New burster max lag bug (FIREWORKS!)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Gav7x, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Gav7x

    Location : Waterson NC Indar Warpgate
    Just watch, no need for words
  2. Vordrakis

    Is your Graphics card overclocked or boosted with some software, because that looks like the type of ripping effects you get when, for example, the GPU Memory Clock is set too high. Of course, if you only get that with the Max role, ignore my hypothesis.
  3. queue

    thanks, the other 3 threads about this weren't enough.
  4. Gav7x

    Never enough.
  5. Gav7x

    It never happened before this update, however i have overclocked my GPU, i might lower it a bit later
  6. SFS Lovenought

    That was amazing, everything should look like that.