NC Shotgun is too weak (my opinion that is)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by knighthonor, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. knighthonor

    The range is limited, the clips are limited,

    well thats in any FPS.

    but the damage is far too weak. 2 close ranged shots and cant break shield.

    may be a bug. look into it please.
  2. STABB

    I have to agree it just seems week to me I have the piston
  3. Ghoest

    I believe all factions have the same shot guns - just different names and graphics.

    Unless you mean the Jackhammer - ya its lame.
  4. knighthonor

    yeah thats it.. JH
  5. Veil

    Yeah, the Jackhammer's a joke. I went with the Piston. It sucks that what used to be the signature/staple of the NC is now entirely worthless. I guess they were still too afraid of the cries of "JACKHAMMERS OP" from PS1... On top of all of our current infantry guns being utter crap, I might add.
  6. grin

    All factions have the same shotguns available. You are either bugged or doing it wrong. The jackhammer, while techincally worse than the full auto shotguns, Is still as powerful as the others.