New deployment updates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jbrain, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Jbrain

    I just want to say to the DEV team keep up the great work. I can see you are taking our feedback seriously.

    The last few days a lot of people have been asking for deployment to be removed from the game and I was and am stil very opposed to this kind of thinking.. HOWEVER, the DEV team has came up with a balanced solution guys.. and I want to say great work.. and very smart idea on how to make deployment more balanced.

    check it out below

    • Continents will now correctly lock to the Alert victor upon the completion of the Alert
    • Since Hossin is a brand new continent that we want everyone to enjoy, we've temporarily disabled all Hossin alerts to prevent Hossin from being locked through alerts. Hossin can still be locked through territory domination, however.
    • Latest Hossin map
    • Fixed the spawn room shields at Nason's Defiance
    • Removal of redundant FX on some plants in Hossin
    • Server performance fix
    • All reinforcement spawn points will now turn off once a faction has greater than 50% population in the region.
    • Outfit Browser: Will now only show outfits from your own server
    • Updated the notification for facility capture to include more details on the dominant outfit
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  2. Jbrain

    Im surprised no one has any comment on this since just a few days ago there was a ton of posts about deployment.
  3. Iridar51

    Everyone is too busy not being able to deploy to defend the base with a MAX crash counter attack in the last second :cool:
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  4. Regpuppy

    This hits both sides, right?

    If so, I am very happy with this change. Definitely changes the meta in a good way, I think.
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  5. Thrasis

    40% would be better.
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  6. NoxiousPixel

    More like everyone's too busy getting their feet wet on Hossin...

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  7. Tacom

    I've been away from the game a long time, what does this exactly means?

  8. Iridar51

    Means player can spawn on a base from half continent away because it's under attack only while the defenders have less than 50% pop at that base.
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  9. Jbrain

    it means if you have 50% at a defensive base... you cant spawn 2 platoons there instantly to reinforce... you can however get in a galaxy and drop down.. which is what I think devs were wanting.. its a smart change..
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  10. footjam

    A tactic so awesome, they changed the game to remove it. It does Matter, son.
  11. Tacom

    What do they call them reinforcement spawn points? Anything special?
  12. Regpuppy

    It means a squad/platoon leader put down a reinforcement request on that hex. Which changes the lattice link spawning restriction and allows people to spawn at said hex freely. Otherwise people would have to first deploy hop to that base.

    Virtually EVERY squad leader has the cert for reinforcements/attack requests, so it made it troublesome if you had some guys willing to constantly redeploy a few platoons to crush any attack.
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  13. Ronin Oni

    Reinforcement because you're outnumbered at the fight and need reinforcements there.....
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  14. libbmaster

    It means you usually wouldn't be able to spawn there, but because there is an attack/large battle underway, it's allowed.

    Made stopping assaults really easy, you just redeployed.
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  15. axiom537

    While I think this is a band-aid and it will help a little bit, but it is still a bad design. The problem is that the re-deploy option removes logistics from the game and takes the risk of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. If the defenders are out of position, across the map or do not have transportation and they need to resecure a base, all they need to do is redeploy and they can travel across half the map in an instant, with no thought.
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  16. MrJengles

    Won't solve the problem by itself. SLs can all redeploy without hitting the 50% cap and then place beacons for everyone else and overwhelm the enemy anyway.

    Organized outfits that play to win at any cost will always try to find and abuse loop holes*. It's nice that SOE want to improve the situation but it really only takes a moment of placing themselves in players shoes and asking "Does this really accomplish my goal or is there a way around it?"

    It's also been noted on the forums in threads commenting on the redeploy system. The suggestion I proposed in my thread Why Are Logistics Being Eradicated Instead Of Embraced:

    "-Squad beacons and Sunderers are subject to increasing timers if the player respawning is moving from another territory (to prevent people avoiding the system). They continue to function the same for anyone in the territory or within a short distance (in case you're fighting near the border)."

    *Another common one is rotating SLs to avoid the beacon cool down.
  17. DK22

    Sounds like a zerg auto win to me. So much for fighting retreats.