[Suggestion] Nerf the Commissioner

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. asmodraxus

    Only if those pistols which are lacking get a buff, considering that the beamer is considered to be absolute trash compared to the other starter pistol might also explain the commissioners high usage
  2. Taemien

    Absolutely and that is due to my personal experience with many different weapons in the Army and the 20+ firearms I personally own and fire at the range regularly. Ballistic gels give interesting results and in some cases gives a good baseline. But is no substitute for what soldiers and marines experience in the field. But in this case.. you're not paying attention to what you're watching.

    Watch those videos you posted again. Notice the largest energy transfer for the rifles is towards the rear of the gel and not the front like the .45? That's the over penetration part I was speaking of. The energy transfer happens after the round leaves the body. No one except the most tubbiest of terrorist is going to be as thick as is needed to see the maximum wound potential you just showed.

    Perhaps you should spend more time at the range instead of watching youtube video's of others shooting?
  3. UberNoob1337101

    Main is BR69, 10 auraxiums + 4 completed master directives + 9 gold medals to-be auraxiums.

    I might not be a BR100+ since I'm just bored to grind to that point and the exams sometimes really ruin the farm, but I at least qualify in some way.

    That is true... but also it's something. Everything happens for a reason, so people definitely have a reason to spend 1000 certs on a gun and use it instead of using the (pretty good) free starters instead.

    Even though it's pretty flimsy evidence, it still shows there's something fishy. In every other comparison did for any other weapon type, the starters win out by a long shot.

    Meant it more in a way for gameplay. Semi-auto indeed requires some love, I mean I like the Beamer (Yes Forumside, I like it, deal with it), Mag-Shot, Cerberus and Rebel but they don't have the DPS of the Commissioner to compete, but longer range than the burst-fires.

    I'm all in for buffing sidearms, but I'd prefer of them being balanced around Repeater/Desperado/Spiker instead of being balanced around Commissioner/Underboss because of reasons displayed in the OP : 2nd section. At least Underboss has got nastier recoil and I feel the penalty of spamming the trigger, but Commissioner is just no skill-high reward. Point in the general direction and kill people effortlessly.

    Nobody was interested nor said anything in the 2nd section of the thread, which is disappointing, because I put a lot of effort into it :(
  4. Moridin6

    buff the others
  5. Garrum

    Maybe you should tell us you were in Delta Force too, so we can get some more laughs. Were you in the Vietnams? Did you waste a whole village of gooks?

    Those blocks are 10 inches long. You don't really have to be very big to have a 10 inch deep chest, seeing as that is the average. Which is beside the point, as with the 5.56, it has destabilized right at the 5 inch point, turned 90 degrees, broken in half, and exited the block in two different places. Do you think that while that bullet is traveling SIDEWAYS through two different holes that it's not transferring energy to the target? Do you think that massive temporary cavern is caused by a LACK of energy?

    Listen, it's good of you to take time out to post, but shouldn't you really be paying more attention while you run from building to building killing ISIS with your knife and pistol combo with the rest of your Navy Seal buddies?
    • Up x 2
  6. Stigma

    I love the commisioner, but I do think that it is probably a little OP if I were to give it a fair review compared to the alternatives. I love that there is a "magnum" type of sidearm but...

    The biggest thing about it I feel is that it has way too accurate hipfire. It has some of - if not the best hipfire availiable on any gun, and adding to this the slow rate of fire makes the gun always reset to minimum COF for each successive shot unlike many faster firing weapons. This ironically makes the incredibly bulky commisioner (more the side of a carbine than a sidearm) top-tier as far as hipfire guns go. The awesome hipfire (and lack of any good reason to not use a laser) makes it so that you never have any real reason to ADS in 99% of cases.

    This doesn't make much sense IMO. I'm all for it being accurate in ADS, but that sort of huge gun should have mediocre hipfire to balance it's incredible damage and superior accuracy in ADS.

    One-shot sheadshots on infils is also a bit BS - but that's perhaps more due to the arbitrary less HP on infils. It just seems excessive on a sidearm when no other guns except a boltaction are capable of the same feat.

    A lot of sidearms suffer from the same problem as the commisioner though - in that there is very little reason to ADS with most of them, and the few that don't have good hipfire fail as alternatives because of it. Part of the problem is that most guns (all non-revolvers) have no access to any sight apart from ironsights - and most of those ironsights are very bad - making ADSing even worse than it needs to be. Adding simple red-dot sights to empire-spesific guns would at least help to alleviate this issue - but a slight nerf to hipfire across the board is probably necessary to make ADSing worth it.

