New and with questions...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Caracas, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Demigan

    That's because the games you mention, with maybe the exception of BF series (although I have my doubts) have no to very little trigger discipline in them.

    Planetside 2 has tons of trigger discipline. Only in close ranges can you hold your trigger down and hose down the area, and even then it's wise to occasionally let your COF reset.

    As for one-shot, the game has a latency system. This means that depending on your and your enemies latency, every movement you see on your screen is actually what the other guy did 0,2 or more seconds ago.

    So when you see someone round a corner, he already rounded it more than 0,2 seconds ago, and was able to see and fire at you in all that time.
    Seeing that many Carbines have TTK's of 0,3 seconds, just having a little laggy connection can mean that by the time you see your first hit indication, the server already received a message that you have been hit enough to be dead.
    This also works in reverse, as it means that when you dive behind cover, the enemy has 0,2 seconds more to fire at you before you are actually behind cover in their screen.
    There are entire filosophies and tactics based around this, such as rounding a corner for a tiny fraction of a second

    And yes, if he hits you on his screen, it's a hit. Even when you are already behind cover or a spawnshield. Otherwise everyone would need to predict where you've gone 0,2 seconds in the future from his perspective, while they in turn are doing the same with your movements.

    Furthermore, try to hang back. The Latency system helps you if you are aggressive like in the games you mentioned, but if you don't know the base layouts you are likely to run into large groups of enemies in a chokepoint. So my suggestion is to take a medic or engineer and stick with the crowd. You'll see where the crowd hangs out, get some time to look around the environment and wonder 'why are people not standing over there?' Which could have many reasons. Or wonder why people aren't moving forwards while the way looks clear etc. Do the same in a Lightning. If you can, pick an AP lightning and just hang around other Sunderers, MBT's and lightnings. Let them go up front, you hang around along the side (don't block them), that way you learn how they move as well.
    Within a week of this, I bet you have more than enough idea how position is important in this game to work your FPS skills. Learn some of the COF rules and trigger discipline for infatnry fights and you are set.
  2. FBVanu

    Welcome to Planetside.. where most of your other game experiences don't mean diddly squad... Kind of fun, isn't it?

    This from another post, where a new players asked how to earn certs...:

    Join a squad, get squad boost
    join the alert fight, preferably on the underpop faction, as they will have many more targets to shoot at
    gun for a good MBT driver, or Liberator pilot.. every time they kill something, you get XP from their kills.
    be an engineer, repair the vehicle every chance you get
    this should earn you your daily 5 bonuses.. plus the squad xp increase
    plus the alert xp
    it adds up fast

    stick with it.. , if you are a decent gunner, befriend the vehicle driver/pilot.. offer to gun for them every time
    (caution: if it is a suicidal driver/pilot.. you won't earn much.. make sure they know how to stay alive for a while)

    This will also help you to get a "feel" for the game/battles .. you will see a ton of things from the relative safety of
    a vehicle, which will help you gain a better understanding of what and how to do things.. all while earning certs,
    which will then later let you upgrade your character.. which should then lead to you getting more kills, = love the game!

    Hope you stick with it.
    • Up x 1
  3. Pointyguide2

    i did some advertising for the game yesterday to bring in more players.
    i think i got one person said he will definitely try it on his ps4.
    and then there was this other person he said he already tried it and he said it was just spawn camping and teamkilling. and that it sucked.
  4. Yuki10

    Try-hards and cheaters are the best players in PS2 and there are plenty of both here. Game sync between what you do and what servers think is going on have nothing in common for the most part. You either learn to use broken mechanics to your advantage, or you will suffer.
  5. Caracas

    No matter what I do, I fail to kill my targets.
    I damage them, at least I think I do, but I cannot drop them.
    That I hit my targets is beyond any doubt: I see the red "you-hit-him" cross.
    I do not get points for damaging them, and end up dead anyway.
    Just 2 minutes ago, I had a fella, 60 meters away, I shot him 17 and hit times before he figured out where it came from and killed me in 1 shot.
    Now this is unacceptable.
    If I see the bullets hit (the red x mark), then SURELY he must have the bullets impacting?
    PS: I use a 4x scope and semi auto fire.
    Think of me as an Engineering sniper.

    Problem: insufficient damage.
    Solution: Increase damage.
    How can I severely increase my damage?

    Thank you.
  6. iller

    Watch this maximized @ higher resolution so you see his engagements clearly

    It's a reall weak netcode design overall (that encourages tons of faux-streamers, Lagswitchers & WallHackers which is probably what you're encountering really often) that should have been fixed a long time ago with server-enforced Line-of-Sight visibility Occlusion that would calculate round-trip and ensure that both ppl become "DLL-aware client-Entities" to eachother at the exact same Latency-Delivery time

    If you're playing NC, you do have 2 better options than HA's terrible SAW, ...which is buying the GOOD SMG, and then using Sensor Darts as smg-infiltrator (super Cheesey, please don't do this for the rest of your career, stop crutching on it once you get more accustomed to fighting wallhackers with other weapons) ... or use Pump Shotgun or that same SMG on LightAssault which can be evern more desperate & cheesey
  7. Shatteredstar

    Welcome to planetside 2, yes it will be harsh starting, but honestly the game makes for some pretty epic moments, especially as you get with organized groups.

