NC theme tunes deeply offensive to anyone with taste

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by moondog, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Vellsi

    See, TR is just superior and people know that instictively.
    Though I admit we could use a better song. I'd personally vote for this one:
  2. Blackout (N-C)

    If we had the TR music or the VS music, Loads more people would join us XD

    Even my friend joined the VS because "He though the NC sounded like a drunk hippo had gone ape-**** with a guitar."
  3. moondog

    Yeah I though "Oh it must be just ****** beta music. They will add the real production values when they find a decent musical director."

    How wrong I was...
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  4. moondog

    This isn't about faction vs faction. This is like going into battle with no awareness that the A-Team March never existed.

    This is important!
  5. Blackout (N-C)

    Hell, If the NC theme was the A-Team theme, Everyone would choose NC XD
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  6. Tactics

    Hell Yea! Love Space Americuh Music!
  7. moondog

    I love it when a plan comes together!
  8. Vargs

    Ah, yes. The depths of New York City, known for all of its hillbilly countryfolk.

    You got a problem with the NC, you got a problem with AMERICA.
  9. Blackout (N-C)

  10. Gr33D

    Nothing beats star wars. The fan-base/force is clustered there.
  11. Onizuka-GTO

    ...I think it was intentional. I mean, how could he ignore the holy machine grammar checker? it's underline in red. you don't ignore the red line! THE TECHNOLOGY IS ALWAYS RIGHT.
  12. Braken

    RIP Nyan Cat... *Manly tear*

    *Ahem* Anyway, yeah, I don't really like the NC music. Something just doesn't seem right with it.

    I actually miss the VS music from earlier in the beta. I like the new music, but I prefer the older song, honestly. It was more tech-y.
  13. Braken

    Ah, Rogue Squadron... I miss that series, along with Battlefront.

    They need to make more of those.
  14. daicon

    Whats wrong with it? It's supposed to sound kind of slow rock and blues-y and I think it fits the NC just right. Wrap your head around it and if you can't just disable it and play your Owl City or whatever crap you like.
  15. Monnor

    I like the theme , but seem in beta it sounds a bit different.
    Thats why i joined NC, and look at them now....

    I vote for this
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  16. daicon

    Whoa it is different. I like the beta version better I think.
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  17. Braken

    That is ALOT better than what they have right now. It's stupid that they scrapped that...

    In fact, I think ALL the Factions' themes were quite a bit better in beta. I mean, just listen to the TR's beta theme!

  18. Elbryan

    NC also look stupid. But then again, VS are pink...
  19. BengalTiger

    We ain't hippies!
    Hippies never took tanks to fight for anything, being pacifists.

    Our uniforms include cargo pants.
    We have the MBT with the biggest gun.
    We have the heaviest armored ESF.
    We use rifles that fire the strongest bullets.
    Hell, we listen to rock and roll.

    We're Rednecks.
  20. renegadeknight

    yeah, there is a clear difference. Not sure what happened there. Never thought it was great, but it was better than what we have now.
    What's funny is I though of this song as the NC theme once.