NC visual overhaul?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CMDante, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. CMDante

    So, I was chatting with a friend about factions and asymmetrical balance and feel and yadda yadda. Anyway, an interesting thought came up; will the NC ever be looking at a revamp like the TR got? By which I mean weapon audio, new skins and some different models and the like? Because let's be honest, they kind of look/sound like crap. And I don't mean "I don't like it." I mean "These sounds are hollow and all wrong."

    Just a thought, would love it if SOE chimed in.
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  2. Calissei

    Yea, like roundup everything a little bit and I'll be happy. Everything is too squareish rite nao.
  3. CNR4806

    NC gun sound is still the most pleasing out of all three factions in my opinion.

    VS got the very weak-sounding pew-pew, while TR is stuck with gun sounds of conventional guns that kind of suck when compared to other games. Meanwhile NC offers something unique and powerful-sounding.
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  4. Pikachu

    Replace sounds for:
    gauss compact s
    gauss compact burst
    gauss rifle s
    gauss rifle burst
    gauss saw s

    Replace models for:

    Remove gimmicky grips and ugly bumps on all guns.
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  5. BanthaFodder

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  6. CMDante

    The biggest issue with NC guns, for me anyway, isn't the sound. It's how they all somehow feel light as they fire. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else. I often compare NC guns to cardboard boxes just because they behave like they weigh nothing.
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  7. GoyoElGringo

    I like the NC look, but not their default khaki uniforms. I also like that they are blocky looking. The soldiers look like action figures, and the MAX and Reaver look like transformers to me. Both VS and TR both look very streamlined, we don't need a third faction to be as well.
  8. Casterbridge

  9. Germaux

    Isn't that the trade of NC, their stuff dont need to be fancy but it need to work or somthing like that ? They take everything whaat they can find ?
    But yeah somme nc weapons need somme new models the most lmg's look the same...
  10. JudgeNu

    I don't see it happening any time soon but I would like to see some changes but I am afraid they would be worse.
    It is hard to please everyone.
    Personally I cant stand the carnage or any gun with bulkiness near the front.
    The godsaws are lackluster imo.
    There are a lot with the same look just slightly different features and I have gotten use to them.
    They just feel too bulky or something.
    The feel of a gun is important to me as well as the looks and they go hand in hand imo.

    I also think they should slim down the thigh armor or remove it altogether plz.

    I think sounds should be first in order.
    I like the way the Tross sounds.
    A lot of the silencer sounds are, well, its hard to put into words.
    NS-11p silencer sounds louder! and sounds like it should be a normal gun sound.
    I like it but it doesn't sound silenced.

    I miss the days of CS where gunskins and sounds/reload animations were able to be changed by players.
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  11. TriumphantJelly

    I know people will really hate me for this, and yes, this is semi-unrelated, but failed fish clones frozen in purple carbonite really need to be fixed first.

    IMO the whole game needs an "epicness" overhaul, yeah.
  12. Erilis

    No, you're right. To me, most of the guns feel pretty light across all factions. It's the animations and sound.
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  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    you wouldn't believe, i recently fired up some good old CS1.6 again and insta-realized how much i modded that game with custom weapon models, skins, sprites, sounds, textures. it was glorious! wish todays games had the same amount of modability

    that said, i cant stand the VS and NC gun sounds. why the hell they wont improve them? i say force the PS2 devs to listen to a match of Battlefield4 to make them realize how awesome and authentic its ingame sounds are and how much the PS2 sounds suck in comparison
  14. Stopper

    NC armors / clothes are too brights / colorful / childish ; the infil is just weird as hell.

    However, concerning the weapons, I really like their models and sounds.

    We just need to tone down the sound of the SAS-R, to put it in line with the sounds of the VS (Ghost) and TR (TSAR-42) counterparts, because they do less noise than the SAS-R and are more stealthy.
  15. Mitheledh

    Personally I happen to like the look and sound of most of the NC guns. It's part of why I chose them.

    The body armor, on the other hand, often looks a bit silly. With as blocky and angular as it is, I can't imagine it would be very comfortable to wear.
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  16. Appalachian

    I also like the way NC looks and sounds which is why I chose them. The only things I don't like about NC are the music, the female command voice, and the way infiltrators look.
  17. Whatupwidat

    If anything I want NC guns to be more blocky and bulky - they're meant to be cheaply made guns designed from re-purposed industrial equipment. I want them to look more like boltguns than assault rifles :p
  18. Mitheledh

    Cheap? The NC uses gauss weapons! Those are anything but cheap! They'd certainly be more expensive to manufacture than the TR gunpowder weapons would be.
  19. JudgeNu

    Oh god can we shut her up?!
  20. KnightCole

    I want to log in one day and see the EM6 look like the M60E4. I also kinda wish the NC would be more Dark blue and goldish and less skyblue with blazing yellow....