[BUG] *NC MAX* Skull helmet with glowing eyes?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Unfleshed, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Unfleshed

    I have seen a few NC MAXes who have either the plain skull helmet or the yellow banded skull helmet that appear to have orange glowing eyes that look really awesome. The weird thing is that this is not consistent, I have seen these same helmets on other people with no glowing eyes at all. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this as well and if so, are the orange eyes supposed to be there all the time or not at all?

    I only ask because I am looking to buy one of the helmets soon and this could be the deciding factor in my decision. Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this.
    • Up x 1
  2. D-Spirith

    Their eyes blaze with light with anticipation of soonish massacre in a bio lab with hacksaws.
    • Up x 2
  3. Zecthans

    ^That x 50
  4. Taiah

    A serious answer would be nice, I am curious as well.
  5. Thagyr

    We have special eyes....
  6. MaxDamage

    Careful with the puns/jokes. I was suspended for three days for saying that someone should "grow longer arms" in a thread about "struggling in small arms fights".
  7. Iksniljiksul

    Yeah right. :rolleyes:

    There are around four different skulls, and they are one of the few things you can preview. Go preview them, one or two of them have glowing eyes.
  8. Taiah

    Actually none of the NC MAX skull helmets have glowing orange eyes in the preview. I have actually seen a MAX that had the regular skull that had glowing eyes; after he resupplied at a terminal with the exact same gear the glow was gone
  9. Antivide

    We get a special brand.