[Suggestion] New AV Weapons.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by YoungManxH20x, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. YoungManxH20x

    Ok face it, we all have at one point or another thought, "Man I wish I had ravens/fractures right now." This is speaking solely from TR experience as I don't find the other factions all that fun to play. I do however LOVE the NC Ravens. I was thinking that for 3rd gen AV weapons They could diversify each faction a bit and give NC and TR more options. I have very little experience with the VS max so comment what you would like to see on the VS max below.

    TR- I would love to see a "wire-guided" launcher similar to the raven. Maybe with 3/4 the dmg but 1.3x The fire rate. Something that would balance well but still allow av weapons to be some-what a-kin to other factions.

    NC- I don't know exactly how the NC feel about Fractures but I doubt they would mind a set of fractures with 1/2 the fire rate but 2x the dmg.

    VS- I don't have enough experience with the vortex's or comet's to know what VS needs. Please comment below if you have some suggestions though.
  2. Kidou

    Frankly I think MAX AV is at a pretty good spot right now. The only thing that should be done is bring up the Fracture and Vortex to the same usefulness of the ravens. Heck even the Comets could use a bit of help.

    I'd rather see NC get a Gauss SAW like weapon for their maxes and TR/VS get Shotgun like weapons for their MAXes.
  3. _itg

    I'm not a fan of this "make everyone the same" design philosophy. Completely new AV weapons might be interesting, but I don't want everyone just getting copies of other factions' unique weapons.
    • Up x 1
  4. MAXArmar

    In response to the OP, Vanu currently lacks some AV weapon with a little more "oomph" and splash damage in order to provide suppresive fire. Comet rounds are not that scary.