New ESF guided missiles can be shot down?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daemeon, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Daemeon

    Just spent some SC to aquire the new guided missiles as I liked what I saw in the VR and wanted a skill based missile to use instead of lockons.

    Seemed to be having a hard time hitting my targets when I finally get a tell from tje guy I was shooting at. Seems he was able to shoot the missiles out of the air with a skuguard and also with a carbine.

    If this is true... combined with the slow attack speed and having to be a huge target for return fire at the same time as well as having your missiles shoy down makes this the worst purchase I jave ever made.

    Can anyone else confirm this?
  2. MGP

    Nah, i don't think you can shot them down. They just explode then they reach maximum range, which may look like someone have shot them down.
  3. Daemeon

    Hrm. Perhaps. Though if that is the case it seems the range on them on live is WAY shorter than it was on test. Like massively shorter. I should be able to hit any armour target I see since render range is aprox 700m.
  4. CrashB111


    Max range is 450 meters. No Tank busting sniper missiles of doom for you.
    • Up x 3
  5. Daemeon

    So just did some testing. Range is 450m. Totally useless. At that range the AA flak has seen you way before you can fire and lockons will be locking you up as you fire. Way to go SOE.. ya got me again. Guess that will teach me to ever spend money on this game ever again.
  6. Daemeon

    Kinda assumed we would have similar range that the engie turret has... sigh.
  7. Morti

    People already complain about the AV turret range.
  8. CrashB111

    Because a flying AV MANA turret wouldn't be OP at all right?
  9. Canaan

    • Up x 1
  10. Pikachu

    You think the current long range of the AV mana turret is a good thing? :confused:
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  11. starlinvf

    Fast and low, my friend. Fast and Low.
  12. Phazaar

    Reads patch notes? Nahhhhhh....
    • Up x 1
  13. Daemeon

    Where in this description does it state range is less than what you can target?

    Also does not have any info in game for flight time or range.

    So ya.... is easy to assume range would be render distance... just like my guns, and rocket pods.

    Hornet Missiles
    • These laser-guided missiles will fly toward the pilot’s crosshairs.
  14. Daemeon

    Except the missiles travel slow and you have to keep your nose pointed at the target to hit it. A rocket pod salvo would be more effective and can be done from a longer range.
  15. Larington

    Honestly, Skyguard users have a hard enough time as it is, since any clever pilot will use terrain and distance to be near unkillable by a skyguard, then also giving ESF pilots access to an affective AV weapon that can be used from way outside the Skyguards effective range would be in really poor taste and a terrible design decision so I'm glad the range is limited to 450 meters. Hopefully today I'll actually get some playtime so I can start running Skyguards and see how things have changed for myself and suss out whether even that range is too long.