Nerf the Instakill magrider.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptnKeArN, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. CptnKeArN

    Its bleeping ********. A magrider that can kill a fully certed Sundy in 2 shots is WAY too damn OP. Not to mention that I've seen magriders get to places that are not possible for a Vanguard or Prowler, even that heavy tank out a bit. I'd got up against 3 prowlers before I'd willingly go up against a single magrider.

    Also Daybreak stop focusing on new ways to make money from us and FIX THE DAMN GAME! Speaking of making money how come I can't claim my daybreak cash today??
  2. pnkdth

    So you rather go up against three tanks which individually have a higher DPS than a magrider because a magrider blows up your sunderer too quickly? wut?
  3. Daigons

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  4. Demigan

    Fully certed sunderer, but nothing equipped? Because I don't know what the hell you are talking about.
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  5. stalkish

    Considering your time played and battle rank, i pretty sure you know this already and were just venting some steam, but here goes anyway:

    The mag cannot destroy your sundered in 2 shots, it does not do enough damage.
    Infact the only ground vehicle a mag can kill in 2 shots is a flash, and thats 1 shot. Everything else takes at least 3 hits with the main cannon.

    Now what might be happening is that the game is not redering the secondary gunner shots from the mag, which happens a lot, particularly with the saron.
    It is possible that the mag dumped a load from the saron and shot twice with the main cannon, but even then im sure thats not enough to destroy your sundy.
  6. stalkish

    How did you post a completely empty post?
    If i try that is says error you must post something....or whatever it says??
    So i have to put a . if i want to retract my comment.
  7. Daigons

    I posted an image. Does the forum shows images if you're not currently logged on?
  8. Daigons

    Take a look at the OP's activity just before the rage post. It looks like they're just having a bad day. It just happened that the last death was from a Saron so the guy is just raging.
    • 6 Deaths
    • 2 Suicides
    • 2 Gun Kills
    • 1 Tank Mine Kill
    [Edit: I thought I can cut and paste the Planetside 2 Players search for this OP. Here is the link instead]!/5428392193627239185/killboard
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  9. CptnKeArN

    A reasonable explanation if I've ever heard of one, lots of rendering issues the last few months so its very possible. Which is another reason to fix the game lol. I was venting, its just damn irritating when you have a squad of guy in the sundy and BOOM you all dead with what everyone in the Sundy says was only 2 shots. and
  10. CptnKeArN

    It wasn't just stemming from that last death. But as suggested it might be rendering issues or even server latency issues. It wasn't a rage post at all. I know its all part of the game. But you have to admit that the Saron HRB and a mix of top guns are very powerful, and fire very quickly compared to the TR and NC equivalents. Maybe I'm just frustrated at the game as a whole, as my KD is way down, and headshot ratio sucks too since the merge with the Asian server months ago. I don't know....
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  11. Daigons

    Fear not, you should see what the Devs have done with all the vehicles on their Public Test Server. Especially with the top weapons. Check out the following review video and official notes.

    Drax: Combined Arms Test Server update

    PTS Update 04/21

    PTS Update 04/18
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  12. stalkish

    O right, perhaps its broken for me then lol.
    Yes it should show images to everyone.
  13. stalkish

    This vid should be main page sticky, needs its own thread....
    *** it i made one.
  14. Tankalishious

    Well, considering that the magrider has the lowest overall dps of any MBT, i dont feel sorry for you at all.
    Regarding the kill, i think you just experienced a topgun glitch.
    Its quite crap but happens
  15. Daigons

    This is just one video. Shout out to Drax, the ECUS crew and all the others that took a lot of time to put together videos like this.
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