NC Max Scatterguns

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Zhypher, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Zhypher

    Anybody have any tips as to what scatter guns to get and cert up?
    is the increased range of the mattock realy that noticable?

    just thought we could have a thread just discussing the pros and cons of the different scatter guns
  2. Glucksritter

    Tell ya what man, I really loved the Hacksaws, they go through the ammo like crazy but with a couple of engineers around they can tear it up!

    Those things are room clearers!!!
  3. Corviid

    Mattocks with slug ammo can be effective at about 50 meters although you have to be pretty precise at all ranges as the spread seems a little dodgy. i use them very often and the extra range is a god send when you see some smirking little bastard who thinks you wont be any danger only to one shot his face clean off at med range.

    In fact ill go make a short vid and see if i can plonk it on here soon so you can see for yourself
  4. Beltway

    Slugs don't have any spread at all. You do need to be a surgeon with them or you will miss a ton. I currently have them on my piston shot gun and I gotta tell you I hate them most of the time. I use a red dot to help with the aiming but it's still a hit or miss kind of thing. When you do hit of course it's rewarding, but only when you hit.
  5. Krrr8or

    I use 2 default scatter guns with pellets and love them. The reload speed comes in handy. Just have to make sure to nicely ask a pub engineer or a clanmate to help out. :)
  6. Zaik

    No, there's a definitely spread even on the first shot while crouching stationary. The slugs are very hard to see while flying through the air though.

    Honestly I kind of feel like the slugs should probably be more precise but have very rapid damage falloff rather than being so unreliable. It'd probably work out to the same average time to kill without having that one in a million instagib from 50m followed by 10 misses at 20m.
  7. theGwa

    A slug is one giant pellet, so there is no spread. You must be referring to the CoF. Put your gfx settings up and go shoot a wall, you will see one big pellet (or slug) hole. It's sometimes referred to as solid shot.
  8. Zaik

    Yes, CoF is what I'm talking about. Obviously there's only going to be one impact with slug ammo.
  9. theGwa

    Sorry, rereading my post it sounds rather patronising. I also agree, there is some random element to the slug shot. Just tested on the grinder and I found 7 of 9 shots would hit a person sized target at 30m.