[Suggestion] New Alert System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KaaleStroms, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. KaaleStroms

    A 2 Stage alert.

    Stage 1:
    The first half to lock a continent as it is now (gives the continent bonus)

    Stage 2:
    Switch to newly opened continent (or reset a continent if not locked) and start from an even map with 1/2 the continent bonus applying to the winner until Locked.

    Far to often the existing (not pumpkin) alerts are a fight between 2 (or even 1) faction as it is sometimes pointless from the start for at least 1 faction due to the state of the map. and No ereason to move to unlocked continent as either no good fights or 1 faction just tries to cap it whilst the others are elsewhere.