Need Advice On Infiltrator Class

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by RayDrazon, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. WycliffSlim

    Well, most people don't have IR/NV scopes yet it seems like. And it's not that people don't have a reasonable attention span, it's that I don't run right in front of them when they're just sitting looking around. I run in front of them as a tank is busting through a wall with a MAX and a small army behind it. As I think I stated, you probably will be spotted if you frolick about right in front of some bored HA but that's just stupid and it's your own fault for not using the cloak as it should be used. You wait until the enemy has a more obvious target because the vast majority of the time the person who poses and immediate threat is who they'll be concentrating on. The entire point of the infiltrator is that they AREN'T noticed which means for all you know, for every infiltrator you've spotted and shot, 10 other ones snuck by you. If you play to the strengths of the cloak it works quite well, if you expect it to do something it's not designed for then you're going to get screwed over.
  2. Dr. Euthanasia

    If you only use your cloak in the presence of things like tanks and MAX units, how do you know you're going unnoticed? It's at least as likely that your enemies look at everything within their perspective, perform a quick threat evaluation, and deduce that the class in the game with the weakest weapons, which is currently incapable of shooting at them anyways, is a less pressing concern than the armored nightmare bearing down upon them.

    I guarantee that if you run up to someone with a tank at your side, they will either run away or accept their fate and try to take you with them before they are inevitably killed by the tank. Being semi-transparent isn't going to matter, and in the one situation where it does - when you don't have something far more important than yourself serving as a distraction - Hunter Stealth is useless. What's the worst you could even do if they let you get past the front line? You can't keep any important terminals hacked as the changes are immediately reversible, you can't kill Sunderers or even slightly inconvenience them without vehicle hacking or C4 implemented, and you can't reliably survive a gunfight that doesn't involve you shooting some clueless dunce in the back of the head. At most, you're going to find half a squad worth of people and toss a proximity mine at their feet, earning your faction about five seconds of breathing room in that small, localized area.
  3. PanzerGoddess

    ah yes killing the unsuspected in a base your about to ninja. They never see it coming, just when they think they are safe lol....death. And the fact that they come back for revenge only to step on your claymore, etc rofl. And the possibility of doing it twice if you have two of said devices :) As well sneaking into contested bases that will grid up in a few minutes is a great way to get things rolling for the main group, and as always the smaller outposts can be taken by just a few guys alot of times as well as defend one if you have the right set up. We use it all the time, having four+ more cqc infiltrators and a medic can cause alot of damage and hold quite well if you have a good team.
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  4. PanzerGoddess

    I also forgot to add. Infiltrators are the only class that seems to notice things that are about to happen or see them coming first. Our instants are always looking, listening and we are squishy which should require us to pay close attention to details and our surroundings. There is also this loving bond between infiltrators...we tend to protect our own more than any other class lol :p
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  5. WycliffSlim

    Well, that's not my experience playing as an infiltrator. If you see a big *** tank about to turn you into jelly you're not going to be thinking, "hmmm, there's a barely discernible shadow in the very corner of my vision, better check that out". You're either going to be thinking, "holy ****, RUN!" or, "better whip out my launcher and go to town"! I never said to run right beside the tank... if you do that, especially as Vanu, they'll probably strafe sideways at some point and accidentally flatten you. I said to use a frontal assault as a means to slip in the side door unnoticed. A players attention is typically focused on the center point of the screen, where their aiming reticle is, that means the further from the center of their screen you are, the better chance you have of passing undetected. When a high priority/dangerous enemy appears most people's focal point is going to be on that target.
    Terminals can only be re hacked by another infiltrator and they're just vulnerable while hacking it which means you can kill them. Typically after hacking a terminal my experience is that either my squad gets there quick enough to utilize it and start spawning tanks or Sunderers in the middle of the enemy base or the enemy just destroys it because that's their easiest option. Either way, the enemy can no longer utilize it and there's a chance that your squad gets a huge tactical advantage. Same thing goes for hacking turrets right before a big assault. The time it takes the enemy to regain posession of the turret can be just what your team needs to make a big push and break through.
    You're doing the same thing most people do when they think about the infiltrator, only looking at the first level of what they can do and not examining the overall implications of their actions. I like to think that there were several battles that I was fairly pivotal in doing just some of the things I've detailed, hacking enemy terminals and allowing my team to spawn tanks and MAX units in the base, taking out turrets by hacking or sniping engineers, etc etc.
  6. WycliffSlim

    Haha, the only time there isn't a loving bond is when some new/inexperience infil comes right next to your nest and starts blasting a moving targets with a semi-auto and gets you both killed -_-
  7. PanzerGoddess

    lol that is so true, or when you find a nice comfy spot to hide or hold for a moment, some ****** comes blazing in firing like a mad monkey and proceeds to "hide" with you....and you look at him like wtf u doing, get out of here, then you proceed to run to another spot does he do, he follows you x_X
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  8. Exrage

    I would counter with the "which is easier for me to kill" argument when it comes to running with a tank or not. If they attack the tank instead of you, they're picking the target requiring more shots and dodging instead of the free kill standing right next to it. In that point what the hell are you doing running with a tank in the first place? Get into a building and use it's entrances/exits to confuse your enemies on your location- then knife them in the back and shoot them in the face as they lose interest quickly and move on. 'swrong with you?

