NC Medic Gun for Pure FPS Gameplay ala Battlefield

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Lukivah, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. Lukivah

    If I'm playing medic purely for the FPS experience akin to Assaults in Battlefield, is the Carnage AR the weapon for that type of playstyle? 0.75x ADS movement modifier, fast TTK independent of headshots, decent at range and up close. What do you run and gunners think?
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  2. Neo3602

    I think that its a pretty good choice, its probably one of the higher rate of fire guns that would match the BF3 M16A3 in versatility.
    Also there a perk that you forgot, it has access to the advanced laser sight and the advanced foreword grip.
  3. miraculousmouse

    Scoring headshots is a VERY useful habit, but the carnage will give you some slack on that. The gr22 shoots faster but has **** reload, which is counterproductive to run and gunning. Another weapon you can look into is th Cyclone, th best SMG in the game.
  4. Epic High Five

    Don't dismiss the default as well. It's much more controllable and easily one of the best guns in the game. The DPS is on-paper comparable to 143dmg/698rpm weapons but with the alpha it's actually on par with the 143/750 guns like the Carnage.

    Slower in ADS, but also something to consider as well! It's one of my favorites, and while the Carnage is good it's too jittery for me and my desire for guns to be versatile.
  5. phreec

    You're right on track with the Carnage AR.

    I also come from a BF background but the two games play very different because of the TTK difference. But the closest you'll get to the same versatile role of M16A3/ACE-23 is the Carnage. It's pretty much the only rifle you'll ever need besides the default Gauss Rifle for med-long range fights.