[Suggestion] NC Flinch Value - How to balance the firefights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Banick, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Banick

    Personally, I find the issue is not so much the weapons recoil, but rather the flinch from being shot.

    Allow me to expand. When you are shot, you flinch losing sight of your target and having to reacquire then continue shooting. We can all agree, that all factions get this yes? That is where it is equal, but that is where the issue begins.

    The recoil of TR/VS weapons is minimal, it is there, but all factions agree that NC have it the worst. So to counteract the recoil, NC must burst fire or single shot depending on the range of target. TR/VS have a smaller COF and very high ROF, allowing them to have longer bursts of fire, or even full-auto depending on the distance of the target.

    Expanding furthermore to this, this is where the issue lies. Generally, more bullets down range means more probability of on target, not necessarily kill shots, but more on target. Now the added benefit TR/VS enjoy is that the more bullets they get on us, the more flinch we receive. Whereas our guns ROF is much slower, and our guns recoil means we take longer to get accurate rounds down range.

    The result of this? TR/VS make us flinch more often, meaning the limited shots we get down range, which are already a lot less than TR/VS because of 1: Guns ROF + 2: Burst/Single-Shot fire, miss.

    To balance the flinch issue, means to balance the firefight issue. Our weapons hit harder than TR/VS, everyone agrees on this. As a result, they should incur a harder flinch value on our target. Ergo, TR/VS flinch should be twice as much at bare minimum, causing them to take twice as long to get back on target.

    Thus, their capability to place longer bursts or full-auto on targets is equalized by the skill of the NC player to place flinching shots on target. We still retain the same damage, the same ROF, the same COF, it just balances.

    This does not change anything about TR/VS or NC weapons, nor does it even change the way TR and VS engage each other. It just changes flinch value when they engage the NC.
    • Up x 5
  2. PresidentFreeman

    I agree with the premise of having equal viewkick/flinching across the factions, and I think you are right about giving more flinch to NC weapons to counteract the higher difficulty in staying on-target.

    It'll reward those people who are able to stay on target with NC guns by giving them an equal amount of viewkick on the enemy for their effort.
  3. bendplz

    thats why the terrans are so overpowered because it is generally the most played faction and they have the fastest guns so what can we expect, us NC and vanus do push them back quite often but the real issue here is that we are the underdogs especially with an unorganized playerbase, although we can cap empty bases *woohou*
  4. Ausk

  5. Bill Hicks

    This is a good idea. but would require the devs to admit they were wrong, so not going to happen.
  6. Ausk

    which devs? if you mean the weapon dev team... yeah... all of them but one are TR, the other one is VS.......... who's genius idea was it to allow the dev team to be so biased?!
    i am very upset at this point, and i am done with the game until February... i expect the game to die by march if things don't change
  7. Banick

    I'm happy this has met a support base. I'm also happy to see that there hasn't been any negative input from TR and VS. So I am assuming that they do not disagree with what I've said here.

    Mainly happy of that, because I approached this in a method of fairness. I didn't want to make us overpowered, because our weapons have balanced out as much as the developers possibly could. It's just the other factors that come into play that have been overlooked. Mainly because of the majority of NC players complaining that it was the weapons which were underpowered, when the statistics indicated an equal tradeoff. Yet it still felt like we were coming off at second best in the recoil area.

    This is when I focused on the flinch issue, my entire outfit immediately agreed with me that this may be the core issue as to why we lose most long distance to mid-range engagements.

    Hopefully this is seen by someone in the higher food chain and taken into consideration.
  8. ErrdayHetzering

    two steps on the border on how to win as HA NC. if you fire first; always aim at the chest,
    If your #2 at firing; aim at the feet and you will prevail. anti recoil or 50 rounds per second aint gonna save you if every one of your anti recoil/superfirerate gun hits them first to the face :) even with the crazy amount of flinch.

    EDIT: get the Gds22 or anchor if you want easymode. even at CQC.
  9. Banick

    We don't have a "superfirerate", I believe you are confusing us with TR and VS. Nor do we have anti-recoil, we have the worst recoil on our weapons of all factions.

    Flinch causes you to lose track of your target to the side, above and so forth, it is random and cannot be compensated for. So targeting the chest does not alleviate this issue.
  10. Balliver

    I agree with the problem not necessarily the solution.

    Where I agree-
    When balancing weapons, there are other factors to consider besides just the weapons stats. The game is still somewhat poorly optimized, though it's getting better, there is the flinch mechanic, and there is also screen shake from explosive weapons. It's very clear that these other factors were never considered in the weapon balancing process and has put NC at a great disadvantage because all of these factors skew the balance of power to favor RoF. NC weapons having the worst RoF and the highest recoil exacerbates this even further. If the devs want to try and balance the weapons based solely on stats, like it is now, then they need to get rid of the extra mechanics and handle infantry fighting more like a skill-based twitch shooter. Since we know that isn't going to happen, then they need to go back and rework the weapon stats and flinch mechanics to be more balanced.

    Where I disagree-
    While I personally like the general idea and the simplicity of the fix, I don't think it would be the best solution for the health of the game's playerbase. I've looked through the forum enough to realize that there is a ton of NC QQing about the problems discussed in the above paragraph and I've also seen a lot of players that started off maining NC switch factions because of them. The biggest issue being the flinch mechanic. If the devs made it just as hard for the other factions to aim by increasing the flinch from NC bullets, they'd get just as upset as NC players are now and since that problem would then be equal across all factions, they just may quit playing all together. Nobody likes having to fight their screen shaking all over the place while trying to aim. It's frustrating and I'd like to see it replaced with some other penalty for taking fire. Perhaps a minor vision obstruction effect or slightly slower movement speed for a couple tenths of a second after each hit you take.
  11. Tsalagi

    You mean it is poor game design to remove control of the player charactor from the player? Who would of thunk that (except something I read in Game Desgin principles 15 years ago.....)
  12. Banick

    I understand the negative, but this player-base who would complain would most likely be upset because of the blatant advantage they lost. Possibly even a player percentage who abandoned NC because of it.

    I can also understand the flinch value increase would not be met with appreciation, but looking at the hard fact of ROF flinch occurs more often on NC, and less often on TR/VS but more value, surely it would be viewed as a balanced method in the same way higher ROF = less damage, lower ROF = more damage. It equalizes.