    The challenges in the game and such make getting some of the kills or destroying vehicles WAY more satisfying than many other games. KNOWING you took out that spawn point and saved a base feels better than killing a jet or a heli in BF for example, you feel like stuff you do matters if you can think on the bigger picture than kills and deaths!

    As far as being a new player, I HIGHLY recommend checking out:

    Wrel's Youtube channel

    It has MANY good and useful videos to get an idea on how the game works, seeing stuff in action, tips and tricks for various weapons, or just gameplay and seeing how movement and positioning can matter.

    The biggest thing I can say, don't be disheartened because you die, if corpses remained in game we'd be having to use tanks to clear paths to bases.

    As far as the being killed thing, there is a learning curve here for sure, each gun also feels very different and learning to control and use each one takes a bit. I think I was rolling a 1/10 or worse K/D for about a month before I started to catch on enough to not just get wrecked.

    Also don't think kills are all there is, medics healing/reviving, engineers giving ammo and repairing, those give XP too and benefit your team greatly.
    • Up x 1
  8. Iridar51

    From my experience of playing other online shooters such as bottlefield and titanfall, PS2's netcode is nothing special. It's especially apparent when using semi-auto or one hit kill weapons. Perfectly normal to shoot a guy, and see him die 0.2-0.4 seconds later. Even PS2 is more responsive in that regard.

    I played a version of Titanfall localized for Russia, I would assume the game would use servers that are somewhere nearby. Yet even on those "russian" servers I had latency at least twice as big as in PS2 playing on EU servers, ignoring dedicated Russian servers.

    There are issues, but they're nowhere near that bad as people paint them. That's what my experience tells me. If there is a shooter with butter smooth netcode, I haven't played it, and even if it exists, it probably can't support even a 48vs48 battle.
    • Up x 2
  9. Shatteredstar

    I had an issue the other night with an infiltrator I was playing tag with. I'd shoot him 4-5 times, get the kill credit, and then he'd move and shoot me and kill me like 2-3 seconds later...was the weirdest thing. Netcode wise I think theres some weirdness here and there.
  10. Ballto21

    When i first started i always found high ROF bullet hoses the most effective on any class, preferably with high magazine like a gen 2 SMG or any Heavy assault LMG. I always found them easier to use and much more forgiving than other weapons, because while the mlg pro l33t skillz folks will probably be using more accurate but slightly lower dps weapons you can be on somewhat equal footing by just ******** bullets everywhere.

    At least, thats what worked for me when i started. Also, remember all the starter weapons are really good. Not all the most user friendly, but all are good and can be used almost always with some exceptions.
  11. Yuki10

    That's just so weird. I'm in USA, on west coast by Los Angeles. So i should have very good latency to West servers like Connery, but I don't. My 50Mbit/20Mbit connection gets 60-100ms in PS2. I can shoot the guy, he dies on my screen but continues to move on the ground for another 10 meters or so.

    When i try snipe - half of the players are not rendering, other half is teleporting .5-1 meter at a time, making it impossible to shoot them. When people run 2-3 meters in front of my tanks, they die from me road-killing them. When i drive over enemy on purpose - nothing happens, he just bounces off.

    I'm on good hardware, fast connection and game servers should be located in my region - yet the game runs horribly for me. My spec is Intel i7 4770K at 4.2Ghz, 16GB, Intel 530 240GB SSD, AMD 7950 3GB 512Bit bus, Gigabyte Z87X-UD4H. No issues playing other games, just PS2. Framerate 50-120.
  12. iller

    You didn't understand enough of what I was saying is really weak/exploitable about the netcode
  13. Caracas

    We start to speak about "one-kill weapons" which cost 1000Cert to unlock, something I do not have.
    Been upgrading armor, but I do not get where to find these abilities which I have to upgrade.
    Armor is at 12% due to not enough funds (250Cert).

    I've been repairing most of the time simply because I fail to make a kill.
    As I explained above, I hit them according the game, thus they SHOULD be damaged/killed.
    Been trying a number of things, but none works so far, and I am out of ideas.

    From what I see in guide movies, killing is THE thing in PS2, more than anything else.
    Defending a zone? Optional.
    Capping a zone? Optional.
    Kill and keep killing, and you will be rewarded.
    The thing where I fail.

    A comrad had this idea: he loaded another character, we went to a quite spot, and he let me shoot him once.
    Point blank.
    1/5th of his shield dropped.
    He told me to kill him, I had to reload twice!!! a clip.
    Well, 1 and a clip - 1 bullet.
    He one-shotted me afterwards.
    Despite armor on 3.
    NOTE!!! He's BR692 on that character.

    This makes me wonder what's going on.
    I do understand that a noob is nothing but a noob, but keeping the noob from "leveling" is a bit unfair, IMHO.
    If I knew what was "wrong" I could fix this...
    But I do not.
  14. Iridar51

    Wait, I don't get it. You're using starter engineer's carbine, the Solstice? In SEMI AUTO WITH A 4X SCOPE?! Of course you're not gonna kill anything. This is a weapon intended for automatic fire, often times from the hip.

