[Suggestion] NC need a serious rework!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasterJohn99, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Crator

    I don't care who you are, if you only play one faction how can you possibly know how the other factions compare to it?
  2. CorporalClegg

    Because I don't play one faction. I simply don't agree with most of these complaints. And anyways NC has plenty of cheap tactics that are rage inducing as well, its not a one way arguement. Go play TR or VS and eat a three round burst from a jackhammer from across a room, you will not have a smile on your face looking at the deathscreen saying "Wow that was a good shot!"
  3. Crator

    I wasn't directing my comment towards you... The OP admits he has only played NC... That's is what my comment was directed towards... I just quoted you because you were on the same level as what I was saying...
  4. TheMish

    You can't be serious, you just can't be, it's impossible.
  5. Scorponok

    NC is just fine..the problem is the people if...they dont like the weapons etc...they are then in the wrong faction.And giving ground TR vehicles Banshee sounds logical considering the other empires has those on their vehicles why shouldnt TR have it as well?
  6. Alkezo

    7540 - Lasher X2 | KPH | Daily Average: 23.42
    7528 - NC05 Jackhammer | KPH | Daily Average: 30.73
    7533 - T7 Mini-Chaingun | KPH | Daily Average: 27.41

    And in case you hadn't realized, PPA has been unable to damage armor for quite some time.
  7. iller

    this is 1/2 hahaha.... other half "hold me I'm scared".

    If we were really talking about the N.C. here, what they need is a "players-from-other-factions-transfusion" and a lot of the bads being shipped off to the VS or something just b/c they need to learn how to hold a weapon that fires accurately before they try to handle a coilgun. ....basically what baseball and hockey teams do to keep their rosters from stagnating.
  8. KnightCole

    NC Suck? Hmm, not that I can see. They get the Reaper DMR, its a great mid range Assault Rifle, punchy, accurate, deadly. The standard Gauss Rifle, a mini EM6 with higher velocity. Good accurate killer. AF19, its a reliable killer, though ive not used it much.

    The only HA LMG I would call bad would be the EM1. Jackhammer, thought it's range is fairly short, its still longer then any regular buck shot shotgun in the game. MAX? I can agree its kinda meh overall. Its decent up close, but it's seriously low *** mag caps and abysmal accuracy ensure it gets porked beyond a few meters. I dont care much for it. I have died many times to MAX suits after I unload all 24 rounds into them and they dont die....then I am caught dead reloading. Go for headshots? Lol.....if the guns were more accurate.

    As for the Vanguard, its pretty decent with AP TITAN gun. The shield is kinda nice, like the HA Shield, really helpful if one doesnt wanna die, while the gun is good for sniping planes and ****** lightnings.

    Of the 3 factions, I find the NC to be the over all most fun and deadliest. TR and VS weapons have really short range, past maybe 20-30m their weapons plain feel as if they are shooting spitwads rather than bullets.
  9. Xasapis

    Funnily enough, the PPA and Marauder are pretty much identical in performance right now, with the Canister lagging behind. I don't see them nerfing PPA, without nerfing the Marauder as well.
  10. lesserbob

    Oh dear. He still in school.

    That explains the rant.
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  11. Xasapis

    50+m is really an exaggeration. It is basically the distance from one entrance of a Hellipad garage to the other. No MAX, TR or VS will not kill you in that distance, unless you are sitting still. A more realistic number would be 30m, which is still a lot further than what the NC MAX can do. Then again, infantry does not insta-melt the second they bump into an NC MAX. Simply put, it's as much reaction time you get when you turn a corner and run into a guy with a carbine, as opposed to a guy with a shotgun.

    Personally, I pray for the day the NC MAXes lose their shotguns and get downgraded to the level of the TR ones. Then they will be so much easier to kill with infantry than they are now.

    Heavy weapons:

    As you can see, both the MCG and the JH outperform the Lasher. Simply put, while the Lasher is more flashy, it does not produce results for it's user.

    AI Vehicle weapons:
    I posted a graph above. Right now the ground PPA and the Marauder are almost on par in terms of lethality. The canister still needs a boost to bring it closer to the other two.

    Regarding the ESF weapons, the AH and Light PPA perform almost identically. The Banshee however performs much better than either and needs to be brought down.

    No comment on the TKs. It's bad on all factions really, or at least as bad.
  12. AAYF

    Are you sure you are playing planetside 2?
  13. Bhudda V1

    nc is the surprise! your dead faction but you know where it's going to be coming from, i will admit it's not the easiest gear to use but it at least packs a punch sorry your having a hard time with the other factions/not having that much fun but i have found to make nc work to it's proper level i had to train and think about what i do and were i go to get the best experience and be the most help to my team (don't coincide most of the time) the other factions weaponry are more forgiving ie faster reloads or just more bullets + faster rpm on both you might want to swap between all 3 factions to get a better feel of how they all play also gives you an insight into the other factions tactic's

    canister buff confirmed incoming in.....6 months... good luck NC just keep using the kobalt like you always do, wait you already are...never mind.

    war never changes.....:cool:
  14. J_LO

    You want a medium range NC AI MAX weapon? Sure, then give VS and TR your MAX shotguns and we'll call it even.

    What? By this logic NC should be banned from having any sort of high RPM weapon because that's a 'TR trait'.

    All I hear is "QQ buff Jackhammer, nerf MCG and Lasher."
  15. Diilicious

    i wish i could play at your house.
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  16. Kidou

    The only problem with this suggestion is the time investment in starting a new character. And if you spent your SC on faction weapons...
  17. KnightCole

    How the crap is anyone going to single 3 shot burst you from across a room tih a JH and kill you? BY across a room, I assume you mean like a tower A point room? or the tower vheicle bay? From the stairs ot hte vehicle terminals? Either way, the JH accuracy isnt that good...Its better then a normal Shotty but not enough to really say so.
  18. Bankrotas

    I've been trying to trade for longest time, SOE doesn't want to let me :/ I offered my fully kitted out Saw for MSW-R or Carv or Orion too, nobody wants.

    All the "high" rpm weapons at the start were meant to let NC be semi competitive while old flinch was active. Last high rpm weapon we got was Blitz, though, I'd rather have it a bit slower but with more punch...

    Also, if we go full that way, TR and VS lose NS-15M, Decimator and revolvers. While NC loses NS-11A/C and NS smg's while keeping Baron.
  19. Horrida Messor

    You DO realise that all shotguns (besides JH) are carbon copy of each other?
    Phew, my boss almost heard my laughter. If you continue like this I don't know if I will be able to hold my laughter.

    0/10 - I can't even give you 1/10 for trying.
    • Up x 1
  20. Xasapis

    Well, not exactly carbon copy. VS ones have the least amount of bullet speed, while Baron, the NS one, has the highest. That makes the VS worse to use with slugs or even regular ammo, while the Baron is the best one slugged.
  21. Bankrotas

    They have 25 less muzzle velocity and no bullet drop on buckshot, but slugged version has same velocity (bug was fixed) as others.