Need suggestions on LA/Engie main weap for cqc

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by nick779, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. nick779

    So far ive found that the af19 is decent at medium to long range, and the gd7f is good for close range. however after purchase (before the VR room) ive noticed that the gd7f is much more situational then I thought, and more often then not im running out of ammo in the middle of a firefight and have 0 time to reload. the GD7f is great when it works, but I seem to have a hard time landing enough hits to get more then one person in cqc no matter if i use the forgrip or the adv laser. imo for me the gd7f excels at short-medium range, but it shoots too fast for me conserve ammo and drop people at very cqc. i have the cyclone but imo it shoots too slow

    so personally...
    -high dps
    -rather accurate with recoil compensation
    -adv laser (granted i like the forgrip more)

    -i hate the recoil pattern (almost all of my weapons are ^> or a bouncy but controllable <^>, the GD-7F is a <^)
    -845rpm spends ammo way too fast from a 30 round mag and for me, half the time im out before i drop the enemy

    now im debating at the moment whether to either buy a shotgun or the blitz to fill this niche for my carbine users, what would you guys suggest?
  2. ScrapyardBob

    Until they nerf shotguns, I consider the Pump Action Shotgun (w/ Slug ammo is my preference) a must-have along with the HS/NV scope.

    Which is a shame because I liked bringing the Solstice SF to the party and laying down smoke.
  3. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    Shootguns obviously.
  4. TheFlyingDutchman

    shotguns are gonna be nerfed in gu06
  5. BH Brigade

    Pump Action shotgun is still damn good if you get into the OHK range, or if you strafe you have time to miss the first shot.