is a couple random guys passing through or a few aircraft overhead, rarely is this a sign of any actual "action".
    3. Dropping people in zones they were already at, there's almost no reason to drop someone on a base they're already at, and this problem only gets worse when you include the others listed above. Earlier I was instant action'd to the same base 3 times in a row, when there were other large fights going on at the time.

    In the past all these problems could be avoided by looking at the area on the map before you deployed there, now that the place you are thrown into is decided by the game, the game needs to be intelligent enough to avoid this nonsense.
    TLDR: for instant action to work the game needs to be able to properly tell which zones actually have action or not.
  2. DramaticExit

    Main problem with it...

    It basically functions like a "go to the crown" button.
  3. JokeForgrim

    4. It drops you into the middle of the other factions fights. Im playing VS and it drops me into the middle of NC and TR tank lines in the middle of an open field near VS archives :(

    5. You have no idea what you are facing and therefore can only really use a vanilla loadout (Mid-Range with Anti Vehicle options) You used to be able to prepare and select your kit for what you are dropping into, Just like you could choose if it would be better to bring a vehicle. For instance I NEVER EVER want to hotdrop in on TI alloys (to open, I would bring a vehicle), yet its happened twice since the russian roullette patch, so I log out as the pod falls.

    6. As said its russian roullette you might be a medic in the middle of a tank fight. This combined with the deploy distance nerf has made defending a lot harder. You can make an educated decision "Im needed here" oh wait I cant deploy there and I cant deploy jump there in time... Guess ill spin the barrel and hope to get lucky.

    If the stated reason for the nerf was to prevent Outfits from abusing it, then prevent OUTFITS not Lone wolves.
  4. IronWarrior

    There is nothing nice about the new instant action, it's a big step backward, in-fact it's about a dozen steps.
  5. Dusty Lens

    On the plus side the number bad people hot dropping onto towers and planting beacons is down by 87%.

    To say nothing of mass outfit re-deploys.

    People might start pulling Galaxies to move outfits rather than pulling the forum to whine about Galaxies being useless.