TourneyWaterson - Friday 7PM-9PM ESTConnery - Saturday 7PM-9PM PSTMattherson - Saturday 7PM-9PM ESTBriggs - Friday 7PM-9PM AESTCeres - Friday 7PM-9PM GMTCobalt - Friday 10PM-12AM GMTMiller - Saturday 7PM-9PM GMTWoodman - Saturday 10PM-12PM GMTAre you sick of picking on Zerglings all the time? Sick of never having organized resistance with fair numbers on both sides? Sick of the only decent fights being at the same 3 facilities? Sick of community run events only ever held at easily defended locations where its basically 'who defends it wins'? So am I, that's why I'm doing something about it. [RNGA] The Bastards and [AMEX] Transaction have been having extended tight 1v1's (with a cameos from other Clans such as [VAST]) on preset locations the past few weeks in a sort of 'KOTH', and they have been some of the most fun on Auraxis any of us have had, so I figure '****it, if I'm gonna do it I may as well do it properly' so it is for this reason I am organizing a Multi Clan Multi Faction 'Tourney'. I'm not just doing this on Helios where my lads are located either, I'm lending the mumble server to other Servers and allocating times that don't conflict so we can all get in on some tight Teamwork based punchons. For this reason though I may need to delegate to a couple guys on each server to moderate the mumble server for me during their servers allocated times. I won't take people who nominate themselves but if I get a number of Clans nominating a certain group as trustworthy I'll delegate to them to run their end. OK, but how are we going to organize it? That's simpler than it sounds, I have a 50 slot Mumble Server sitting there doing nothing from my Forum Subscription that I've got a bunch of different lobbies organized in, these lobbies are split into 'weight classes' of 1 Squad, 2 Squad, 3 Squad, Platoon and Platoon +. People get on the one in their 'weight class' and go for example '[AMEX], HAVE AT THEE', to which [AMEX] would respond 'DOTH THOU EVEN HOIST?' and they then jump in a 'sublobby' and pick a location between em, negotiate terms, then proceed to that relevant channel and get their lads organized and head out, the bonus of being in the relevant channel means it is easy for Platoon Leaders to say between them 'yo you wanna go another hour' (make sure you rebind the push to talk button a long way away from anything you normally press though) or say 'yo screw doing KOTH, how about a Dogfight?' or 'Tank Battle at Grid Positions G8, G9 and F9? (Moss Basin)' or agree to only use Ground Units or some such. What about Crews who can't field enough lads to participate? Well I got that covered too, simply team up with another Crew, we are for example taking TUBB under our wing and look forward to teaming up with them and going for the throat while the Chihuaha's of Amerish give the Ankles a good seeing to. These locations were scouted out to be not only interesting to fight on, but balanced for both attack and defense, the locations of some of them could be a bit tricky though but that's details and highly dependent on what the map looks like at the event starting. I would like to centralize one aspect of it, a 'War Stories' thread; where we can post up Pictures, Video and Stories and general smacktalk from weekend events. That thread is here (link)I would also like to emphasize that this was not designed to be a 'zerg this point' it was designed for 1 Clan vs 1 Clan punchons, 2-3 squads, and all highly coordinated.EsamirJaegers Fist, The Pit, Bridge Ward, Everett Supply Co, The Bulwark, Black Ridge Garrison, Glacier Station, Terran BL-4 Crash Site, Frostfall Overlook, Geological Survey Camp, Frostfall Overlook, Saerro Listening Post, Esamir Munitions Corp, The Traverse, Snowsheer Watchtower.AmerishTorremar Salvage Yard, Granite Valley Garrison, Split Peak Pass, Auraxis Firearms Corp, Auraxicom Substation, Silver Valley Arsenal, East Hills Checkpoint, Shadespire Farms, Blackshard Tungsten Mine, Crux Headquarters, Rockslide Outlook, Auraxicom Network Hub, The NC Arsenal, Litchcorp Secure Mine, West Foothills Airdock, Deepcore Geolab, Genudine Physics Lab, Moss Basin Mineshaft, Deepcore Platinum Mine, Torremar Storage Yard.Indar**** Indar.Why were Raven Landing, The Ascent and Eisa Tech Plant for example not listed? They are too easily defended to really be interesting, and we always run events there.Mumble InfoBefore logging in amend 2 things to your name, your faction and your Clan Tag, eg [NC][RNGA]AceRimmer Address : BASTARDS! LEAD THE WAY! KILLFACE Clan Leader The Bastards
Since I'm based on Helios I'm actually looking to delegate and find someone to handle it on this server, if a few crews will back you up as being trustworthy I'll make you a Moderator of the Mumble Server and whatnot, if your keen step up and we'll figure the rest out. I already had the prep work there and I don't mind going that extra step to help out other servers but if I can find some lads to help out on the local servers that'd be cool, would mean I can sorta 'fire and forget' and focus on my own end.