NC Infantry analysis

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sayl914, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. GraphicJ

    Wishful thinking.
  2. DuckSauce

    Can we get over the delusion that the EM1 is supposed to be a CARV equivalent? The EM1 is clearly equivalent to the T32 Bull and VX-29 Polaris, which are almost identical stats-wise and identical in the attachments they can take. That whole class of LMGs probably needs a buff from 652 to 698 RPM, but we'll see what happens in the balance pass that's been promised this month.
  3. Cyridius

    The recoil for NC does not take much to control. It's almost straight vertical for almost every weapon, it requires you to pull down a small bit when firing. Recoil compensation is a basic skill everybody learns when the play FPS games. While I agree with Flinch, which is a terrible mechanic and shouldn't be in this game, Flinch doesn't come into play nearly as much at longer ranges, which keeps NC competitive. At close ranges NC will be using MAX suits which aren't hindered by flinch nearly as much.
  4. Sayl914

    Maybe I shouldn't have touched on the third rail that is the NC default gun, mistake on my part. As the TLDR states, I am not looking for a nerf of the TR weapons in general, nothing even close was said or stated. I think the EM1 should rightly resemble closer its TR/VS equivalents. I am not even looking for a 750 RPM LMG @ 143 damage, secondly if the arguement is your guns are not balanced because the rest of our empire specifics are what make up for it so be it, I don't know how I get such wild reactions for suggesting that a slight buff to the EM1 would bring it in line with its opposite empire equivalents.

    The EM1 based on the Corvus/Gauss Rifle relationship:

    EM1: Reload speed increased to 4.698/5.394 and ROF increased to 672 (thats a nerf to its reload speed and still not a 750 rpm gun!)

    The EM1 based on the 167 class LMGs relationship:

    EM1: Reload speed increased to 5.3/5.9 and ROF increased to 720 (Still not 750) magazine size reduces to 75.
  5. Hael

    So just so we're on the same page, The OT creates a post backed up by raw numbers from the game. Your response is "anyone could use the stats to prove their point." I call you out on it, and your response is "no, now let me make a bunch of completely unverified claims to prove a point."
  6. Varennikov

    I'm a piston user. Kills em real good now see
  7. Sebyos

    Problem with NC and I never understood why is that they got the highest damage, but often the worse dps by a good margin. I seriously wouldn't mind if all the 200 damage weapons also had the best dps with a RoF buff.
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  8. Cyridius

    None of those claims are unverified. They're all proven in spreadsheets and some statements are simple fact - such as those when it comes to recoil compensation and bloom(Which are also backed up in spread sheets). I'm not going to quote every number for you, one because I know it wont matter worth a **** and two because it's all already there in that spreadsheet for you to look at if you don't believe me.

    In your own words, if you want to contradict me, look in the spreadsheet and wow me.
  9. Cyridius

    TTK isn't really as big an issue as you think. A weapon with a high TTK is going to kill someone if they shoot that person first 90% of the time(Fake number, but point is made). When engagement ranges are rarely the case where two people stand infront of eachother and wail on eachother - you only get that sometimes in Bio Labs - TTK doesn't really factor in until there's a massive disparity. Battles are consisting of dozens of people and the odds are you'll be taking damage from multiple sources and so will they.

    It's even less relevant at long ranges where cover and accuracy are a huge deal.
  10. Sebyos

    No I disagree. TTK is important. It's important so that the person you shoot first can't jump and turn around to kill you like I often do against NC weapons. It's also important because the amount of duels people or at least I get are fairly high and not just in Bio Labs.

    It also matters a lot at range.You have to consider that equally good players will have equally good control of their weapons and the weapon with the best dps will simply win.

    You should try it. Instead of picking the weapon you like, pick the one with the best dps and you will see a considerable difference. For example a lot of my K/D ratio simply comes from the fact that the H-V45 has 800rpm and is a dps beast. It's the case for many many players with good K/D I'm sure, but not many would admit it's mainly because of their weapon and not their skill.
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  11. Doom721

    I like how he just lists all the 200 damage guns and say "They are easy, just use those and scat max"

    I'd use the ACX11 if it wasn't garbage of a gun, even the lackluster Gauss Compact S is better than that unpolished turd. Gauss Saw ranges from entirely destroying enemies ( When you have the jump on them ) to being entirely useless from the hip OR when you are being skill locked, erhm I mean being flinched by a high RPM gun.

    The hate against scattermaxes is laughable, much like their range. They destroy people with burst damage - up close in the 5m range.... and suddenly its screamed "trump card" when there are thousands of meters of terrain inbetween bases to counter maxes apparently being shoveled into Sunderers. Its ok though, I'm certain they shouldn't be that big of a problem considering how powerful high RPM LMGs are on the TR side that every person in existence carries a HA launcher of some kind into every close range engagement.

    NC Guns are fine, people need to stop whining about it so much. The flinch mechanic is not, it is the most infuriating thing to be entirely on target and drop your shots on someone - and only because you didn't have the fastest RPM your shots go all WOBBLY CRAZY off the screen and suddenly the tilt shifts into an enemy HA bobbing your head around until you die. That is pretty much why I don't even bother with the Gauss Saw in any short range encounters anymore.

    There is this common misconception that the guns TR are using are/were overpowered and NC's aren't due to whatever issues, the real thing is that damn annoying *** flinch. That is the only thing that really separates NC guns from the others, generally lower ROF. There are some pretty crappy guns in our arsenal though that I won't even touch, but the mainstream ones do their job just fine.

    great data and analysis OP. too bad most of the VS and TR will ignore it (and anything else that doesn't jibe with their opinions).

    absolutely agree that the EM1 should have been the default NC LMG. that one small change would have done a lot to improve NC infantry straight out of the gate. the Gauss SAW's terrible ROF and atrocious hipfire make it an extremely poor choice for new players.
  13. MurderBunneh

    I disagree the EM6 is the lmg equivalent to the Merc and should be our standard lmg.
  14. iamrob7

    Playing as a VS and a CQC infiltrator the vast majority of the time my experience of NC and TR weaponry is very simple. At the base level the average TR soldier is more of a threat than the average NC soldier. The generic TR grunt seems to be a little better than the average NC grunt, that's probably down to the weaponry. However the elite NC players are a little more threatening than the elite TR players, purely because their weaponry cuts me to pieces up close quicker.

    In short they both have their positives and negatives, I'd say it balances out fairly well, probably the TR have the advantage because the majority of players are not highly skilled. Still, the NC weapons to me are the most effective weapons in the game if you are a player who knows how to handle them.

    I'd also add that the NC pistols are without a doubt the best in the game, TR repeater is pretty nifty, the VS pistols are mediocre at best, but the NC pistols are a genuine threat. They are almost like having a semi-auto scout rifle with you as a secondary in terms of hip fire. Pistols aren't a tremendously important part of the game, I understand that, but they count for something.