[Suggestion] Nerf / Balance Banshee

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tr34, May 11, 2021.

  1. Blue_Lion

    Ani-air mines, basically a deployed short range lock on weapon. (thus adding a more class options to anti air.)
    Deployable anti air turrets.
    Anti air spit fire turrets.
    (most those would only apply to engineers.)
    Grappler LA packs that pull them up to near by aircraft for their patented C4 kill.
    Infiltrator EMP guns, mobility kill on vehicles.
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  2. Tr34

    I think we need more AA launchers that don't require lockons just like striker. AA mines are a good idea, we should launch them from a rocket launcher and they stay afloat for a while and detonate if an aircraft passes nearby. It should work like NS Scorpion without lockons imo.
  3. Blue_Lion

    AA mines are a real thing. anti helicopter mines ground device that use radar to Triger a short range rocket like device. Allowing more classes to use anti air weapons would help.
  4. Tr34

    I'm playing on Cobalt and players still spam banshee to get easy kills all day. If you don't want to nerf it, then give similarly overpowered A2G weapons to all factions please.
  5. BlackFox

    Like the industrial sized shotgun for the Reaver?
  6. Botji

    I think both the Banshee and AH actually needs to get closer to the PPA in terms of viability against aircraft, is there a reason why they too dont have a 350 m/s velocity, or actually even lower, considering they are a big shotgun blast/bullet hose making them easier to hit with compared to the more 'singular' shots of the PPA?

    They are supposed to be mainly used against infantry and aiming from up above its not exactly hard to aim for them, they would still be super lethal but the pilot will have to lead more which is not a bad thing or hard, PPA users do it so surely a shotgun or minigun would be able to do it as well.

    The goal would be to lower the velocity to make using the Banshee and AH actually be a big demerit and force the player to judge how much they value the ability to fight other ESFs because if they pick the AI gun then they will probably have to pick a AA secondary weapon, as it is now both but especially the Banshee can just kinda ignore that problem and always use the Banshee so they can pick off infantry when convenient, its as if the Skyguard would not have any big drawbacks and almost be on par with the Lightning AP when fighting tanks.. thats not how it is and it should not be like that for some ESF either.
    Going A2G should **** you in AA fights to the same degree that a PPA ESF is and how a Skyguard is gimped in a tank v tank fight.

    The only reason the AH and especially the Banshee is so popular and effective is simply because they are TOO effective, mainly against ESF. The Banshee is surprisingly similar to the TR high DPS AA nosegun in stats, biggest difference is probably the bullet spread and rounds per reload and it makes it almost a non-issue, why not have the Banshee so you can farm infantry when you get the opportunity?

    You can even double dip and bring lolpods or Hornets and still be quite effective against other ESFs, or go for a fuel pod. For a PPA Scythe thats a dream within a dream and how imo it should be, either bring a AA secondary or be 'unarmed' if a hostile ESF goes for you.

    Simply put deciding to bring out a AI ESF should be a similarly big decision as when you pull a Skyguard or HESH. You know you are making sacrifices and not just "Eh, its just a little worse at that but MUCH better at this so its worth it!"
  7. Tr34

    NC's Airhammer is powerful as well, PPA's TTK is garbage compared to the other two. But instead of buffing PPA and AH to be on par with Banshee, I would prefer them to set those guns' TTK to match with PPA. Because powerful air-to-infantry guns kill the infantry game.
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  8. Bonemiser

    Please give players better anti-air, It's a freaking joke that a Walker ANT is the most viable anti-air option in the game that isn't another ESF. Skyguards are limp-wristed ticklers, lock-on G2A launchers take too long to get a bead, and Burster MAXes LOSE to Banshees despite costing more nanites. Give us a break...
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  9. Atorum

    Banshee needs a buff, its too weak in current form, it takes too much to kill a target and since most players on Planetside 2 are laggers from South America, Asian and ****stralia it makes the task even harder.
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  10. JustGotSuspended

    agreed needs bigger mag, higher rpm and splash radius, and make each shot a 1hk against infantry and maybe some vehicles.
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  11. Drgnx

    triple the max damage range and add stackable AOE Damage over Time
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  12. JustGotSuspended


    There's no drop-off unless you meant splash. If you meant splash I think 3x is a little underpowered. I would personally just remove any splash drop-off, and probably double the base splash damage as well tbh. Maybe throw in the fire + emp effect from the thumper all at once.
  13. Tr34

    Another suggestion: Make aircraft pilots killable like in Battlefield series, so we can snipe them when they are hovering over to farm infantry.
  14. Clone117

    Everything needs to become deadlier on the individual level. The current state of things is just flat out atrocious. improving projectile velocity would be a start
  15. BlackFox

    That's the overall theme in the game - 99% of the weapons aren't useful against anything while the 1% left kill nearly instantly
  16. BoomBoom4You

    I'd say just make the damage fall off more dramatic so they are forced to hover -- this is already kind of this case with the air hammer.
  17. Toppestofkeks

    Lmao oh look another thread that's full of people who have obviously never flown an ESF in their lives and random trolls. If you think the banshee is OP I double dare you to get into a mosquito and start using the banshee. Ah no you won't because if you did, you'd just get farmed all day, it's better to whine about things you don't like on the forums instead.
    Here's what it's actually like to use a Banshee. if you fly with a banshee, it means killing a lone infantryman is all you can do.
    If there's even a single enemy ESF pilot that's online, ya can't play with the banshee. 1 enemy A2A ESF will completely deny entry to the side of the map that he's on. It's more than a single hex as well since ESFs are obviously mobile.

