NC weapons need buff mostly the carbine!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jaquecz, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Jaquecz

    Okay seeing as most NC whine, ill be the first to actually not cry about it. (Typed this out on a dsi lol)

    First... the nc guns do have more damage ( but not much more) but the low ROF and the stupid recoil make them trash at med to long range, but the recoil prob is mostly just the carbines.

    The weapons for TR and VS have more accuracy and less recoil, and much higher ROF than most NC guns. Which actually give them a good advantage over nc at range.

    when ADSing with a nc weapon it really kicks all over the place which makes it stupidly hard to hit a small target/ someone in cover unless you tap tap tap, and even then the recoil still messes with you. the vanu and terrans however only need to aim and click. the low recoil and dps from their guns will do the rest.

    the nc may have higher damage but the vs and tr's High ROF makes that advantage trash.

    now im just going to say what i believe should happen cuz its 10:00 and i have a test tomorrow.

    the nc full-auto guns should have more damage per bullet since recently it feels like its 15 bullets to kill someone ALL OF THEM HIT.

    or instead make the recoil less so its not stupidly hard to hit someone thats 100m away
    50m is ez but when shooting at
    70m and farther the recoil is a major pain in the butt. The msw-r on TR and the trac-5 have no problem at that range. AND THE TR IS SUPPOSED TO BE CQC.

    P.S. i know this makes me look like i have autism so im going to post this again tomorrow with good grammar etc... {i typed this out on a freakin DSI DOOD}