Nerf Threads

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blackboemmel, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. blackboemmel

    I've seen more than enough threads in this forum about stuff that "is overpowered and needs to be balanced" without being able to share the thread-opener's opinion.
    I noticed that in most cases the nerf-calls come from people that know those "OP weapon-system" from the receiving end only.
    I can not remember one of those threads where the opener showed some video footage of himself using the nerf-needing weapon/vehicle.
    I'm afraid that many of those threads mix up "overpowered stuff" with "extremely powerfull when in the right hands".
    One great thing about Planetside 2 is, that there is a learning curve for everything and some things have an incredible high skill ceiling.
    ^^That may cause a lot of misguided, but often shared opinions.

    TL;DR: Please always test things by yourself - maybe even record yourself while doing so - before calling for nerfs.
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  2. AlterEgo

  3. UberNoob1337101

    Are there a lot of people posting stupid non-sensical "nerf this" bollocks? Yeah, I'm done with it, because the worst thing is to balance most stuff there are no more nerfs required, we need buffs for under-preforming equipment that even with it's skill ceiling is rather lackluster (T4 AMP, Striker, Fractures, Cerberus, Mag-Scatter, CRAP-M1, Failstorm, Eridani, T9A Butcher, All TR/NC directive weapons in general for not getting something special like the VS' heat mechanic).

    Until people bother to get good and start to look at the stats of things those threads will still exist, like the 0.75 removal on all equipment, even on SMGs, shotguns and holy hell even sidearms... lel.
  4. FieldMarshall

    Here are a few of the different nerf thread behaviours i have seen.

    Some of the nerf threads i see are from people who dont know how to counter something, so in their eyes it (obviously) seems op.
    For example the "wraith op" thread. When its trivial for someone who knows how to deal with wraiths.

    Or from people who wrongly thinks X should be able to easily kill Y. For example the "skyguard vs liberator" threads.
    When they forget that SG is not a hardcounter to liberators, but a deterrent. And that the liberator is a tank-hunter, and the SG is a tank.

    Then there are people who play 1 faction, and suffer from "the grass is always greener" syndrome.
    Dying a bunch of times to a faction and feel like they have it so much easier than their faction.
    Calling for nerfs to something they have never even tried, and know little about.

    Then there are the justified nerf threads. Like pre-nerf ZoE and OHK Phoenixes.
    But we all know when something is blatantly OP so they are easy to spot.

    Also "bandwagon" nerf threads.
    Something that isnt necessarily OP, but gathers enough threads for people to pick up on it and make more for some reason.
    Like the recent ".75 ADS suddenly super OP" wave. Or the banshee threads a while back. PPA, PA shotguns, HA shields, Orion etc.
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  5. AlterEgo

    I agreeth witheth thy statementeth, maneth.
    Well saideth.
  6. Ianneman

  7. Pikachu

    When the game was new I remember a post saying "I hope these forums won't be like that of COD where everyone screams "that is OP!".
  8. Mythologicus

    Also fixed?
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  9. Ianneman

    About what specifically?
  10. Mythologicus

    I could ask you the same question, regarding your response to the OP.
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  11. Jubikus

    Sometimes i wish i was a tank driver so i could use the only thing we have that might actually be OP. The life of a TR
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  12. Stormsinger

    Try assault rifles! The TR has an amazing lineup of those, and lobbing res grenades is some of the fastest exp you can get.

    Also, why not cert your prowler a bit? 2 ranks of anchor, 3 of max ammo, 1 of reload speed, 3 of NAR, 2 of Racer, and a 1.5 zoom? That's enough upgrade the prowler significantly, for ~1150 certs. If you want to swap out auto repair for 2-3 ranks of proxy radar to offset anchor mobility loss, the cost doesn't go up much, and if you want to grab a Kobalt for emergency AI spray'n pray, it's quite cheap. (200 certs to purchase, unless it went up in price recently... and the Kobalt is physically quite small, allowing for greater visibility when aiming in 3rd person)

    If you don't already have the AP cannon, that increases the cost a bit, although HEAT is more then serviceable, especially at range. Any surrounded base is a prime target for prowling - from 400 meters, I can usually blow 3-4 vehicles before enemy armor finally starts figuring out where i'm shooting from. :p
  13. Jubikus

    I have certed it a bit and played with it the problem is i really kind of just suck i often find myself killed by tankbuster and sitting there for a second in shock like "what just happened" because you know im in a tank and kind of died super fast the thing is amazing at sundy popping tho.

    As for assault rifles i did start dabbling in those been playing more of classes that arnt infiltrator lately and the TORQ-9 seems to gel with me quite well i often win more exchanges with my medic now than i do with my heavy assault and i have C4 to deal with maxes and picking people off the ground is always usefull and kind of the key to the TR foot Zerg were so good about. (its not that we have a ton of people to zerg across the battlefield its just the ones you keep killing are getting picked back up a corpse crawl if your familiar with WoW terms)
  14. Stormsinger

    Ahh yes, stealth tankbuster / dalton ambush libs - those things are indeed quite irritating, although with an AP cannon, you usually have time to turn and blow a hole in their hull before they take you out, which is usually good for an assist, especially if you Q spot them on your way out. Libs doing this usually approach from the rear (33% less armor then side / front, 28% less armor then top) - If you put the rear of your Prowler up against a hill, or the side of a building, you are a much less vulnerable target, and if there's other friendly armor around, they make much more attractive prey.

    Either way, as an all access member, you generate enough nanites for a Prowler every 6 minutes.

    Just some random tips, happy hunting. :p
  15. Jubikus

    good advice indeed the deploy tips are particularly usefull and plus its always a nice feeling when you see a deployed sundy when your in an AP prowler.