    On the note of the cloak's effectiveness do this experiment- stand next to a rock and hit F, now crouch and remain motionless for a second and see what happens. Now- while cloaked- move forward at max speed, stop and let it reset then try inching forward. The cloak's opacity responds to how quickly your moving and what position you're in- ergo if you're trying to remain unnoticed it's far easier to move from rock to another really close slowly than it is to get lazy and hit F when you're sprinting across an open field as you're hailed with gunfire hoping they somehow magically lose sight of you. If they're staring right at your position, they're going to notice you- but if you're moving slowly you take a shot and immediately hit F- even if it's not a headshot the chances of them spotting you are far more slim than trying to sight in again or ducking behind cover.

    Lastly I'm all for helping to teach the newer infiltrators, but if they're not in my squad, are a heavy trying to hit a tank with their rocket launcher, or follow me after repositioning as I don't stick around with morons I will ask them not to follow me in a /tell as I reposition a second time. Failure to adhere to my request gets them shot in the head with a follow-up /tell stating I asked nicely once.
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  9. Dr. Euthanasia

    Completely missing my point here. There is no functional difference between acknowledging only the tank and reacting to it, and acknowledging both the tank and Infiltrator, and determining that the Infiltrator is a lesser threat which demands no response. You can't definitively claim that you're going unseen when you use a distraction so much more important than yourself that only an idiot would try to stop you instead of it. You also seem to enjoy ignoring just how necessary the ability to sneak around without large, obvious distractions is, and how Hunter Stealth is completely incapable of helping you do this.

    Yeah. Good luck killing an enemy Infiltrator in the enemy base with no support from your own team without being shot by someone in the crowd of people waiting impatiently at the terminal for their ability to spawn vehicles to come back. Also, destroying and repairing terminals is just as effective as using Infiltrators, and any worthwhile vehicle pilot's going to be playing Engineer already.

    Taking out turrets is something that naturally happens every time a vehicle rolls up to the base, and given how there are never turrets placed in a position that would be advantageous to an attacking army, hacking them is rarely more useful than blowing them up. Hacking terminals requires your team to be in control of the area they exist within, which is meaningless in all three major base types (amp stations, tech plants, and bio labs) because there is nowhere left for vehicles to contribute once you gain control of those areas, and there simply aren't infantry terminals at all except for those in the unreachable spawn rooms and a single out-of-the way one in amp stations which will be made redundant by any allied Sunderer.

    It's simply unacceptable that the only non-situational role this class can perform is sniping. A combination of our inadequate stealth, lack of mobility tools, and restrictive base layouts ensure that we can't get anywhere another class couldn't just as easily, and yet we're the only one in the game with both inferior weapons and lower survivability, no capacity to influence enemy vehicles, and no unique interaction with important objectives. Hacking in its current state isn't good enough, and given how it can't be performed at distances of 200m and beyond, it's also completely at odds with the only thing the "Infiltrator" currently does well.
  10. WycliffSlim

    Well, we're just going to have to agree to disagree then. I find the infiltrator class quite well suited to my gameplay. I'm rarely killed by any means other than doing something stupid and I've snuck into multiple enemy bases, resuplied/grabbed a vehicle and snuck back out without anyone noticing, much less killing, me. I would agree that the class could use some optimizations. The ability for firing to auto-decloak you for one would be extremely helpful in a fast reaction firefight. It might also allow a little more CQC viability by giving them something of the Spy in TF2's ability, that is, that they can 1 hit kill enemies with a knife in the back. Perhaps that would prove a little overpowered but would also take a good degree of skill to use.
    Either way, in response to the original reason of this post I get the feeling that we would both advise the OP to stick primarily to long range fights and to be extremely careful when venturing into territory where there are many hostile forces in close proximity. I would also advise that if you want to actually score kills not just assists that you get a bolt action and learn to make headshots. I haven't encountered many opponents that will stand still long enough for you to land 2+ shots on them much less after you've already hit them once.