[Suggestion] New cloak type

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sumguy720, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Ztiller

    What video would that be? I'm sure there are plenty of videos of infiltrators cloaking out there.
  2. Flukeman62

    Or devs could just give us the stalker cloak.
  3. Ztiller

    Definetly. It would be nice to know why they pulled it out after the beta. I think one of the main reasons the infiltrator community is upset is because of the lack of communication from the Devs.
  4. Brendan

    Ztiller, i love the way you troll, but until i will be here, you will only be second.

    Personnaly, if i was a dev , there is no way i hell i would take the infiltrator community seriously.
    When the devs tried to balance the cloak to make sure it's only useful in long range and useless in CQC. Seeing player bragging around omg the cloak is fine fine fine L2p noob can only make us look like morons and can only lead to the state we are now.

    Infiltrating is moving unoticed, as fast as possible.

    The cloak is a reactive/proactive camo:

    -His duration force you to take cover.
    -His sound and the attack delay, prevent you to have the upper hand in fight, even when you get behind an opponent.

    We should at launch have, 2-3 cloak, 3 kind of pistol. We got not even 20% of it.

    IT's FPS not a RPG only skill should matter, nobody must have to play 2x times better than other to do the same thing!
    You must never play a class that force you to be pro to do what you have to do.

    L2PFPS and shut up thanks.
  5. Ztiller

    Except that i am not trolling, and dismissing what i say as such will only strike back at yourselves. What i say is the harsh truth. If i can utilize the cloak to the level that i do, then there is absolutely no reason why others could not do the same. There is nothing about my playstyle that requires any special skillsets that takes years to master.
    I'm not even a good FPS player overall, and i just started playing Planetside upon release.

    That others do not Want to play the way i do, that is just fine. As i have said, i do support the Stalker Cloak and the different style it brings.

    But once again, the Hunter cloak is still great at what it does, and if you cannot use it, then the fault lies in you. If you do not want to use it the way i do, that's a completely different story.
  6. Brendan

  7. Ztiller

    It apparently does matter, since i am able to use my cloak so effectively.

    Except that it doesn't prevent you. Sure, if you want to play like if you are a Heavy Assault, yes, it will hinder you. But if you use strategy and tactics, you can whipe the floor with everyone.

    If you infiltrate better with the Giraffe than the cloak, then once again the fault lies in you. Not in the cloak.

    Of course. Everyone should be allowed to play as they want. However if someone tries to specialize his Medic for taking down Liberators, or Heavy Assault to fly up in trees, then he shouldn't complain if he does poorly with it. If others can use the class to extreme efficiency, simply by playing differently, then you should realize that the fault lies in you, not in the class.
  8. Dr. Euthanasia

    I was talking about Ztiller, but it seems you already noticed that. He's got some videos up on Youtube of infiltrating places by running at full speed into enemy squads with his cloak active and running away until they either successfully catch and kill him, or he gets through without provoking a reaction.

    When he gets past the front lines, people stop paying attention completely because they don't expect a threat so close to where they are. It's a common result which you can achieve as any class, but the ability to remove spotting lets him abuse it just slightly more than a Light Assault. He refuses to admit that the Infiltrator is less effective than the LA at actually getting to this "sweet spot" behind enemy lines, and he believes that this is the one true way to play our class, and any changes or improvements are completely unwelcome.

    You're really better off just ignoring the guy.
  9. Jex =TE=

    Yeah thanks I thought so - basically a noob who thinks he pro.

    I manage to get to the base of stations without getting seen at all (well i won't now since a cloaked infi on low settings is more noticable than a normal guy). But trying to get up in the base to hack (i'm not interested in sneaking up behind people for cheap kills) is where it gets difficult, especially when they're full and 12 seconds isn't long enough - not that the noob gets this but, ah well.
  10. Dr. Euthanasia

    Yeah, every now and then I get to pull this off too, though it usually takes 10 minutes running around the base's perimeter to get a good direction of approach, but I don't even use my cloak indoors unless I intend to sit completely still and hide. I didn't before this patch either, though, so not much has changed other than the fact that I now look like an idiot for using my pistol instead of a fancy new SMG (old habits and all that).

