NC Mattherson needs a command overhaul.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ultramarine, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Ultramarine

    As an NC member since beta, and member of the outfit [WMD] since the beginning, I've been watching the NC get more and more disorganized and fragmented. I don't care what outfit you're a part of we need to change something. The TR and vanu outfits and platoons are ALWAYS intercommunicating on our server while the NC run around like idiots without direction. This needs to change if we're ever going to compete again, and I don't just mean Fridays when the NCC wakes up.
    How can we accomplish this Mattherson NC? We need to do something.
  2. KenDelta

    I'll just jump in here and say : A CALL OUT TO WOODMAN-TR AND NC!!!
  3. Psykmoe

    I agree there is a problem. I have no good solutions but I think we should also worry about new player retention. The fragmented nature of Mattherson NC and refusal to use global TEXT channels to any great degree leave new players helplessly adrift. It can't be that hard to occasionally use /orders to say a kind word about the current efforts so new players feel like they're part of a faction and not feel quite so lonely. Or worse, only see NC ***** in /yell.

    It's toxic.
  4. ytman

    Mattherson is a tough cookie. On one hand you have a huge VS Overpopulation Issue and you also have some of the most cooperative and competitive (and good) Outfits on the VS side.

    Furthermore, with the way this game works, Size Matters, and you begin to see unbeatable pushes coming from the Vanu on continents when they control a Good Warp Gate (the 'Bad' warp gates are SE Indar, NW Esamir, and NE Amerish) and hold a solid majority of the population. Ideally the new Resource Revamp would penalize these large zergs with some slight logistical costs but still numbers win wars.

    So the NC has a few things working against them on Mattherson, the TR have a ton working against them (particularly with their terrible GU13 WG placements), and the VS have solid advantages on almost all fronts (and this is excluding the Lasher >> Jackhammer and other such comparisons ;D).

    Ultimately the NC on Mattherson need to consolidate alliances and do what the VS do regularly; stack platoons and take bases.

    One means to do this easily is to use TEAMSPEAK to coordinate our many platoons/squads. Here the VS do this quite often. The other things to do are to, as said before, use ORDERS/LEADER chat productively. However, in my experience it is better for the alliances to be made by outfits directly cooperating with one another rather than tangentially.
  5. Giggily

    No we actually don't use teamspeak, only in game chat. Doing inter outfit coordination out of game is a bad idea.
  6. footjam

    As the fine gentleman from GOKU stated, we use in game to coordinate. We use command chat and /leader to make sure we are working together. We do not stack platoons, we just push the NC/TR back until you are all left in the only base we need to win the alert. We will hit alert targets en masse but we have no choice since that is where you are all hold up anyways.
  7. Ultramarine

    The NCC uses Teamspeak, but they aren't always operating, and many Mattherson NC platoons are noobs running people without higher command, and many outfits are not connected to the NCC.
    This needs to change! But how? Idiots are idiots no mater what you do, and the loud ones will always try to take charge and lead people like lemmings off of a cliff face, how can we fix that?
  8. footjam

    Over on the VS, we have many people that use command chat but the leaders of the major outfits are known across command chat and work together. I can tell you who runs most of the outfits on the VS just from talking to them in Command Chat. We also try to identify our outfits when we first start talking on command chat so that even if the player name is not familiar, you will recognize their outfit. Every person in command chat is treated equally with no "Leader" regardless of size. Every group, from a single squad to a triple platoon, can coordinate and avoid overlapping force until the enemy is cornered.

    We call for help over command chat and other outfits are always eager to help. During alerts, we split our forces to quickly take as much ground as we can, using Attack/Defense Map Icons to show where troops are already headed to avoid overlap.

    We do have ***** that think they are leading with /orders but its really only spammed by 1 person that is mostly universally ignored. Most of the contributing outfits never use /orders except to publicly thank each other. We don't even consider randoms since a majority of our players are in outfits that all belong to the VSA.
  9. ytman

    Very interesting. Unsurprisingly the NC /l channel is pretty vitriolic at times I think the basic fact is that there is not a lot of bridge building on the NC. One forum member of our Outfit called the NC a fraction instead of a faction and I feel that this is true.

