NC aesthetic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tavvergy, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Bankrotas

    Have you ever fired a gun?
  2. Dualice

    In my experience the NC weapons kick up a lot but their horizontal deviance is lower than, say, a lot of TR stuff. So if you're good at controlling vertical recoil you should theoretically kick *** with NC gear.
    • Up x 1
  3. johnway

    I must admit, one of the main draws to the NC was the aesthetics tbh. The reaver and vanguard looked more like conventional stuff and compared to the prowler which is some sort of square hybrid lunchbox thing that 4 wheels and 2 chopsticks stuck to it. The guns didn't look bad and didn't sound as bad as the TR (this was before the sound upgrade) or the VS with their pew pew lasers and cone shaped guns that looked like just giant tubes.

    I dunno, something about the TR just screamed cheap to me with all the bucket style retro helmets and wooden parts on some of the weapons. The NC boxy design reminded me of power armor (especially with all those gundam looking helmets) but more recently i start thinking that perhaps the armor wasn't as awesome as i first thought.