Need incentives to fix population disparities

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AirSuicide, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. AirSuicide

    There is a severe issue with population disparities, an incentive needs to be given to stay on (Your Faction) low pop servers. Also an incentive needs to be given to make individuals desire to defend continents which have been captured by their factions. I have posted screen shots below as proof of why these or something like them is severly needed -

    For remaining on and defending a captured continent:

    Suggestion 1 - 500% (Or something) Cert point gain bonus for remaining on a continent which has been captured and continuing to ensure it remains yours.

    Suggestion 2 - Massive % increase in xp / Resource gain while your continent is captured as long as you are "on" said continent.

    Suggestion 3 - Special in game item / armor granted to all faction members (Who assisted on or attained a certain number of kills while defending said continent, (IF) the continent was held by one faction for 1 week.

    For fighting on Low Pop (Your faction) continents - Cert Bonus Gain %, Higher XP % gain, 500% increase in Resource Gain.

    Here's why these incentives are necessary:


    As you can see in this image the territorial "ownership totals" (Continental ownership), NC and VS are doing well on the whole continuously, the Terran republic however is sorely outnumbered in all areas and aspects however. In fact the numbers are so bad, you mine as well not even be a Terran. In the last few weeks this seems to be a common thing for the Terrans.

    NOTE - These totals have remained this way for about 2-3 hours (Give or take)

    Totals in this image -

    Indar -

    VS - 64%
    TR - 19%
    NC - 17%

    Currently their is no reason for either the NC or the TR to attempt to take any of this land back. (See pop totals in the images below)

    Esamir -

    Vs- 60%
    TR- 20%
    NC- 20%

    Here There is no reason or incentive for NC or TR to attempt to take back this continent or to play on it. (See pop totals in the images below)

    Amerish -

    VS - 5%
    TR - 5%
    NC - 90%

    I don't even need to post anything about this, its a travesty....


    Pop totals for Indar -

    VS - 41%
    TR - 35%
    NC - 27%

    This is not so bad really, but it would be nice to encourage more people to play on this continent, as the only bonus it gives is for infantry, it's not really prioritized or cared about much. It can be compared to a redheaded stepchild which you may beat on occasion for amusement, but which you generally simply ignore because it's not worth your time to bother with.


    Pop Totals for Esamir -

    VS - 28%
    TR - 37%
    NC - 33%

    This continent is probably the most even of all of them pop wise, and should be listed as the "Goal" distribution range of faction participation.


    Pop Totals for Amerish -

    VS - 7%
    TR - 20%
    NC - 72%

    Here the most valuable continent of all, and with these totals their is absolutely no reason or incentive for anyone to play on it who is not NC.
  2. nickkeane

    I agree with Suggestion #1 as well as the low pop gains. The current low pop XP gains are IMO not significant enough at the moment.

    As an aside, this should've been posted in PS2 Gameplay as it is not a bug or technical issue, but rather a game re-balancing issue.
  3. AirSuicide

    Maybe one of the devs can move it.
  4. HellasVagabond

    You do realize that stats change everytime right ? I always play on ESAMIR where the NC are always the lowest population, yet i see no reason to move to another continent.
  5. LameFox

    I'd like for there to be incentive to even out the numbers on each continent as well as a server. Sort of like an additional EXP bonus if you're fighting on a continent severely outnumbered, as you get when your faction is lower overall. It seems like quite often one team will dominate and everyone just leaves because, frankly, why stay and help them farm certs?
  6. Xenthian

    I think suggestions 1+3 would just lead to more warp gate camping, and therefore worsen the population imbalance. Over on Matterson, if we cap a continent our outfit will move to a new one to let the other factions regain some they can put up a fight.

    I think it'd be better if the population bonuses were just continent based rather than server based.