Nerf the Battle Nanny

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 13lackCats, May 29, 2013.

  1. 13lackCats

    How so? Describe it to me. I looked and looked...I just don't see thinking ahead now. Please describe it to me.

    Two examples for you to answer. One is related to gameplay, the other a philosophical question:

    1: How does one divert portions of a dominant enemy zerg using lattice gameplay?

    2: How does one reconcile having removed so many opportunities from play from so many people in order to gain one thing?
  2. Loegi

    Dude what? It's very simple really, look at the map, decide what lanes you need to flank the base, cap those. You'd need to think ahead and plan accordingly because the enemy will probably advance during the time you flank them, so you can't just flank them all willy nilly, you'd need to plan for that beforehand.

    And what do those questions have to do with my post? Besides, those questions are loaded, and I will not stoop to that level.
  3. 13lackCats

    You didn't answer my question:

    1: How does one divert portions of a dominant enemy zerg using lattice gameplay?

    The philosophical question isn't loaded. However, it is hard to answer...innit? :)
  4. Loegi

    I'm not going to answer random questions that aren't related to my post.

    And, yes, it was loaded.

    If you're not even going to try to make sense, then I'm done here.
  5. Vanus Aran

    But you are the only one whining when people just got "4th faction" to rebell against lattice.
    Since they do everything to win, even if its going all TR.

    Its not just lattice. SOE is decreasing the very NEED for Outfits and strategys for months now.

    They are always and without exception supporting totally BRAINLESS zerging and are weakening the efficiency of outstanding actions more and more. Techplants for an example. People had been to childish, rebellious or lazy to go in with Shielddefusor-Sunderers -> so the devs erased the inner Shieldgenerator and placed 2 new ones OUTSIDE of the shields!!
    They did too much! In combination with the 2 "balcony-doors", the Techplant became too much of a weak base.
    Luckily players are too lazy or uncooperative to use Lightassaults in a coordinated manner, so they cannot easily destroy a Sunderer with them. I think this is the whole reason why they dont do it.
    If a Lightassault would have something like a bazooka too and would be able to finish most Sunderers with it right away. The answer is easy -> doing it after a short briefing with 2 Lightassaults. Luckily to many people are already to lazy to do that.

    New players got trouble finding battles? Oh is that sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?
    When I was a new player, I didnt had trouble to find battles at all. I admit that I had not seen much ZERG-clashs back then but battles -> had been everywhere! They are no excuse for the monoton horror of lattice.

    Yeah you are right - now we are all just disgusting campers.
    You can still take your time and position yourself at pointless locations that serve no purpose for the advance of your empire in general, but are sexy as hell to camp from. As if that nonmoving scum would not have been numerous enough in the game.
    Camperside 2 - because Zerg always matters
    and if your side is just not as numerous enough
    just go and make moving in general unattractive
    in hope that the enemy doesnt get a good footing
    to overrun your base

    *sigh* ... it is so sad to see what the game is becomming.
    Actually this makes my life a lot easier. Now I dont have to plan out what to do next.
    I already know it. Want to know? Sure. Cause its no damage anyway!

    I take my Infiltrator, spawn a Stealthquad and attack Sunderers with it, brought along by the Zerg that I cannot stop anyway!!!
    One day ago TR rolled over from Allatum to Hvar with a Zerg and there had been not enough people able to push them back. I attacked them like I just described for around an hour.
    It was unexpected effective!! I was astouned but then the answer why it was going so well became stunning obvious.
    Because I was simply not trying to "stop" the enemy. I didnt took any risks, played cowardly all the time!

    Someone raged on me and whispered me ingame for being so damn annoying! :D
    I just told him its the best I can do and everything else is inefficient anyway.