    What I really want is a cloak which is 100% invisible when moving, but with a really long fade-out animation so that nobody could ever complain about Infiltrators decloaking behind them and blowing them away before they have a chance to fight back. I can't imagine anything less actually working indoors.
  11. Ztiller

    Which have been proven to be damn successful, even if you love to just simplify it down to those basics for your own convenience.

    You know ,just like an infiltrator should. Attack where they least expect it. Just like you would, if you got your Stalker Cloak.

    It's not a matter of "admitting." It's a matter of different opinions. And my videos server as perfect evidence as to why i do not believe you to have any idea what you're talking about when you say the Light Assault is better.

    If you want to succeed in infiltrating, that is the way to go. If you want to fail, like you two obviously do, then keep up what you are doing. I have numerous times said that i support the implimentation of the Stalker cloak, just that the reason for it, your cries about how the current cloak is worthless, is wrong.

    But as i have already stated, you are the type of guy that have made up his mind, and mo matter how many videos i pull off, you will never change your mind. I bet that i could post a video of me taking down a whole armored platoon, and you would respond with "Meh, they were just noobs."

    I have put up videos, tutorials and long explanations on how to use the cloak properly. And the response you get is "It's not the way i want it to be played!! Q_Q"

    You dismiss everyone that disagrees with you. Its absolutely ridiculous how narrow-minded you are, even when presented with proof.

    Which is a great way to keep failing with the infiltrator, so keep it up. Ignore those who show a good strategy. The less of you there are behind the enemy lines, the less they will expect me.

    Except that i have proof that i know how to use the infiltrator. And while you cry about how the cloak is useless, i have proved time after time how effective it is. So as i said above, keep crying. You're just making my job easier.

    You see the thing here, sweetheart. Is that i get up into the bases. It's not even a challenge. Check out my videos if you don't believe me. They are solid proof that you suck at the infiltrator, while i have managed to utilize it.

    Also, calling me a noob, for managing to do something that you claim impossible, is hardly a solid argument.

    But please, resort to childish insults. See if it helps you get better at the class.
  12. Dr. Euthanasia

    Aw, you do care. And here I thought you were just ignoring me.

    I've already admitted that what you do works, Ztiller, you're just not going to get me to call it "infiltration". As far as I'm concerned, succeeding at infiltration means getting in without being caught, not getting in after being caught dozens of times and escaping until people lose either their interest or their patience and foolishly leave you alone for someone else to deal with. When you "use the cloak properly", you're relying on your enemy to not see you, and when that doesn't work, you're relying on them to give up the chase before it becomes a problem for you. That might be the best way - the only way, even - to use Hunter Stealth, but the difference between you and the rest of the community is not that only you realize it. It's that only you think it's okay.
  13. Sumguy720

    Holy cow guys.

    I made this topic so we could discuss my idea in the original post, not so we colud yell L2P at each other or hurl insults or re-do all the previous debates on recent patch changes.

    Seriously. I'm looking for constructive feedback, not whatever it is you all are arguing about. After the second back-and-forth you just make this thread unreadable.

    L2 discuss.
  14. Wintermaulz

    There was a cloak in beta (cost like 9999 certs) that allowed you to shoot while cloaked, but only with your pistol, and made you uncloaked for about 2-3 secs. Also there was one that at max rank, regened if you stood still. These i want back.
  15. Flukeman62

    it was locked in beta (hence the 9999 cert cost).
    it was the stalker cloak... and it was beautiful
  16. Jex =TE=

    Not only that but he's blatantly wrong as well. I have managed to sneak passed the front lines of enemies many many times without being seen, unlike our friend here who just uses the bang head brick wall approach. However, there are area's where the cloak isn't long enough which is usually right where your goal is.