NC Good close to mid range weapon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Macon2013, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Macon2013

    Hi i mainly play engineer and i'm looking for a close to mid range weapon.

    I mainly use the gd f7 but that weapon i mainly for when the enemy doesn't now you are there can i get some suggestions for this??
  2. TheShrapnelKing

    • Up x 4
  3. Goretzu

    Probably GD-7F, Bandit, Merc (in order from close specialised to still decent close but better further out too).

    You might like the SMGs too (and the AC-X11), but really you need to trial them to see I guess.
  4. Macon2013

    Thanks for the suggestions ill try them out in game
  5. Pikachu

    All the other guns. No noticeable difference.
  6. MorganM

    Mercenary is a fine weapon. If you are strapped for certs just stick with it and upgrade it. To me it's only draw back was a limited ammo pool!

    Blitz is an amazing SMG but that's close range only.

    I have no experience with the Bandit.
  7. Linedan

    Bandit's pretty decent as a hipfire carbine but you can do almost as well with the Merc. It's not great at any one thing but it's versatile and very good for a default starter weapon.
  8. harmypants

    My favourite NC weapon is the Cyclone SMG, whose bigger brother is the Bandit, which really shouldn't be picked up over the stock Merc.

    Go with the Merc.
  9. Whatupwidat

    Razor is my recommendation - but then it's the only weapon I've ever Auraxium'd so it would be lol. It's basically the Merc but better in almost every aspect.
  10. Epic High Five

    Cyclone for close-mid is literally all you'll ever need. It's cross class so you're covered.

    The defaults complement this well by being extremely good at mid-long, though the Merc is definitely more of a close-mid gun. At 250 certs, the Razor is the longer range carbine.
  11. Axehilt

    For engineers I prefer weapons good at long range since that often ends up being the engagement range when I get destroyed out of a vehicle. So personally I prefer the Razor (long-range low-damage bullet laser), but occasionally take the Merc (all-around) when I think closer range fights might happen.

    I usually don't go for closer-ranged weapons than that, since in those cases I probably wouldn't be an engineer. But certainly the GD-7F is a CQC monster.
  12. Jbrain

    cyclone has the best close range weapon once you get used to small magazine.. otherwise use the blitz gd10, has a good ttk, nice clip size.. But all is relative.. I used to ask about whats the best weapons all the time and the truth the best weapon is the one you are best at using.. period.
  13. Idle

    Go cyclone. You need to cert extended mag but after that it will shine.
  14. ronjahn

    For close range go Blitz. To extend the range go cyclone. I don't enjoy the Razor, but a lot of people do. Give those a trial and see if it works out for you.

    In all honesty though you already have the gd7f which IMO is the best close to mid range NC carbine. Once you get used to the reload time and the appropriate bursting technique, you can really get the most out of this gun in those ranges.
  15. Nintyuk

    I tend to use both my weapon slots to keep me covered at most ranges EG Warden Primary with Desperado Sidearm for close range.
    But If you want a close to medium range gun try the mauler with slugs and a 3.4 scope, still works like a shotgun at close ranges but can really put the hurt down at longer ranges.
  16. Littleman

    The mercenary will cover in just about every situation. The GD-7F and cyclone do CQC better, but lack the range capabilities. The blitz is a bullet hose worth considering if you consistently find yourself running out of ammo in a heated gunfight however.
  17. TriumphantJelly