NC a bunch of crybabies?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheEpicJeans, Dec 23, 2012.

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  1. TheEpicJeans

    I came over that multiple times :
    Many (and I really mean many!) NC are complaining about VS beeing OP , which is of course not true ...
    I never saw VS complaining about other factions or TR complaining about VS ...
    So whats your Problem NC? Aren't you happy with your situation?
  2. 4set

    From what I heard, TR cried during beta worse than the NC are now.. Havnt heard anything about VS, but then again, when you have easy mode guns why would you cry to loudly?

    Its w.e though man.. People are always going to cry about percived imbalances, it is the name of the F2P MMO game. I bet VS will take their turn in the boohoo spotlight, and everyone will call them the worst crybabys, blah bah.. again its w.e.
  3. CrushBoss

    I came multiple times once.
    • Up x 1
  4. Garrix

    I've seen two threads today claiming vs are bad and.need fixing, so I dunno where the 'vs don't complain' thing comes from.
  5. TerroDragon23

    I think so.... I like the NC Weapons more then VS cause vs damage per Bullet is to weak for me
    The only Weapon i think is to strong is the T9 Carv.
  6. Dictatorfish

    I play nearly exclusively as a VS medic, I have minimal experience as TR or NC. And, no, in my personal experience NC are not crybabies, most of their weapons really do suck compared to ours and the TR. I quickly understood and support their need for the buff they are crying out for.
  7. Matti

    Sure maby Vanu is balanced...

    Let me know what you think
  8. kill

    Both TR and VS whined all day, all week long about NC being OP in beta. It was MUCH worse than the current NC whining. And NC actually got nerfed hard because of it.

    VS is the most fun and the most easy empire in the game right now. They're definitely the most powerful also. Of course, if you're VS, you'll never agree with that statement. Because you'd NEVER join the most powerful team, right? Laughable.
  9. Dr. Allcome

    And that tells you nothing?
  10. Longman

    VS and TR owns most of the territory most of the times and dominate NC very often. I think this is because there are mainly more players of these factions than NC ones. NC guys don't play more worse than the other two, don't use other tacktics or have lesser skills. New people join the strongest factions (in numbers) or the coolest looking. A new player just has to play 10 minutes to realise that NC is none of these. So people join VS or TR and as there are so many people they win very often. A NC player has to get used to loose or move to the other factions. I wonder what would happen, if SOE allows plyers to transfer their chars to any other faction.
    SOE won't be able to change that in the short run. They can't buff anyting that strong to stand against 3/1.
    NC needs some cool stuff to get more players to join NC. Otherwise it will be VS vs. TR in the long run.
  11. Gavyne

    You are selective reading and nitpicking threads, I see plenty of VS and TR complaints, especially in the class & vehicle forums. Now if you ask why NC complains, well often they have legit complaints such as their slow rate of fire weapons for an example. In a game where your characters twitch when shot, a high rate of fire weapon will often do better than someone with a slower weapon even though the slower weapon hurts more. What good is a harder shot when my character twitch uncontrollably & miss when I'm getting shot by a fast firing weapon? That's a legit complaint. I'll trade my 500 rpm & higher recoil gauss saw for a 750 rpm & lower recoilT9 Carv any day, and no TR has said ok to that offer yet.

    NC also like to complain about the Magriders, but I think it may have something to do with the fact that Magriders can hover and strafe while shooting at you. And again, NC's Vanguards are supposed to hit the hardest, but what good are hard shots when they can't connect? Hit registers in this game are bad, I've had my tank shots go UNDER the Magrider and miss. Now no NC or TR could get that gift of a missed shot because both of our tanks do not have a space beneath our tanks. A stationary Magrider could dodge an AP shot from a Vanguard, that's just how fast a Magrider can maneuver. And when they get into those rare trouble times, they zoom away to safety and repair. I think that's a legit complaint but I suppose one could view it as "grass is greener" syndrome. Or one faction jealous of another faction's toys.

    But then you combine both complaints together, you see how these complaints may actually be valid and could affect ingame gameplay. I know factions are supposed to be different, so sure, no problem. But I do think developers sometimes balance things without thinking about everything. They probably thought hey look, a faction with faster weapon and lower recoil vs a faction with slower weapon and higher recoil, yup balanced. But they don't think about how characters twitch in this game when shot, and twitch is worse than a recoil, it spreads your shot way high and wide, you can't control it. So the balance sounded good on paper, but in reality they work differently.

    By the way VS are complaining about their weapons being lacking, I've seen several threads about it. TR, I don't know they seem to have the sweet spot currently but I can dig up plenty of complaint threads..
  12. Seafort

    How about you play NC character for a week and come back and tell us all how it was :) If you aren't willing to do that then **** :)

    This goes out to all TR/VS players. Make an NC character and play for more than a day and see how you get on.
  13. Skillet

    VS cried hard during Beta and I mean every other thread qq. So hard that Higby and Smed, (because they supposedly play NC) felt taken back a bit. So they nerfed NC at end of Beta while buffing both VS and TR. No faction will ever top VS on the cry baby scale.
  14. DG-MOD-17

    Please keep all posts constructive and civil. Closing thread.
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