Everyone know this you heal or revive your team mates and then you are dead. Because your f****** tool can´t help, if you are under attack. My suggetion is a mix from the medic tool and the NC max shield. What you mean?
I run with the maxed out nanite auto heal (for myself as well as others). I also heal/rezz from behind cover where possible (the healing gun has pretty good range) or throw a rezz 'nade if guys have died and are in a place open to enemy fire. I also play as a combat medic i.e. I do some actual fighting too and this helps me to remember to keep an eye on surroundings (situational awareness is a developed skill and being combat orientated strengthens that skill, for me at least). So I don't usually take silly risks. Medics die more than other classes if they feel they have to heal or rezz everyone they see or they take undue risks to do so. Imo a bit of careful consideration avoids the need to give added protection.
Thx for your answer. You have right. But this are all points what players can do to be a powerful medic. For me, is the arsenal what the medics have to small. I mean between all classes is the medic the most boring class. Stop please wait.... I have 20 days playtime only on my Medic and auraxis everything. Every class in the last 4 years got so many differend gifts and nerfs and buffs. You know all this things. Honest the medic is the same like 4 years ago. Not 100% but 85%. AL can fly and make crazy action. Spy can be invisible. I like that so much. HA is HA and he has a rocketluncher. Air Hammer vs Decimator. Engie have the biggest arsenal and there is more in coming. So medic. Everyone from us know what the medic have and what we can do with his possibilities. Shield generator was a good step but its passive again. NC Max shield on the Medic tool is passive again. But the medic have many more possibilities. In my opinione. I´m sure there are many more ideas in the community. I´m not sure what really happen when the medic shield goes online. But I know what i do with this shield . Its only a suggestion. Do you have any other ideas? Then show us. ty and hf
Medic has an unique ability to revive, not like ever other class that has an ability to kill enemies.
Flying is unique too if you think about it. I agree with OP, not because I think medics lack in terms of interest (I do play medic a lot at this time and love it) but because more stuff is always more fun. Anything well thought is always a good idea, even if not a lot of players like it or play it, if only a part of the playerbase thinks something is good and play it, that's a good option. As long as it is balanced, for sure. And not too cheesy.
I understand the point OP is making. PS2 is a game about shooting things and people. The Medic is the only class whose main role is the opposite. But I still find that it is a pretty good combat class against infantry because of the AR and the self heal, with added benefit healing and rezzing ability. I would rather have AI mines than C4 in the tool slot myself, for a bit of protection against being ambushed in CQC when I am healing and rezzing instead of looking for threats.
Medic's primary objective is still to kill and secure the area.. by picking off the enemy survivors who remain to confront you when your teammates fall, or meeting enemy reinforcements face to face. Healing/Resurrecting people is secondary to securing a foothold on the objective. Only when there are more blueberries between myself and the enemy, and I'm out of res-grenades, do I stop to resurrect the 4 medics that dog-piled on the heavy in the thick of combat that all got lasher/MBT splashed out in the middle of the room because they weren't paying attention to the weapons trained in their direction.