I just started playing a few days ago. I'm already at level 11 now. I wanted to now what weapons and setup up should I go with to make me a better medic.
http://planethead.info/classes/combat-medic-guide Read this guide Iridar51 just posted - everything you need to know. Welcome to the game!
COMBAT MEDIC LOADOUT AND CERT PRIORITY: Don't bother with new ARs. If you're NC and TR your starting AR is great, and even if you're VS the starting AR is still suitable. Your main priorities with certifications should start with maxing out your medtool, getting attachments for your starting AR (I'd recommend a forward grip and either a 1x or 2x for each of them.), and things like suit/ability slot afterwards. Maxed out medtool is wildly different from the starting one, reviving and healing people much faster, as well as reviving people with full health as opposed to half. Attachments for your AR are also obviously incredibly good; the forward grip is amazing to have, providing great recoil benefits with little-to-no downsides. Now bear in mind, for the next things I'm about to suggest, you don't need to max out these things immediately or in the order I'm mentioning them. Medkits are INCREDIBLY cheap and incredibly useful (although sometimes made redundant with your nano-regen device, as your nano-regen device ability heals yourself), so getting 1-2 of those wouldn't be a bad idea. Alternatively, you COULD get C4, since the combat medic has very little AV and Max-killing capability. While I wouldn't recommend it for organized squad play when you have heavies that will take care of that job already, it's fine for solo/lonewolfing. It's your choice whether you want to get C4 or medkits. Depending on your choice, that means you'd either want to invest in the shield regeneration bubble or the nano-regen device. If you decided to take along medkits, you should go with the shield regeneration bubble, since your medkits will take care of healing yourself most of the time, and the shield bubble is good for regenerating your shields, your allies' shields, and giving you a LOT of certs if placed properly. If you decided to take C4, you should use the nano-regen device, since you'll need some way to heal yourself without medkits. Moving from there, you have the suit slot to take care of. To start, get a point in nanoweave armor for your first investment. Although the benefit from just one rank seems small, it guarantees that it takes an extra bullet to bring your health and shields from full to nothing, which is invaluable in a straight-up firefight. It's only one cert, and it's going to give you the most bang-for-your-buck for one starting rank. For what you want to put into your suit slot afterwards, it's a matter of personal preference. Nanoweave armor is useful for obvious reasons; it increases your durability by a substantial amount, and there'll definitely be a difference in how much you survive getting shot at with it on. Flak Armor is incredibly good because if you're behind your allies like a usual medic, your main concern would be explosives like grenades and rocketpods, which flak armor DRASTICALLY (and I mean drastically, the difference between having flak and not having flak is unbelievable) reduces. Your other option is grenade bandolier. While it's not very useful with just frag grenades, it IS very useful with another kind of grenade you have... The cherry on top of the medic loadout would be the revive grenade. It has situational uses, but when it's used in the right situation, it becomes invaluable, allowing you to quickly bring back a room full of people while under pressure. Combining it with grenade bandolier leads to some amazing results when done properly, and even if it won't turn the tide of battle, it'll sure as hell stall your enemies trying to get through your friends coming back to life over and over and over again. Bear in mind, however, that it only revives people with half hp, so it may not be as gamechanging as you'd like it when you start to get overrun. However, it's very worthwhile, and I'd 100% recommend getting it over the typical frag grenade. The main issue here is that it's a whopping 400 certs, so it's not something you'd want right out of the gate.
I run NC1 Gauss Rifle with RD 2x, will get the grip + flash sup. Lv5 Medic tool, Lv4 Flak Armor, Lv3 Regeneration shield and 3x Medkit. Nothing max level atm, cost is too high.
The first thing to decide is if you want to be a fighter with healing skills or purely a carebear. The guide I posted the link to (above) recommends slightly differnt loadouts for each type. Personally I run a fighting medic with a bit of healing along the way. As that means I am actively seeking infantry combat I run nanoweave armour and nano regen, as a proxy for having medkits or resto kits (although I am saving up for medkits as well, for the insta heal). Of course nano regen helps nearby allies as well when it is activated. I'm fine with the stock AR on any faction tbh, with 2x sight. They are so accurate I heven't bothered with a fore grip though I am thinking of getting a laser as the hip fire CoF is pretty poor (compared to the carbines I am more used to). This is for CQC and on TR, my preferred class, the Cycler has the same RoF as a carbine so it is worth doing. Other faction stock ARs are a bit slower and I might consider getting a high RoF CQC AR one day but it is not a priority. I have been upgrading my healing tool along the way but I don't even try to heal allies who are fairly obviously going to get killed again straight away (or get me killed while trying to rezz them). I'm talking about dead guys out in the open where I can actually see the enemy tracers flying past them or me........that sort of thing. It is a waste of their time and mine. I'm thinking of getting a rezz grenade when I have the certs. They are occasionally very useful but I am having great sport with frag atm, so not too sure. Both are useful in combat situations although I read that the rezz grenade is only really useful if you can use it to rezz several dead allies who are not reachable by any other means e.g. chucking one into a heavily contested room you are fighting to hold onto when a load of your mates get killed in it............... Long story short -whichever role you choose don't sacrifice everything to heal or rezz at all costs : Check that it is likely to be worth the risk and actually help your ally first. Look to your own protection as well. Max both healing tools. Remember to keep an eye on what the bad guys are doing (lack of situational awareness takes you out of the fight real quick so think like an assault class)
Medic's are the backbone of any battle, so your survival is top-priority. Keep mental tabs on where enemies are constantly and don't expose yourself to them unless you're left with no other option. Cert investment is flexible and depend on your goals. Iridar51's guide is a great starting point to venture off from as you set your own goals, which is very important for any inspiring player. Do you play on PS4 or PC? Either way, if you have any specific questions regarding the Combat Medic you're welcomed to PM me.
S variant for the under barrel smoke grenade and shield regen device. This 2 are your tools to herd kittens. I don't recommend the battlerifle variant
max out medical applicator..... this is the most valuable asset of the medic class unlock and max out medical kits and horde them level up your hp regen device or unlock shield regen device ability... which one you pick is up to you but I do recommend you try the shield version nano weave is a good suit slot option your starting assault rifle is good, you might need to get a 1x/2x reflex sight healing and revive grenades are something you should get after the above are done