New faction "stealth" camo pictures

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. EvilNinjadude

    Of course TR infiltrator is hard mode. As I discussed with Zoran on his stream...
    The Hailstorm is the worst of all the high-capacity SMGs (though I haven't tried the Armistice). The Claymore has less than half the damage-dealing area of all the other mines and therefore requires extra effort and precision to place, and is useless where both the other empires' mines shine. And now, this "stealth".

    TR infil confirmed hard mode.
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  2. ovakin

    Some shotguns to the face here and there, then TR dudes come try to rez me lolz.
    Here's the truth: people seek revenge when they died and know what you look like, it's not that helpful.
  3. Mustarkrakish

    Whinge more please your acting like the camo actually works , seems like you are all forgetting WE ALL TURN INVISIBLE!

    Bunch of derps
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  4. Faerrus

    Royal Blue dayglow for the NC and headlights for the TR...

    Maybe the stealth component is actually indirect; where the rest of your squad looks practically invisible to the enemy in comparison? Decoy armor might be a more appropriate title?
  5. Tobax

    The only one of the 3 that actually looks anything like "Stealth" camo to me is the VS' since its all black.
  6. theholeyone

    Yeh the armistice is pretty much a straight upgrade, will out DPS every other SMG. I though the claymore had a longer range in one direction to make up the area?

    TR infil is not hard mode, and chances are if you're relying on camo colors on a class that has a cloak, you might not be playing it right...
  7. EvilNinjadude

    1. TR claymore does not have longer range. I thought that too, but Zoran said there was no such thing on it. Watch his review.
    2. Cloak does not make you invisible. I want to thank all the enemy infiltrators who cloak and stand still, thinking I can't see them.
    Lowest settings master race.
  8. theholeyone

    1. Stink, brightest lights (when they render) and lowest area to boot. Guess its a good thing doorways are small and people don't often look down.
    2. Makes your armor invisible though.
  9. Haruk

    No shoes for you. Shoes make squeaking sounds. You don't want them.

    With Nano 5, I still get OHK'd by Claymores. Never with proxies.;)
  10. Rosencrantz

    The TR version is clearly OP with the exclamation point on their crotch to draw eyes and crosshairs down there instead of their noggin for a head shot.
  11. Serell

    Some people want camo to atually give them an advantage. NO. This doesn't need more pay-to-win. Camo's should be for fun cuztomization. There is NOTHING wrong with TR's camo having red in it. There is a problem with this :
    FFS. I HAD NO IDEA THAT WAS NC UNTIL IT WAS POINTED OUT. That is horrible. There needs to be blue on that.
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  12. EvilNinjadude

    There is. On the GUN.
  13. Phrygen

    They are making these thing so peoplw buy them right? I can't tell anymore....
  14. Serell

    Yes I see one tiny dot of blue on the gun. That is barely noticeable. I also see big splotches of red on the shoulders which a lot easier to see.
  15. EvilNinjadude

    In case it was unclear, I'm just as offended by this as you are, and this was an ironic statement.
  16. Van Dax

    replying so more TR and NC whiners can see. This is what you were asking for, more vanu faction colours!
  17. Van Dax

    I see these posts and it makes me think: does nobody remember the original camo coverage? They made it the way it is currently only after it was clearly the least covering camo at release. Claiming vs favouritism in aesthetics is hilarious, find a VS who thinks the majority of our weapon models are cool and diverse please-it won't be easy.
  18. NC_agent00kevin

    I recently tried out the shank you very much decal with a skull mask and it helps just a little - and not with every player. Ive had a few instances where I could tell the enemy was looking at me funny but didnt fire as they tried to figure out what they were seeing. Not that much though - and once your cover is blown, its blown. Funny thing is they could just hit 'Q' and find out :D


    Better camo would help, but it was an experiment. Would be nice if they hadnt removed the one time use Camos. I hink it works better with a female toon too.
  19. NinjaTurtle

    The NC's looks good , just get rid of the yellow trim
  20. Riku

    Hah, I had a good laugh. Thanks for making my day y'all.

    OP Vanu has spoken.
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