    All in the commisioner is probably a little OP. It isn't such a HUGE issue since it is availiable to everyone - but it does diminish the diversity of the game since objectively one of the best sidearms, and that leads to "everyone" using it. If it weren't for people trying to get pistol directives we would probably see even more of them.

  7. AF8RailJack

    Yes buff the others. Get into the Power Creep, but also then you'd need to buff normal guns, and after that all the vehicles and everything else along with it. Until the time when u get back and re-buff the sidearms:)

    Power creeps is never a good sustainable option for a game. Nerfing one Ovepowered elements is much safer and easier option (in terms of people staying in balanced game). While nerfing reduces the fun of some people in the short run, it ensures their enjoyment in the long run playing a balanced game. If u get into the power creep you'd lose a lot more people:)
  8. cobaltlightning

    How about a .44 Magnum round, then?
    Y'know, since this thread is about a .44 Magnum weapon.
  9. Jubikus

    The gun is fine. It may be OP compared to alot of the other pistols but unlike basically everything else in the game it doesnt put anyone at a disadvantage unless you simply are too new to have one or dont want to get one because you like to be mr unique. The commie is a weapon thats accessible by every class on every faction so there is little reason to give a **** if its better than its counterparts outside of things that are a little gamebreaking like being able to one shot anybody but they already fixed that.
  10. Mezinov

    For starters - there is no reason to attack him for his claim. While 'Stolen Valor' is a serious problem that can negatively effect many people, the fact remains you do not know if his claim is true or false - given the nature of internet forums. You don't need to grovel - but need to be mindful that he may have actually served and that legitimate veterans face enough cultural and political strife returning home that they probably don't need someone berating them on a forum.

    On to the matter at hand; everyone seems to be ignoring that just a rounds caliber means nothing to its stopping power - and that we are discussing the merits of rounds defeating body armor. To that end, I will leave these here - since everyone is fond of videos.

    The point of these videos is to demonstrate that caliber isn't the only thing that matters. Round design, intent, and target all also matter. And in the terms of Planetside 2 - our soldiers aren't some terrorist or militiaman. They are standing armed forces wearing protective gear (including energy shields for beans sake) presumably designed to defeat modern threats that must be defeated to do harm.
    • Up x 1
  11. Garrum

    I find it almost completely impossible to believe that someone could have been in the military and then declare that handgun cartridges are superior to rifle cartridges in any capacity other than size of the delivery system, without instantly following it up with a "LOL JK". If people actually ARE coming out of the military thinking this, then the military is in WAY worse shape than I thought.
  12. Taemien

    Its alright, there's no shortage of people like him that actually go out of their way to attack military members. Its not the first time its happened in a video game and definitely not the first time in PS2. I could post pictures, but I'm sure due to his axe he has to grind against people like me would only incite him further. Either because he doesn't support us, or there's a bit of jealousy. Never can know. But either way the thread isn't about me, and this is derailed enough.
  13. SpartanPsycho

    You really didn't think up that post on your own did you?
    I really would prefer that you just say that it's from some idiot noob's post.
  14. SpartanPsycho

  15. SpartanPsycho

    I have not been in the military although I am thinking upon joining up.

    Handguns have one big advantage, namely, they are still designed to put people down, whereas a "primary" small-arm is designed for wounding and suppressing.

    Take a look at the Deagle .50 or the .44 magnum and tell me that the little puny 5.56 NATO beats it out.
  16. SpartanPsycho

    Did you know that pistol bullets are used in SMG's?

    The best example off the top of my head is the MP5.
  17. SpartanPsycho

    Want authoritative?

    There's a reason that the mob uses small, high ROF weapons.

    Swedish-K Nasty little European killing machine.

    Freaking love the MP5.

    Pistol Love <3

    My baby dream pistol.
  18. Codex561

    ?? The entire reason I use the commi over the underboss most of the time is because I want to be able to kill infils in 2 shots..
  19. Hegeteus

    What are these forums coming to? Nearly in every thread people are now arguing about IRL war matters, making not only double-posts but penta-posts and posting mostly shallow biased opinions instead of giving any decent reasoning to their arguments. A lot of people seem to think that if they auraxium X weapon, their opinions will automatically be true
  20. SW0V

    I agree with the OP that the commie is currently a much better secondary than any other.

    The way I would fix it is increase its equip time over other secondaries. By how much? I don't know. But there should be a drawback for having the highest non-sniper/shotgun alpha damage in the game.