    You're not gonna be sniping anything with that. Even at point blank range it takes 7 body shots to kill, 9 with nanoweave. Almost double that against heavy assaults. You're gonna have a white beard before you fire enough shots in semi auto mode to kill anything.
  15. CorporationUSA

    Side step left and right while shooting. It helps you avoid enemy gunfire. Control your recoil and shoot in bursts at longer ranges. Find high points and peak to expose as little of yourself as possible. Combine that with the sidestepping and you'll be very hard to kill.

    I wouldn't start pumping certs into nanoweave armor or any special abilities just yet, since you probably don't really know which class you want to play. Just work on your movement while shooting and try to find advantageous positions. And don't expect to get good for a while. I came from Quake, UT, BF, and other similar games too, and it took me forever to figure this game out. But once you do figure it out, it becomes really easy to get kills. Eventually you'll be farming clueless new players, thinking "that used to be me."
  16. Shatteredstar

    Killing isn't everything. Medics reviving people can turn the tide of a fight GREATLY, and it is crazypants xp. Engineers providing ammo and repairing MAX units is another thing that isn't killing but does wonders.

    Sunderer driving is another GREAT XP maker if you stay with the big group of people and deploy in good spots, XP for each spawn!

    Killing is the end goal (kill all of the enemy) but not the only way to get there (well the end goal TECHNICALLY is base capture, which involves a lot of killing.

    The only one shot weapons are sniper rifles (to the head, and not the scout rifles, sniper rifles) and the pump shotguns (each faction has two), and maybe jackhammer with its secondary if you count that? (forget if JH can one shot normal shots). No other gun besides tank shells can one shot a player even in a head shot.

    And armor on 3 can mean a lot of things, Flak armor protects against explosions but does zero for bullets, nanoweave helps with small arms fire but since it is a percentage and the fire rates of most guns, it is kind of 'eh'
  17. Caracas

    OK, some in-depth info about my person: I am autistic (Asperger-Savant) with ADHD, and I am colorblind.
    when enemy pops up in front of me, I need a split second to tell whether he's friendly or not.
    In close range I've shot friendlies by accident due to colorblindness.

    Thus: I stay back a wee, and go for "snipe" while maintenance running on Mechs, tanks, sunders, even airplanes if they land close in.
    Often I give my life willingly to try to rescue a friendly.
    I consider this my duty as Engineer.

    I do resupply a lot, so that too is covered, however, the exp/cert win vs kills... is massive.
    I wasn't always colorblind, had an accident that damaged the visual brain section.
    But having this issue now, and being a more tactical mind, I stay back a tad, and try to combine mid-range sniping with being a mechanic.
    To give you an idea, I have several friend requests because (at least, I think that is the reason) I am such a hardcore mechanic.
    I value the life of my friends far more than my own.
    But this restricts me, obviously.

    Now, I did come to a VERY awkward conclusion: the (as per the schematic/explanation from the weapons) I nearly got myself a heart attack when I saw the range going flatline at a 60's meters.
    Hell, the Blackhand gun even outmatches the base weapon in all points but clip amount.
    and THAT is where I learned my mistake: wrong weapon for the job!

    What I seem to need is the Eidolon Battle Rifle.
    I tested the weapon on the VR section, magnificent result (compared to the base bloody thing at least).
    Atop: the weapon only costs 325 Cert, where other weapons go at 1000cert.

    Now that I begin to understand where I went wrong, I can fix and finetune this.
    PS: yes, scoped and semi auto, but I figured the range/damage totally different.
    Who would suspect a rifle unable to fire over 60'ish meters?
    I made deadly shots with a Colt M4 Carbine (scoped) at 500 meters and up.
    Yes, real life and game are two different things, but 60 meters?
    Plain rediculous.

    ANYWAY, seeing I figured it out now, I hope soon to improve my battle capacity, so that I can support my team far better.
    All I needed was to find a suitable rifle, so it seems (in the VR room a least).

    Crossing fingers.

    One question remains: how to get 400certs ASAP...
    Since being more of a drag combar wise, is fudging frustrating.
  18. Iridar51

    Battle Rifles are generally considered underwhelming, but they seem to be your best option.
  19. Thardus

    I'm amazed no one has mentioned it yet in this topic.

    Join. An. Outfit.

    Since you like repairing and working at range, keep your eyes open for swarms of vehicles, all with the same outfit tag. Send a couple of tells by using /w playername message. You just need to keep your eyes open for a good, vehicle oriented outfit. They'd love to have someone who can gun for them, and is eager to learn.
  20. Shatteredstar

    Although if you're playing heavy assault and disliking the Orion, all I have to say to you is...

    WELCOME BROTHER! I can't use it for crap either, the INSTANT and I mean THE VERY INSTANT I got my hands on SVA-88 or NS15m, I started doing better. I. Hate. That. Gun. People will call it amazing all day long, for whatever reason I can't kill anything but myself carrying one.