[Suggestion] Nearly 10% of the bases on Indar are broken

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dictatorfish, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Dictatorfish

    Nearly 10% of the bases on Indar are broken and ruining the game. The Crown, the Biolabs, Quartz Ridge are the main culprits from what I remember. They're too biased towards the defenders; a small group of defenders are capable of holding back a larger attacking force and this completely ruins the flow of the game. If the defenders destroy the attacking sunderers, both sides end up being locked in a stalemate. If the defending faction use that time to bring in reinforcements, they could end up completely wiping out an attacking force. The Biolabs are even worse: tanks and Libs can't even attack the spawn rooms and battles can end up taking hours.

    Techlabs have already been fixed in a recent patch to fix this problem. Please do the same for these other bases.
  2. Big Cyz

    You must be new to Forumside 0/10 you'll do better next time.
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  3. Ltshadow

    Quit trolling, all this post is good for is flooding the forums even more with useless and worthless posts.
  4. Bush82

    in the history of warfare when would the defenders make it easy for attackers? it makes no sense at all, except when EA/Dice are involved
  5. Dictatorfish

    I don't know what you're talking about, if you look through the forums you'll find loads of threads complaining about similar or identical things. SOE updated the Tech plants to fix exactly this sort of thing (before the update it required attackers to use ridiculous things like shield-breaker sunderers or mass LAs jetpacking over the shield) so it's pretty obvious that even SOE realise that there's a problem.
  6. Bush82

    the problem is its too hard to defend the bases so nobody bothers with it except the crown because it can be defended
  7. Tigga

    Obvious VS player! Quartz ridge is completely undefendable if you're TR. The magriders just surround it from the high ground which TR simply can't get to. VS, on the other hand, can defend it very easily as TR can't use their armour until the shield is down and the infantry are choked. Furthermore the AT turrets can actually fire at the stuff coming at you, unlike the ones pointing up the hill.

    Incidentally, @ everybody else. The defender has the advantage in almost all cases. They get free stuff, the attacker doesn't. The issue is that it's very rarely a fair fight - the attacker almost always has more numbers. IMO the defender needs more of an advantage, in general.
  8. Tobax

    No it was updated because the Tech plant had only 1 way in (the 2 little doors) which simply meant the defenders could sit all around them and blast anyone trying to come in. All the bases meantioned by the OP have several ways in.
  9. Flarestar

    Wait, wait. How the hell is QUARTZ RIDGE too hard to attack? You can literally surround the base, with high ground on all sides. The southern turrets can't even hit aircraft until they're right over it. The cap points are spread out all over with terrain preventing them from even hoping to support each other.

    If you're having trouble taking Quartz Ridge, you are just outright fail.
  10. Alesteex

    Now I am convinced that this HAS to be a troll post.
  11. Dictatorfish

    Because I'm trying to be fair and objective by looking at it from the TR's point of view as well? Just as Tigga has pointed out, we (VS) can surround the place with Magriders and Libs. However, the TR can't do the same thing to VS, which is the problem that needs to be fixed.
  12. Tigga

    No you can't. Prowlers can't get up those hills. It's pretty damn hard to get an infantry route up their either and if VS defenders have any brains they're on the hills already raining death upon the infantry struggling up narrow paths. Quartz ridge is a death trap for TR either way. It's one of the few bases where one side has a huge advantage when both attacking and defending due to the nature of the terrain.

    Of course, things get more interesting when VS have to push over open ground to Indar Excavation. This one favours the TR in defence, as there are free turrets, a tank bay, and the VS have to advance over open ground in clear view to be able to take it. You can hold Excavation with a smaller force, though, as is always the case in this game, you still need to a force nearly the same size as the attacking force to mount an effective defence.
  13. PsychoBat

    Please be a troll Dictatorfish, otherwise you broke my brain.
  14. Flarestar

    Yes, you can. There are more things in the game than Prowlers, I've actually both driven and fought Prowlers and Vanguards up on those hills, and getting infantry up there really isn't that difficult.

    I won't disagree that VS have it easier in assaulting the base due to the absurd mechanics of the Magrider, but that wasn't the OP's assertion. Quartz ridge is stupid easy to attack.
  15. Tigga

    Since they nerfed the climbing? Before game update 1 you'd be right, but after it you aren't getting a prowler up that hill unless you go almost all the way to NS Secure Data Lab. I've never seen a vanguard over that area of the map, so I can't speak for them. You're right in saying infantry can get up, but you have to run uphill in the open through pretty easy to hold chokepoints.
  16. Hodo

    I am going to report the OP for being a mo ron.
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