    A lot of contention comes from people butting heads over alerts. A while back the general line was 'f alerts' and as a result outfits, imo, just seemed to go after their own individual goals without accepting the unifying goal of working towards an Alert.
  10. CrashB111

    Something that would help NC to do better during alerts was if you even attempted to defend your own territory for once.

    It never fails that during a Tech Plant alert on Indar the NC will try to attack Tawrich when the TR have it *and fail* losing Hvar in the process, and then spend the rest of the alert fighting at Scarred Mesa trying to get into Tawrich instead of trying to retake Hvar.

    If you guys could at least get the VS to divert some force over to that side of the map, TR could push north into Mao which is the only good thing about the SE gate.
    • Up x 1
  11. HEAT

    I think NC and TR outfit leaders should really consider a truce and focus on VS until some of these issues improve. VS donkey stomping everyone day after day isnt helping the server. It makes for poor fights on both sides.
  12. maxx

    SOE already have the technical capability to do a enforced truce once the VS population gets to some percentage. TR and NC get friendly fire issues,If they shoot at anyone but VS.
  13. Xae

    VS can't help the fact that TR and NC are unorganized and don't work with in their empire, let alone with each other.

    People get pissed at VS for being overpopulated, but if NC or TR had gotten their **** together in the last 6+ months it wouldn't be a problem.
  14. Leal

    NC Mattherson chat is the following:

    NCA: We need reinforcements at base!
    NCB: No

    The coalition is also a joke cause they're always paranoid someone else is a spy and refuse to work with any outfits that isn't a part of their circle jerk.
  15. footjam

    I want to clarify, we don't always agree over command chat. If you don't agree with the people on command chat, then lead your platoon how you see fit. Even a poorly lead platoon doing something that makes no sense occupies the enemy and helps your faction so letting the ***** be ***** still benefits the greater group.
  16. StuntPoteten

    The public coms are not "secure".

  17. Dzire

    The NCC does not refuse to work with anyone. Period. Contact me if you're serious about coordination and I'd be happy to talk to you.

    The NCC uses both internal and external comms and understands there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

    You can blame it on the NC Coalition all you want. But when your outfits are a shadow of what they once were and barely able to accomplish anything alone, you need to fix what's going on internally before you try to point the finger elsewhere.
  18. Ultramarine

    As someone in the NCC, there's not a single person who's asked that I know of that's been told no. You simply need to be an outfit leader to get your outfit into it, and you have to currently be playing as an NC to be in chat.
    Note, only the leader of your platoon or a selected representative gets into chat typically.
    The problem isn't the fact that there is no coordination present, it''s that the rest of the NC feels entitled to make their own mini outfit and roll alone, which leaves the NC splintered and worthless.
  19. Phrygen

    FNO seemed to imply that goku use mumble. I assume you mean using certed command chat (leader chat) in game.

    And to the NC who started this thread... TR command chat is much worse 99% of the time
  20. ChampagneDragon

    I am so freakin sick of hearing complaints about NC leadership. There are tools out there if people would utilize them.

    I've stated before the problems are much deeper, and the VS, who love to blame a lack of leadership for the NC and TR problems, can not possibly understand. You can see my thoughts about the problems in many other posts, but each time the discussion comes up the VS refuse to actually hear what is being said by myself and many others. Instead they fall back to "leadership" as the cause.

    I am not saying that the NC or TR are perfect. BUT, I have run with some of the effective VS outfits, and the ONLY difference I see is pure numbers. I do not see any significant difference in leadership abilities or communication, just that they can constantly push bigger numbers at a fight, which in the end makes them more effective.

    There are currently two alliances on Matherson for NC; the previously mentioned NCC and a newer one which we participate in, the NC Strategic Command. They have very different styles, but they are in place and have communications in place.

    If any Mattherson NC outfits want to know about the NCC they can talk to Dzire, and if you want to know about the NCSC you can talk to myself (Blue Lions) or SteelRain or Aldman from Sturmgrenadier.