NC: LA80 - Worth it?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by MagisterCrow, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. MagisterCrow

    So as much as I love my Bolt Driver, I sometimes wish I had something with faster bullets to deal with my personal bane: light assault. Anyone unlock and use this gun? What do you think of it?
  2. soeguud

    in my nooby virtual hands there's no discernable difference.
  3. Tankcommander

    It is significantly faster, makes lining up hits much easier. Also seems to have much less drop, so much so that I find myself shooting over heads on occasion.

    Think you can get it by trial tho, so give it a whirl.
  4. VKhaun

    I am very thankful for my LA80 because I don't bother with a sniper rifle unless we're out at 12x distance. Typically when I take the time to go get set up my targets' heads aren't any bigger than the pips on the rifle. The LA80's higher speed is VERY worth the SC or Certs at that point.

    If you have been leaving the 6x on it that it comes with and using the bolt driver like that, I wouldn't recommend the LA80. You won't notice a difference at medium-long or long range IMO, only really at long-long-long range.

    It has the same drop, but it moves faster, so it falls less distance not because it's falling slower, but because it got to the target before it had the time to drop as far. Subtle difference, but it matters when you're getting a feel for the weapon to shoot at moving targets. The projectile will hit sooner, rather than just higher.
  5. Raidashi

    For long range engagements, i swear by the LA80... The increased speed really reduces the odds of being juked when you can line that shot up, and since you dont need to lead the target as much, its way easier to hit a moving target.
  6. jackrandom

    I have an LA80 and I use this gun for any situation with a 10x scope, you just put the xhair on there head shoot and you got'em, only time you have to compensate for bullet drop is if there really far away And even then it's not much.
  7. MagisterCrow

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll have to give it a test at some point, but it sounds like it's the weapon I'm looking for.
  8. Timeraider

    The fact that at long range you can yust aim right at someone and the bullet will hit the head is awesome.
    At long range sniping you will have to get use to the decreased bulletdrop but its fantastic since the MAXIMAL amount you will have to adust is till the second dot and thats only when that enemy is as small as a grain when looking through an 12 times scope :D
  9. 558U

    At least reload times are almost identical:
    NC14 - 3,5 seconds
    LA80 - 3,7 seconds
    So maybe NC14 could be more useful if you want to play aggressively.
  10. Mordorith

    430m headshot and only needed to use the 2nd dot below center(12x scope) on the head. The BD would probably have required double that compensation for bullet drop so yes, the LA80 is definately a better rifle.
  11. Skurcey

    the bullet drop is insignifiant at middle range to somehow long range, 1 head shot one kill, the bullet is super rapid.
    I love the LA80 !! :D
  12. Aktarus

    its the weapon that dont make me regret my alpha squad suscribtion to be honnest