Neutral Vehicles Should not derez in 1 minute

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KlyptoK, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. KlyptoK

    If I crash this game isn't going to teleport you back to where you are and theres no way I'm making it back in time.

    I want it to sit there for 10 minutes waiting for a driver. Same with even vehicles you own while you get out.

    I mean seriously? 5 minutes for a MBT you own, and only 1 minute if you crash? That's completely nuts. I don't give a dam about your server load. Why are the timers so short?

    (Sorry I just ragequit over a lost tank)
    • Up x 3
  2. FateJH

    Not to worry. I'll take good care of your vehicle for you while you're gone and even after you get back :)
  3. XCharlie

    They should allow players to cert into longer derez timers.
  4. ForAlcoholicBeverage

    I agree, and i would like to add something in the same problem category:

    If you happen to lag or your frames drop(not sure) when spawning wehicles, you will be detected as if you are standing on the wehicle pad, so if someone is spawning behind you, you will die, and your wehicle gone...