[Suggestion] New class for dedicated AA/AT

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zenanii, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Zenanii

    So ya, I am a lock on hater. But I can sympathize with infantry having issues with air, and I realize we might have to go meet somewhere in the middle.
    My suggestion is: Completely remove the rocket launcher from the heavy. Introduce a new class, the grenadier (or whatever you might want to call it) that is a dedicated AT/AA class, give him all the launchers with a larger base ammo (and buff the freaking projectile speed on the default launcher) + a base flak armor for reduced explosion damage as well as allow him to deploy tank mines but give him a weaker sidearm for dealing with infantry.
    The heavy would obviously need some buff to compensate, but I do not want this suggestion to get sidetracked.
    The gist of the suggestion is this: You should have to pick your loadout depending on the situation. Just as MBT or ESF have to chose between AA/AT or AT/AI, it makes sense for infantry to have to make this choice as well when spawning as a certain class. Currently HA is the ultimate jack of all trades, being able to handle air, armor and enemy troops.
  2. Phyr

    Already got that. Max with dual comets, Max with dual bursters.
  3. Nariquo

    well then the good squads only will take thatt class. then when a base needs to be defended you will see 50 people of that class and everything is the same.

    but you know what? to all the whiners. i give you a tipp.
    on indar is EVERYONE. dont know why because it is getting boring. but there are everyone.
    send your platoon to amerish or esamir. and you will have fun.
    my outfit only fights there and attake the ghost capping zergs and hold them as long as they can handle that and leave the continent. :)
    its really really funny. and as a plane you have much more cover on amerish.
    so stop whining change continent

    ps: if you really want good fighting and dogfights ec then leave indar.
    of course if you only want to farm certts and infanttriy well bad luck.
    but that is the main problem. the air was nerved, so it cant cert farm anymore but it is still good. but you have to bee a good pilot. and you will die very oftten. the same like a tank or a person.
  4. Zenanii

    Ghost capping? Ya, sounds like fun. . . I have been to those continents, if there is a enemy squad ghost-capping as well, I might find the occasional dogfight, but more often then not I'll have to scour the entire map to find anything and after 10 min or so it tends to get pretty empty. . .

    Yes, but apparently that wasn't enough for people to deal with air or tanks, hence they gave lock-on launchers to HA. If infantry should have potent and free AA/AT rolled in one, they should at the very least have to give up most of their AI for it.
  5. TheEvilBlight

    It just means less HAs and more missile class. You'll still be here. As long as they have a carbine or an AR and can place good headshots, the loss of the LMG won't be a serious dealbreaker.
  6. Phyr

    Only if tanks/esf's give up AI.
  7. Nariquo

    no i dont mentt that you should ghost cap..
    you should wait till a clan or a platoon starts to ghost cap. and then go with your platoon and engage them. my outfitt sended 69 men to attake 250 and we won after 5 hours. the send us a message: **** you nc trolls **** you. and then they left and went to the deathmatch on indar again.
    that is fun