NC booted off the leaderboards...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sagabyte, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Sagabyte

  2. BoomBoom4You

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  3. MasonSTL

    NC players have jobs?
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  4. EViLMinD

    Either TR and VS have a magical force that draws the most skilled and dedicated players OR the NC is grossly UP.

    I've got my opinion.

    On Waterson, I've got the highest NC score. Last I checked, I was 6th or 7th overall. For top kills, NC only has 2 players! Hell...They don't even crack the top 5. Our boy, DVSDelrith slowed down his play time significantly after he hit BR100; otherwise, we'd place higher.

    Why does NC do so poorly?
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  5. Crayv

    Why is BCP is still on there?

    Also NC suck at making helmets apparently.
  6. Phrygen

    Honestly, i think NC have a weak infantry game. thats just me.
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  7. Fredfred

    blame it on the enforcer c85.
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  8. Bill Hicks

    Now now guys before you say that all TR and VS are kids, trustafarians, and moochers, who have no responsibilities and money; remember that friday the 13th is tomorrow.

    Ok now you can say it.
  9. Sagabyte

    TR and VS are kids, trustafarians, and moochers who have no responsibilities and money.
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  10. GoogleIntern2013

    TR OP
  11. Fredfred

    I am still laughing at this.
  12. Chewy102

    We have placements on the daily, weekly, and monthly boards. So it isn't 100% ******, but NC is falling behind very hard in overall terms.

    Why, yes that seems like the case. In the top 50 there are (1am, I might be off in counts) 21 VS and 22 TR players for most play time. NC has 7. Either NC has by FAR the most players with limited time or no one has much reason to play NC for long.!/...orever&view=All&world=All&limit=100&name=Time

    No, I have other opinions. NC infantry (at least on Waterson) can do a lot if they can get the ball rolling. Vehicles, both ground and air, and MAXes are another story though. NC has no Striker or Lancer for mass denial over very long ranges. We have shared NS weapons and the Phoenix that has 300m max range but only about a 200m-250m practical range with a deadzone of about 50m-100m thanks to it using flight distance and not user distance. Turning shortens its range and if you don't fire from cover and turn to attack targets you will die before it has time to hit. Then you have MAXes. NC has nothing to buff our weapons like anchor or ZOE and our MAX is very limited in range and ammo.

    It isn't just one thing. It is a combo of being the hardest faction to play and not having anything of a force multiplier. We got raw force (shotguns and hard hitting slow firing weapons), but almost nothing to make that force better (support or easy to use general use weapons). NC goes for sticking to a role and not straying from that. You are either good in one thing and crap in the rest or just Meh in everything.
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  13. HerpTheDerp

    The way into the leaderboards is to hop into an ESF and rocket pod forever.

    No surprise you won't find an NC up there.

    (the sole exception to this is buzzcutpsycho, who simply played for 16 hours a day)
  14. FigM

    The "top score" board is almost useless if it takes XP boosts into account. People who pay subscription, then people who pay extra for %50 weekly XP boost
  15. Chewy102

    For the top ten yeas, but not top 100.!/...rever&view=All&world=All&limit=100&name=Score

    TR- 42
    VS- 35
    NC- 23

    It should be safe to call the top 100 players in score a decent view into patterns on if something is off. Even in the top 100 killers it is off and that has nothing to do with boosts.

    TR- 35
    VS- 36
    NC- 29

    I might be able to get more details thanks to the Oracle of Death on the PSU forums but that would take a bit and from what I recall it mirrors what Im seeing here.
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  16. biterwylie

    Not even looking at the boards you would have to have serious faction blindness not to know and'feel' how much weaker the NC's game is overall. Does it really matter? I am not so sure!

    Edited to say: Striker does matter! Please balance this!
  17. Spartan 117

    This doesn't surprise me in the least. Guess NC just has to L2P & try harder.....Right???
  18. Jaronallus

    NC weapons are just not as efficient as TR/VS ones.
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  19. Goretzu

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  20. EViLMinD

    NC's poor performance could be due to several factors:

    - lower TTK weapons?
    - slower, easier to hit ESF?
    - crappy ES Harasser primary / Vanguard secondary weapons?
    - more people prefer red/black/white? A group of Germans once figured this too.
    - slow, clumsy MBTs that take a lot more time to learn how to use effectively?
    - received lots more weapon nerfs this year than the other factions?
    - not enough buffs?
    - no special hat on 4th of July? ;)
    - religion and government propaganda is still more enticing than the concept of free market and free will? Most folks just want an authority figure to tell them what to do? Does sound like a simpler way to live.
    - not many warriors - online or off - want yellow stripes on their uniforms?
    - key personalities were pushing other factions and not enough standouts were promoting NC... and FREEDOM?
    - the slogan "Space 'merica" has become more annoying than amusing?
    - deep down... most people would rather play as the badguys?
    - the NC female player voice sounds like a gremlin?
    - not enough people realize just how manly it is to put a shotgun on their plane / dunebuggy / tank / exo-suit?
    - Striker spam shutdown a frick ton of vehicle ops; especially, air to ground? Top players do tend to farm with their planes...

    Those are my guesses.
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