Recently I've auraxiumed my Light Assault on Ps4, wanting to move on to a different class to auraxium. So I chose the Combat Medic, I have nothing unlocked for the class yet, so I need suggestions to get a kickstart. What should I invest my certs into early on, what tips can I take from experienced CM's? All feedback would be helpful, thank you.
The medic tool is your big cert farming tool and main reason for being a medic. After that I guess it is up to you whether to max out your nano healing device (heals you as well as people near you on the move by pressing F) or your shield regen tool which also gets you certs (it soes heal as well) but is a static deployable and moreover won't work if it overlaps a device someone else has already deployed. They are both AoE tools but I go for the nano healing device because of personal healing in mobile combat as well as certs for healing others. Medikits are a kind of "well why wouldn't you?" addition although some of the more aggresive CMs do equip C4 (never found it very useful myself). After that you might consider revive grenades for those hard to reach fallen allies although they bounce around a bit - if you place it right it will revive all deaders in its area of effect when it goes off with consequent certs for you per revive. The biggest drawback of auraxing medic (at least on PC) is the number of medic kills and saviour kills you need to get, but then if you have already auraxed an assault class I gues you don't need advice in that area. I'd just say not to forget the 'Combat' in Combat Medic. So get whatever primary weapon fits your playstyle best after you've maxed out your healing abilities. ARs optimised for either CQC or medium to long range can be purchased with certs but there are also some that perform reaonably well at any range. They are all pretty accurate and controllable but for longer ranges the burst AR is a laser. That said, some Medics prefer the Shotty.
just wanted to add, when i am using the self heal (maxed ofc), i always equip (2) c4, when usind shield regen, i always equip medkits (and regen1 implant) c4 can be very useful, in towers for example (some dude will drive his tank in there - your chance to throw some c4 down on him ), to clear doorways, to finish off maxes, or just imagine you are close to a heavily damaged enemy sundi, all friendly ha's died and you cant safely reach them to revive them, but you are close enough to the sundi to finish it with one c4 - it just gives me a good feeling to know i have something against armor and maxes. when using shield regen, you should equip medkits for obvious reasons edit: when you choose to use shield regen, get it to rank 4 as fast as possible
1. Medic Tool 2. Heal ability or shield regen 4. revive granate 5. Flak Amor 6. Weapon 4 youre playstyle if u want . That how i maxed out my medic first . After that i spent for some other loadouts