[Suggestion] new es spitfire implants

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moriarrr-ceres, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. moriarrr-ceres

    TR: Low tech specialist: allow the engineer to refill spitfire with ammo packs.
    NC: Heavy spitfire: spitfire have anti rocket shield from the front (don't protect small arm fire)
    VS: long range spitfire: add spitfire range to 70 meter (base is 50m)

    It's just random suggestion maybe i can add more.
  2. moriarrr-ceres

    all 3 spitfire have a use, tr spitfire can be spammed and don't require a terminal, NC can be used as cover against explosive damage, VS spitfire can be placed in improbable place in the open.
  3. moriarrr-ceres

    other possible interesting implants:
    -puppet master: can place 2 turret at the same time.(NS)
    -Ballista: the turret now shoot explosive bolts every 10 sec.(NS)
    -recon spitfire: the turret shoot a recon bolt every 20 sec.(NS)
  4. Pelojian

    so VS and NC get more engagement time, while TR gets the most useless trait of all?

    you can carry multiple spitfires and lets not forget where ever you are you can get to a resupply terminal in 10 seconds, resupplying spitfires is trivial.

    come up with decent ideas for all three factions, rather then the developers idea of saving time by giving two factions good traits then giving the third bad traits because they can't be bothered to use their creativity for more then 2 factions.
  5. Prudentia

    why would i equip 20m extra range on the spitfire?
    there is 2 places to deploy a spitfire,indoors where at most you need 10meters
    next to your tank to warn you of people trying to C4 you.
    for the latter 20m extra would be okish i guess to get 4 more seconds of warning but you already have 10 seconds so it's not that necessary
  6. asmodraxus

    NC Spitfire shoots everything especially fellow NC's
    TR is completely stationary and fires faster (also whines alot)
    VS Spitfire, fires orbs that move so slowly a walking infantry is faster, but does minuscule splash damage
  7. moriarrr-ceres

    hum i would be happy to be able to spam spitfire without terminal access. I already see a use with minor cloak.... (can also be good if you don't have yet certed the turret). I wanted to find "not op" implants but with situational use. The most useful are NS. Extra range on spitfire so you can find the good spot to cover bigger facilities (tech plant) or on roofs (hossin bases) or everywhere and mostly where the enemies can't expect.
  8. moriarrr-ceres

    Good idea for a TR spitfire Asmodeus. Maybe can only aim on z axis (useful for doors and stairs or from a roof ledge). Here we go another TR implant: Fuel powered spitfire: emp immunity. And yea VS lasher spitfire sounds cool but i know people won't like to see this on live. Same for a NC spitfire firing shotgun rounds..;)
  9. DemonicTreerat

    I would rather the Spitty get treated like the rest of the turrets. Maximum of 1 up at a time per engineer but no limit on the number of times said engineer can deploy it while added ranks increase some other feature (health, damage, etc). But for ES Spitfire ideas...

    VS: Fires a continuous laser/ participle beam at its target that does low damage but applies "constantly" to the target and anything else it hits.
    TR: A basic Gatling gun with moderate damage, a tiny slash (say 0.5 meters) and a very high rate of fire.
    NC: A self-loading cannon with high damage (on par with vehicle-mounted weapons) and low rate of fire.

    Oh and give engineers a way to see, rotate/ elevate, and fire Spitty from a reasonable distance.