NC MAX, Pheonix need to be changed

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Paperlamp, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    MAX: NC > TR = VS
    Engineer: TR > VS > NC
    Medic: TR > VS > NC
    Light Assault: TR > VS = NC
    Heavy Assault: TR > NC > VS
    Infiltrator: TR > NC > VS
    MBT: TR > VS > NC
    ESF: VS = TR > NC

    I should say that the NC maxs got its sligthtly better score here due to two simple factor BIOLAB and tower figth this is where the NC maxs can rak up kills the most but other than that NC maxs are pretty useless unlike TR and vs ones

    but it is very true the NC is pretty much always behind at anything but guess what , a forum mainly controled by tr and vs outfit since beta this is what happen , one day we will maybe get a more perfect balance but its not game breaking balance but still TR prowler need to be tone down many tr weapons should have 30 shot mag instead of 45 etc..

    when you compare most AR from the medic class TR vs VS or even NC ones like gd22 etc.. the fire rate is higher but the magazine remain at 30 and its a 7 shot kills weapons like vs and tr weapons but the problem is that TR have largers magazine and still kill in 7 shot they have try to balance it with horizontale recoils mechanics but it doesnt do exactly the trick lol

    i think since beta it was pretty unfair to give tr a extra 15 shot mag when they still kill in 7 shot like the vs weapons who have 30 shot mag anyway ...
  2. Ranik

    I can agree insofar as the Pheonix is concerned. It's entirely too easy for NC HA to spam an AMS behind cover endlessly. And AMS's make or break a siege.
  3. TheBillOf3D

    I don't know. I can't buy an engineer to save my life and must resort back to engineer to help other maxes. Plus it seems I never have the right max load out for the occasion. I spend most of my time acting as a human shield for these big metal things hiding in the corner. To which I want to tell them "THAT CORNER IS MY SPOT, YOU HAVE SHIELDS I CAN FIX YOU IDIOT". But I'm just far too polite.
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  4. HadesR

    Pretty even across all aspect and all BR levels

    The MBT/ESF tabs also show Score based on BR level.

    Ignoring all the hyperbole and hysteria the forum brings .. Things are pretty balanced..

    Or this about how UP The Carv is and how OP the Nix is
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  5. zib1911

    Your making a huge statement based on nothing but straight BS. I should go threw the forums and pull out the NC whine posts but your not worth my time.
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  6. Phazaar

    Can't believe n00bs are still complaining about this. Seriously. What are you playing at?

    Just get in the game.
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  7. Nobalification

    NC phoenix and NC ability to guide missile is specific for NC. VS have charged ability and we have rof with biga magazina :I. But i dont know why developers set ROF of our missiles to so slow.
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  8. Distortoise

    You're really scraping for crap to complain about when you complain about the Phoenix. For what it gains in hitting stuff out of line of sight it loses in sheer DPS. yes it hurts singularly but between it being so slow that it can barely catch a Sunderer driving away to the reload time, each one is going to be coming at you at such a pace that one guy with a Tech 1 repair tool can repair faster than a Phoenix can deal damage if said heavy is any appreciable distance away (and he likely is, even with the Phoenix being the shortest range rocket).

    Not to mention to do so you're stiff as a board and totally blind to threats to your person (save knowing you're getting hit but you're certainly dead by that point).

    It's a compliment weapon. Basically what it does is put the potential finishing touches on a vehicle trying to escape the rest of the AV assault.

    Also letting the Phoenix go without camera control makes it sink like a stone. It's only going to go about 10 more meters or so before hitting the ground, and trying to go further by overshooting is a guessing game at best.
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  9. randalthorr

    Anyone who thinks the Phoenix is better than the other two empire launchers, is trolling.
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  10. HadesR

    It can be .. But it's situational . But the other two are better than it in other situations .. Swings and roundabouts
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  11. Joram

    Its not better, is different, with Lancers you can snipe every vehicle in render distance, with the Phoenix you can kill vehicles behind cover.
  12. Nobalification

    and with Striker? :) yay be trolling by flares :D
  13. Distortoise

    And with the Striker you can either be a royal pain in the *** or absolutely impotent depending on if the other guy remembered to pack his IR Smoke.
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  14. DashRendar

    Lancer is absolute hell for a MAX.
  15. Devrailis

    The Striker could do with a buff to make it more interesting.

    Like an alternate (dumb) fire mode that fires all the missiles in a spread.

    It would fit the TR's MO of more dakka perfectly.

    Less nerfs, more interesting buffs.
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  16. Pikachu

    Strikers are annoying when you try to drive around fast and crazy with a flash. You get that annoying lock on warning and they always hit you. At the death screen you see an evil terran with his rocket machine gun.
  17. Gavyne

    None of the empire specific rocket launchers should've been added to the game. Yes I have a Phoenix, yes it's fun, but it's so wrong and so badly balanced.
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  18. Nobalification

    Its 1 of 20 scenes in PS 2 of Terran Striker :)
  19. randalthorr

    I cannot lose the Striker lock even flying behind cover. I once flew to the other side of a biolab dome, pitched down steep, rolled backwards and under the biolab and then got hit by a Striker.

    That doesn't even make sense. The only launcher I have an issue with is the TR one. The other two seem equally useless.
  20. Nobalification

    Uselles because they dont have lock on. But Lock on isnt all man. All of us TR, VS or NC say OP guns what they empire dont have but TR have dumb fired Striker. Its not op man. Its missile with half dmg of original T2 Striker Missile (500 dmg original 200 dmg dumb fire missile).