[NC] Indar was CAPTURED!

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Excellentz, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. nitram1000

    haha awesome, good job NC looking forward to some nice fights trying to take it from you. Blue is better than red.

    Edit: Thought it was Miller, dang.
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  2. JBHop

    WOOO. YAY! yada yada etc. Can we fight on Amerish now :D?
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  3. subz3r01337

    Gj NC...now if some faction could capture indar in mattherson
  4. Excellentz

    Learn Mandarin...
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    GJ NC, regardless if it doesnt seem fair or not. To tell you the truth, its kind of a relief at the same time, too much pressure to fight to cap everything now gone and maybe we can play with less serious business and more with fun and coordination in mind. Maybe after all this (and for some reason Im not holding my breath) Vanu outfits will finally snap out of their individuality and work together in tandem, but like I said before, Im not expecting it to happen soon. Im not discouraged at all, infact im excited at the next few iterations of tactics and events and you bet your *** JENK SQUAD ALPHA will rise to this challenge, and eventually we will cap all the continents like you guys coordinated with all outfits in vanu. Even if we become the only outfit to do it, I'm not gonna stand idly and ***** about the NC, we'll be on the battle field improving and still having fun.

    Congratulations guys, for now :)
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  6. Reposite

    TBH, everytime i play on Helios... it's always an NC hacker that's either ghostcapping or stalling TR/VS lol. Heard this from EXE's side on Helio's that the NC had a hacker the other night from ComradeC****** to win the continent.

    Whatever, I'm having fun on Waterson and pretty much those guys didnt had to hack to victory :p

    In all fairness, I've seen a fair share of hackers on the TR and VS side as well. To call this a "victory from hacking" is just plain wrong. It's a victory from population, as it always has been for each server that has achieved an Indar cap.

    Waterson isn't clean either.
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  8. XRIST0

    Who cares ?

    If the population was even , there is absolutly no chance of taking indar .

    What you guy are so happy about i just dont understand .
  9. Reposite

    One hacker can prevent a full squad or two from capping a territory. That's how significant an advantage it was.
    I was on my NC toon "E7even" in Helios to investigate a little further when Indar was capped at that night so I knew.
    Not talking down about the NC on Helios for hacking, but you do and should already know that there're lots of China hackers out there. Aided with that and the population advantage it was only a matter of time before NC capped Indar.

    The presence of hackers in the first Indar cap happening on Helios was totally unfortunate. But then again, I applaud you guys for taking Indar. Be happy that you achieved it with 'divine' help from players that camp inside of walls. lol :)

    On a side note, I really love the Reaver vs the Scythe. Don't know why lots of Reaver pilots are complaining about the bugged crosshair... you just have to compensate by leading targets a little further for it.
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  10. korpisoturi

    i think its impossiple to be more bitter than this muppet, for god sakes look at his "sig", even there he is crying about NC maxes+ phoenix .
  11. Malebranche

    Wow, someone actually thanks Chinese hackers. First time for everything I suppose. :eek:
  12. Excellentz

    mmm salty
  13. Maelios

    Congratulations NC!

    They may have won this battle but we'll win the war. Go Purple and Spandex!
  14. NC_Edacyn

    This is a very strange thread.

    I read through the 7 pages of information, and there's some major misinformation here. I logged on at 4:30AM that night only because I couldn't sleep with this horrible head cold I'm fighting, and when I logged on there were a few NC platoons coordinating very well on Indar to lock the continent.

    My observations:
    • You guys who bash the Chinese players, I think really speak from a position of misunderstanding. Perhaps you're just trolling. But I've been playing on Genudine, like GrilledChicken, and others since day one. I have a ton of respect for all the players and outfits on NC. And for what it's worth I've "heard" that 3KDC have a lot of players, but honestly I've never seen hordes of them playing in the middle of the night (Pacific time, where I play from). So the cap of Indar this week was not a Chinese phenomenon.
    • There were multiple platoons. We had a force in the north capping the VS and one in the south capping TR. From my memory the % of VS on Indar during cap was ~15%, and TR <10%, so capping was not an issue. CprJohnson714 and Wickiness were leading the northern platoon (from SKIN), and the makeup of the platoon was highly mixed! We had a few 3KDC, WAR, COLG, HELK and others.
    • Major props to the enemy TR and VS. But even bigger props to the NC community on Helios. Honestly, I have not experienced this much cohesion in a very long time.
    • The official continent lock time was around ~7AM that morning. Considering the population advantage, the TR/VS held onto the very last piece of land as long as they could.
    That's about it for now. See you all on the battlefield.

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  15. kaptinkrunch88

    I think this was the kind of first person account we were hoping to hear. Thank you for helping to clear up some misinformation.
  16. Otulien

    Excellentz, You yourself have post 38 times on your own thread.
    kaptinkrunch88, 20 times.

    What I've gathered from this thread is that you [NC] captured Indar quite early in the morning, with 60% population. You then come here to brag about it, which would be fine, if it was bragging moderately.

    But it seems to me that you know that capturing it so early with so many was unfair, and you feel you have to justify it over and over, very dramatically, to make yourself feel better. Hence the 58 total posts. And the exceptional use of excess punctuation (Excellentz)

    Not to mention that neither of you were online when the cap happend. Other than thefact it should mean something to you in terms of Time, Why are you bragging for other people? let them gloat themselves.

    This thread should have died a long time ago. Can we kill it now?

    Anyway, Congrat's to the NC and all that. Enjoy your victory, hopefully on Hossin there will be an equal playing field.
  17. waskipsma

    at 3:49AM, population was 41% VS, 18% TR, and 39% NC. VS had about 12 more territories to go to capture all of Indar... THEN.. the Chinese hoards logged in. By 5:43AM, population was 25% VS, 18% TR, and 56% NC. I wouldn't say the capture came "early" in the morning, we were running Ops though about 4AM, but when the Chinese hoard logged on, the tables quickly flipped. As usual, the TR never recovered from the earlier VS Ops, but the NC rolled in, secured Peris Amp, drove North and Warp Gates the VS. By 7AMish, the NC Op was done and Indar felled under the Flag of the NC. At 3:40AM, numerous VS folks were talking about "we're going to cap Indar, you'll be able to tell people, 'I was there...'" In a matter of hours, the tables turned and the flag of the NC waved around the VS and TR warp gates. One thing to note, this was not a 2AM Chinese cap as might be suggested by some folks, the NC counter-attack started at about 3:35AMish. We had just routed both the NC and the TR in the South East of Indar. Anyway, it was a good night, good fight, like every night since I started playing 3KDC was out there in massive force.

    The VS operation (near "victory")
    The NC counter-attack begins (notice both VS and NC population go up):
    The NC domination (notice NC population dominates):
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  18. waskipsma

    It would be nice if SOE released some numbers around the actual numbers of players logged in during that time. Maybe stats for that do exist somewhere in Plantside Universe? I just don't know where to look.
  19. JPJones

    Hilarious! Thanks for the recap!
  20. Desann

    Its called the NC probably had about 50% population... if only my faction was as effective when we hit high pop...*cough* vanu *cough*