    If there's 0 enemy ESFs online, then you could actually try to run the Banshee. However, this still doesn't mean you can play.
    if there's a single spawnroom camping max on the enemy team, you can at best snipe maybe 1 kill before you have to fly off to repair again. If there's 2 spawnroom camping maxes then that's simply too much incoming damage and going to that hex simply aint worth it.

    Ah but we ain't done yet, when you're piloting, infantry tends to render really late. Infantry can pop in at like 20-40 yards distance at times. It's not really consistent and depends on the server. The bottomline is that you actually need to hover over the base for a while to get all infantry to render. Doing this however, leaves you vulnerable to tank shells. Not to mention, once an ESF has spotted a viable kill target, their trajectory is predictable, because there comes a point where you need to fly straight at your target to actually kill him. Most tankers are dog**** at the game tho and aren't good at identifying the moments when ESFs are vulnerable, but every server has a handful of tankers who don't have a below average IQ and are actually really good at hunting down esfs. If one of these skilled tankers is active on that hex, then there's no point going there because you WILL get sniped. If not on the first flyby, then maybe on the 2nd.

    In conclusion, yeah the banshee is good at farming bottom of the barrel tier players, but if there's even a single player online who's not a useless bot then you literally can't use the banshee at all. But I suppose it was only a matter of time before the bot tier players once again converged in a forum thread. What these bot tier players don't know, is that there's another dimension to banshee gameplay that they never see and that there's a metagame between banshee hunters and banshee pilots. To these banshee hunters, a banshee is just free certs.
  18. FLHuk

    The above post needs to be kept for all time in a museum.

    Just amazing stuff, top notch, great work sir and or madam.
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  19. UberNoob1337101

    Huh, found the Banshee ****ter, that was quick.

    Here's what it actually is like to use a Banshee :

    Notice how the guy completely decimates whatever infantry push these guys do, ignores lock-ons completely as he can just dodge with afterburners + fire suppress the damage, all while killing a MAX with one magazine and killing half a squad with less. I've done the same, with 5000+ kills on my main.

    As a TR main myself, Banshee is the only reason I have 5+ K/D on my new TR toon, with maybe a little tank farming on the side. It's braindead easy to do, and if you know how to RM and do it between passes no G2A can kill you ever. I've seen people who have no idea how to fly rack up 30+ kills within minutes just by flying Banshee mossies in big fights, completely ruin 12v12 and 24v24 fights by melting whatever infantry comes out of sunderers and spawncamping defenders.

    "Infantry renders really late", it renders just fine for me at 300m.

    "You need to hover over a base for infantry to render", no you don't, and hovering around looking for targets is bad practice (but by all means do so, Lightning AP pest control will make short work).

    "You need to fly straight at a target to kill him", only if you're a bad pilot lmao. No need to tryhard for kills, you'll get plenty if you play reasonably. Doing multiple quick passes is fine.

    "You'll get sniped by good tankers", that's why you either pull a Liberator w/ Dalton and Spur first to sweep through armor or get a squad that will gun a Lib and a few Banshee mossies. It's disgustingly effective at killing anything that's not an ESF.

    "It's good at farming bottom tier players but against good ones it doesn't work", if you'd consider [DIGT], [LPS]. [H], [SWAG] and [T], some of the best infantry players I know from the EU server, some clocking even 10000+ directive points as bad players, then be my guest. I trade evenly with these folks in a 1v1, but utterly trash them with Banshees and they either pull ESFs themselves or leave the fight

    There's a dimension to Banshee gameplay, that's pressing LMB and... not having to do anything else, actually. If you want to be super AIDS : make a construction base with an air pad, pull free A2G ESFs, farm and RM around the battlefield until you either die because you made a big mistake or get bored of farming.
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  20. Toppestofkeks

    I wasnt 100% sure whether this post was worth responding to or not if I am honest because it was full of nonsense. Guess ill bite.
    To begin with, I am not really understanding the point of the video you posted. Literally all you see in that video is a banshee farming useless bots with no opposition of any kind. Like duh of course he's going to make kills under these circumstances.

    >that's why you either pull a Liberator w/ Dalton and Spur first to sweep through armor or get a squad that will gun a Lib and a few Banshee mossies

    So this is a dalton thread now? Im confused.

    My point was that a good player can deny a banshee access to the area and that is objectively true. I don't see how a video of a banshee farming bots refutes that statement.

    Also if you claim that infantry consistently renders at 300m distance then you obviously don't pilot much. It's a well known issue that infantry renders late. In fact if you have even minimal experience piloting then you should be aware of this.