    So in the end: Lattice actually took from me the mission to find out what is best to attack next and killing Infantry and blowing up some Sunderers brings so much more XP and certpoints as trying to conquer bases around a big zerg, that im asking myself why im not totally happy and satisfied about this development?
    I guess its because I know there is no alternative. And that in itself is just a loss.
    And im not feeling good doing it. And knowing its the only thing in the future that will be efficient is numbing.

    The incompetence of people to play coordinated is ruining the experience for everyone.
    From what I know is that its not fullfilling anway to cap bases without any meaningful resistance.
    Lattice cannot force out what is not there. Lattice cannot force... at all!

    Cant shake off the impression that people had fleed the scene after lattice came.
    At least on Miller. The TR is still just playing because they know they can still gain xp from an alert.
    Lattice makes it easier to play out the superior population too. Wouldnt surprise me at all if the population of TR on Miller will rise even more in the next weeks and months.

    Cause if you cant beat them, you can still join them.
    There is an alternative even in lattice.
  6. 13lackCats

    Loegi said:
    “Yeah, it's a shame you know have to think a bit ahead to be able to flank.”

    Not random, and everything to do with your post.You said one needs to think ahead now. I'm asking what does that entail?

    I'll go first:

    In a hex battle, one caps behind or to the sides of the zerg. This pulls a number of them away from the main push, and thus gives better odds to the guys taking the zerg head-on. I do not see this option in lattice play. Do you?

    A person on the winning side of a dialogue doesn't need to load questions. :) The question only need-be dominant from a fact-based point of view. :) A wise answer could contain a lot of data. What makes the answer difficult for a pro-lattice is that the number of things lost far outnumber the things gained.
  7. Loegi

    That wasn't the original question, the original question was "How does one divert portions of a dominant enemy zerg using lattice gameplay?".

    I already answered the question "I'm asking what does that entail?" in a previous post, but you said that I didn't, so that wasn't the original question according to you. So now you're starting to twist things even further.

    And I totally agree that the winning side of a dialogue doesn't need to load questions.
  8. Bearcat

    You have me confused with someone else - I never complained about 4th faction.
  9. 13lackCats

    Whoa. Sorry...carry on (ok...demographic requiring lattice observed)
  10. PhiladelphiaCollins

    This thread is stupid and you should feel bad.
  11. Crator

    And that ghost-capping behind or to the sides of the zerg is pretty annoying (some of this should be allowed via lattice but not much). The guys taking the zerg head-on should be a zerg themselves. They also should have an advantage at bases they own over the zerg (not saying in all cases that they do b/c of base design though). Meaning they should be able to hold the zerg off for a bit while reinforcements gather up to help. What we need is a game mechanic that allows some of the spec ops things to happen but doesn't involve capturing locations, more like holding them hostage. For example cutting resources/bases benefits/draining power/etc....
  12. Arquin

    There were other ways to solved ghostcapping than this ****** corridor shooter for dummies.
    • Up x 1
  13. Devrailis

    Nobody nerfs the Franny Nanny


  14. Crator

    Care to share or are you just blowing smoke?
  15. Tekuila

    The lattice is fine, also wtf is with you guys and dr who.
  16. Arquin

    What guys? o_O

    Both, but think back to the influence times and think about these.

    2 people required to start a cap.

    If attacker doesnt refresh the cap (rehack, only 1 person required) the cap reverts

    Standing on point gived stream of exp to compensate for boredom during real caps.

    Hex walls implemented on map to create artificial and better flow, giving better chances of forces to clash.

    Better resource system to penalise bad zergs
  17. Tekuila

    Dignity of war.

    Also this doesn't stop the tedium of having to go get a base back from 1 or 2 people.
  18. Arquin

    Dunno, guess its our pony thing. Only infinitely cooler and less obnoxious.

    Thats backcapping, not ghostcapping. And it still happens as it should. Backcapping is a valid tactic when done right however i agree more restrictions on it would have remedied the anger.
  19. Tekuila

    As valid as it may be, it certainly isn't fun to deal with.
  20. Nocturnal7x