New HA player (TR)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Dankshasta, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Dankshasta

    I just started HA this morning, and I was wondering which ability I should choose, and maybe why? Right now I'm using the resist shield, but I notice some other HA will kill me in 1v1 even when I hit them more, and have the shield up. My weapon, a TMG-50 is not the best at CQC, but still I'm landing shot after shot only to normally die first. Any help, or tips would be appreciated.
  2. LordBelak(!)

    Aim for the head.
  3. StrangerDanger

    Always aim for the face.

    Nothings going to stop you from a fast death, might prolong your life a second. If you want versatility, use your LA for CQC and keep the HA to a medium/longer range fighter.

    Invest in a good scope, i cant express my love for my zero magnification IR scope for medium range fights...i figure if i need a scope for magnification i should be an infiltrator.

    Also, if you fire from the hip and not the scope get a laser pointer. If your always looking through the scope when firing get forward grip. Invest in high velocity ammo, get a flash suppressor but not silencer.

    Also invest in nanoweave armor. Make sure you equip your cert items as well, no point getting a resist shield if you never equip it and use the standard over shield.