[Suggestion] New Anti Vehicle Support Equipment Idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SporkOfwar, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. SporkOfwar

    I had an idea today a new tool that would replace either the Engineers ammo box or the repair tool OR the Infiltrators motion trackers. A laser tracker. The Laser tracker would do a number of things firstly it will automatically spot any vehicle it is aimed at. Secondly it would feign a lock on that lasts until line of sight is broken. And lastly any lock-on based weapons will receive a boost in lock-on time 10 to 15% or somthing like that. And maybe an increase to lock-on distance that is relative to if the user of the laser tracker is closer to the tracked vehicle than the person with the lock-on weapon.

    So TL;DR 1.Get new laser pointer gun 2.Point it at enemy vehicle 3.Vehicle gets lit up like fourth of July 4.... 5.Profit
    • Up x 2
  2. Ballto21

    Maybe make it increase all damage done to the tank. Then again i can see this happening with that
    >Infiltrator/engy on a mountain
    >6 VS heavies
    >Lancersnipe with 15% more damage

    Even with it only affecting lockons this would happen, but its a good idea.
  3. Reclaimer77

    Sooo it just scares them? That's it??
  4. FateJH

    The sounds of a missile locking is scary for a driver or pilot. We went through massive restructuring of the lock-on system just because of the fear of lock-ons (unrelated to the changes requested for their wacky tracking mechanics). There was also the amusing infinite lock-on glitch some time ago where your Vehicle never stopped reporting a lock-on, even after you disembarked from it and it long since ceased to exist.
  5. SporkOfwar

    Yup! It's effectively a way to get enemy vehicles to back off creating weak points in a line of vehicles. Imagine hearing the lock on sound all the time not knowing if somebody has actually fired making you untrusting of the lockon sound and not sure when it's real until you get hit. Also I imagine you would get bonus points for lock on damage or kills and assist points.
  6. SporkOfwar

    It's a psychological weapon.
  7. SporkOfwar

    Also, you could probably make enemy planes deploy their flairs prematurely.
  8. ColonelChingles

    I think in general adding a whole bunch of "dummy" weapons/items might be interesting.

    Dummy grenades.

    Dummy AT mines (mixed in with some real AT mines :D).

    Dummy Bulldog rounds.

    Dummy Sunderers.

    Dummy Squad Beacons.

    Dummy Phoenixes.

    There's really not enough deception in PS2 from a tactical/strategic sense and there really ought to be more. Heck, there should even be a way to have dummy soldier counts so it throws off people who are looking at a map. You could trick a force into deploying to a base only for them to find that it was filled with cardboard cutouts (obviously would only work once they obliterate redeployside).

    And it's not a totally silly idea... we've actually used methods like this before!
